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2020-08-05 10:53 225 查看

When it comes to website design, we have come a long way in a relatively short space of time. Which is just as well, when you consider the blinking text and animated gifs that seemed to be the preferred option for trendsetting webmaster of that era. We have all evolved when it comes to how we use the internet and web designers have definitely tried their best to adapt to changing trends and preferences. The current focus and emphasis from a design perspective, is minimalism and readability combined with ease of use as a top priority.

在网站设计方面,我们在较短的时间内取得了长足的进步。 同样,当您考虑闪烁的文本和动画gif时,它们似乎是那个时代的趋势网站管理员的首选。 在使用互联网的方式上,我们都已经发展了,网页设计师肯定会尽力适应不断变化的趋势和偏好。 从设计角度来看,当前的重点和重点是简约性和可读性以及易用性。

This infographic takes a look at current web design trends and runs through a list of what design features are now heavily used in order to give visitors to a website, engaged and able to navigate with as much ease as possible.


Responsive design is probably the biggest innovation and is a critical design feature when you consider how many people now visit websites using a cell phone or table. The default browsing tool is no longer a PC and responsive design allows a website to automatically adjust the size of the screen it is being viewed on.

考虑到现在有多少人使用手机或桌子访问网站,响应式设计可能是最大的创新,并且是关键的设计功能。 默认的浏览工具不再是PC,响应式设计允许网站自动调整正在查看其屏幕的大小。

There are many positives connected with this design feature, but responsive design is not without its issues, which can affect things like page load times, but the pros outweigh the cons as far as many web designers are concerned.


It is also predicted that we will see more scrolling features such as parallax scrolling. This allows the background of a website to operate at a different speed to the rest of the page, which allows the opportunity for some impressive animation tricks to be performed.

还可以预测,我们将看到更多的滚动功能,例如视差滚动。 这使网站的背景可以以与页面其余部分不同的速度运行,从而可以执行一些令人印象深刻的动画技巧。

Web designers have worked hard to make our current browsing experiences as easy and enjoyable as possible, but which trends will become the go-to options and which will fade away like some of the ideas before them?


Original source: Basics to Design a Website

原始来源: 网站设计基础

Original source: 2014 Web Design Trends

原始资料: 2014年Web设计趋势

Original source: Web Design Evolution

原始资料: Web设计演进

翻译自: https://www.script-tutorials.com/infographic-website-design-basics-and-trends/

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