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PAT03-树1. List Leaves (25)

2015-04-08 22:34 316 查看
Given a tree, you are supposed to list all the leaves in the order of top down, and left to right.

Input Specification:

Each input file contains one test case. For each case, the first line gives a positive integer N (<=10) which is the total number of nodes in the tree -- and hence the nodes are numbered from 0 to N-1. Then N lines follow, each corresponds to a node, and gives the indices of the left and right children of the node. If the child does not exist, a "-" will be put at the position. Any pair of children are separated by a space.

Output Specification:

For each test case, print in one line all the leaves' indices in the order of top down, and left to right. There must be exactly one space between any adjacent numbers, and no extra space at the end of the line.

Sample Input:

1 -
- -
0 -
2 7
- -
- -
5 -
4 6

Sample Output:

4 1 5


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define MAXSIZE 10

typedef struct TreeNode {
int data;
int tLeft;
int tRight;
struct TreeNode *left;
struct TreeNode *right;
struct TreeNode *next;
} tNode, *pNode;

typedef struct TreeQuene {
pNode front;
pNode rear;
}tQuene, *pQuene;

pQuene CreateQuene();
void AddQ(pQuene q, pNode node);
pNode DeleteQ(pQuene q);
//void OrderTraver(int root, pNode tPointArray[]);
int IsEmptyQuene(pQuene q);

int main()
int lines, i;
int left, right;
char strleft, strright;
pNode tPointerArray[MAXSIZE];
pNode tPointer;

scanf("%d", &lines);
int flag[MAXSIZE] = {
for (i = 0; i < lines; i++) {
tPointer = (pNode)malloc(sizeof(tNode));
scanf("%c %c", &strleft, &strright);
if (strleft == '-') {
left = -1;
} else {
left = (int)(strleft - '0');
flag[left] = 1;

if (strright == '-') {
right = -1;
} else {
right = (int)(strright - '0');
flag[right] = 1;

tPointer->data = i;
tPointer->tLeft = left;
tPointer->tRight = right;
tPointer->left = NULL;
tPointer->right = NULL;
tPointerArray[i] = tPointer;

int rootIndex;
for (i = 0; i < lines; i++) {
if (flag[i] != 1) {
rootIndex = i;

//create Tree
for (i = 0; i < lines; i++) {
if (tPointerArray[i]->tLeft != -1) {
tPointerArray[i]->left = tPointerArray[(tPointerArray[i]->tLeft)];
} else {
tPointerArray[i]->left = NULL;
if (tPointerArray[i]->tRight != -1) {
tPointerArray[i]->right = tPointerArray[(tPointerArray[i]->tRight)];
} else {
tPointerArray[i]->right = NULL;


//root index
pNode root = tPointerArray[rootIndex];

pQuene quene = CreateQuene();
AddQ(quene, root);
int flagg = 1;
while (!IsEmptyQuene(quene)) {
pNode node = DeleteQ(quene);
if (!(node->left) && !(node->right)) {
if (flagg) {
printf("%d", node->data);
flagg = 0;
} else {
printf(" %d", node->data);

if (node->left) {
AddQ(quene, node->left);
if (node->right) {
AddQ(quene, node->right);

return 0;

pQuene CreateQuene()
pQuene q = (pQuene)malloc(sizeof(tQuene));
q->front = NULL;
q->rear = NULL;
return q;

void AddQ(pQuene q, pNode node)
if (!(q->rear)) {
q->rear = node;
} else {
q->rear->next = node;
q->rear = node;

if (!(q->front)) {
q->front = node;

pNode DeleteQ(pQuene q)
pNode temp = q->front;
if (temp) {
q->front = q->front->next;
return temp;
} else {
return NULL;

int IsEmptyQuene(pQuene q)
if (q->front == NULL) {
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
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