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HDU 5916 - Harmonic Value Description

2016-10-29 13:05 459 查看
Problem Description

The harmonic value of the permutation p1,p2,⋯pn is


Mr. Frog is wondering about the permutation whose harmonic value is the strictly k-th smallest among all the permutations of


The first line contains only one integer T (1≤T≤100), which indicates the number of test cases.

For each test case, there is only one line describing the given integers n and k (1≤2k≤n≤10000).


For each test case, output one line “Case #x: p1 p2 ⋯ pn”, where x is the case number (starting from 1) and p1 p2 ⋯ pn is the answer.

Sample Input


4 1

4 2

Sample Output

Case #1: 4 1 3 2
Case #2: 2 4 1 3

题意:先定义和谐值:一个序列中,将每两个相邻的数都求一遍GCD的全部的和。给出一个序列和一个值 k,将给出的序列进行全排列,求出第 k 小的和谐值所对应的序列。给出一个 T 表示数据组数,每行给出一个 n 和 k,n 表示 1 - n 的序列。

一开始想用 next_permutatiom 函数来做,但是数据真是大的不行。后来发现可以构造出一个序列来,因为相邻的两个数的GCD是1,所以第 k 小的值就是让 k 和 2*k 相邻,其他相邻的数的GCD还是1即可。一开始先摆出 2*k 和 k,然后 k+1 到 n,最后 1 到 k-1。

注意是 k 和 k+1 相邻,不要让 2*k 和 k+1 相邻。

#include <cstdio>

int main()
int T;
scanf("%d", &T);
for (int icase = 1; icase <= T; ++icase)
int n, k;
scanf("%d%d", &n, &k);
printf("Case #%d: %d %d", icase, k*2, k);
for (int i = k+1; i <= n; ++i)
if (i == 2*k)
printf(" %d", i);
for (int i = 1; i <= k-1; ++i)
printf(" %d", i);
return 0;
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标签:  ACM HDU