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2020-08-21 15:41 337 查看


In college, like many of my fellow college students, Google was my dream company. If I got an offer there, I just knew the job would be perfect. But if you asked me what about my job would be perfect, I wouldn’t have been able to tell you. I was still in college and couldn’t begin to describe what aspects of a company made it good to work at. I just knew that whatever the aspects were, Google probably had them all.

在大学里,就像我的许多大学生一样,谷歌是我梦想中的公司。 如果我在那里得到一份报价,我只是知道工作会很完美。 但是,如果您问我,我的工作将是完美的,我将无法告诉您。 我当时还在上大学,无法描述公司的哪些方面对工作有益。 我只是知道,无论什么方面,Google都可能拥有。

After getting that dream job and working there for five years (and then quitting), I’ve come to realize that the concept of a dream company is much more complicated than I believed in college. I’ve discovered things that are important to me in a company that are unimportant to others, and vice versa.

在获得梦想的工作并在那里工作了五年(然后辞职)之后,我逐渐意识到,梦想公司的概念比我在大学中所认为的要复杂得多。 我发现在一家公司中对我来说很重要的事情对其他人而言并不重要,反之亦然。

There is no perfect company, but there may be a perfect company for you.


In this post I’ve tried to come up with different aspects of a company that may or may not be important to you. I hope that as you progress your career and work different places, these can help you clarify what it is that you like and dislike in a company. And they can inform the questions you ask when interviewing for your next role.

在这篇文章中,我试图提出公司的各个方面,这些方面可能对您或不重要。 我希望随着您的事业发展和在不同的地方工作,这些可以帮助您弄清自己在公司中的喜好。 他们可以在面试下一个职位时告知您提出的问题。

I’ve broken these aspects of companies into a few categories.


声望 (Prestige)

If I’m being completely honest, this is what drew me to Google. And while that sounds silly in retrospect, there were clear benefits that shouldn’t be discounted. Having Google on my resume has made job hunting simpler. People are more likely to assume you know what you’re talking about with that brand attached to you. This can be especially important as a minority where people tend to not take you seriously without evidence to back you up.

如果说实话,这就是吸引我前往Google的原因。 回顾过去,这听起来很可笑,但显而易见的好处不容小discount。 在我的简历中使用Google可以简化求职过程。 人们更有可能假设您知道与该品牌相关的内容。 这对于作为少数群体的人们尤其重要,因为在这种情况下,人们往往会在没有证据支持的情况下不重视您。

补偿金 (Compensation)

Despite the idea that you should love your work so much you would do it for free, it’s okay to care about compensation. Different companies have different compensation structures.

尽管您认为自己应该非常热爱您的工作,但您可以免费做,但关心补偿是可以的。 不同的公司有不同的薪酬结构。

  • How much of the compensation is in a bonus? How likely is it that you will exceed the bonus target? How likely is it that you will not get any bonus at all? Is the bonus based on your own performance, your team performance, or the company performance?

    奖金中有多少补偿金? 您超过奖金目标的可能性有多大? 您根本不会获得任何奖金的可能性有多大? 奖金是基于您自己的绩效,团队绩效还是公司绩效?
  • If the company has stocks or bonuses that vest over time, how will that vesting period affect your career plans? Will it make it difficult for you to leave the company? Will your compensation for the first year, before the bonuses/grants start vesting, be underpaid? Can you afford that? Can you get a signing bonus to help out for the first year?

    如果公司拥有随时间推移归属的股票或奖金,那么该归属期将如何影响您的职业计划? 您离开公司会很难吗? 在奖金/赠款开始归属之前的第一年,您的报酬是否会少付? 你负担得起吗? 您可以获得签约奖金以帮助第一年吗?

职业成长 (Career Growth)

It’s good to understand what career progression typically looks like at the company. Some companies allow people to stay individual contributors while still advancing their careers. Others require people to switch to a management track for this.

了解公司的职业发展通常是很好的。 一些公司允许人们在继续发展自己的事业的同时保留个人贡献者。 其他要求人员为此切换到管理轨道。

  • What does the typical career progression track look like? How long does each step take? Is there a role where most people stop climbing the ladder?

    典型的职业发展轨迹是什么样的? 每个步骤需要多长时间? 大多数人会停止爬梯子吗?
  • How long do people tend to stay before leaving the company? At what level do most people leave? Is this answer different for minority groups?

    人们倾向于离开公司多长时间? 大多数人离开哪个级别? 对于少数群体来说,这个答案是否有所不同?
  • How does the promotion system work? How much discretion does your manager have? In what ways are you able to advocate for yourself? Which activities are rewarded? If you enjoy spending time on something not in your job description (diversity work, open source work, recruitment events, etc), will that help or hurt your career trajectory?

    促销系统如何运作? 您的经理有多少酌处权? 您可以以什么方式为自己辩护? 奖励哪些活动? 如果您喜欢在工作说明中没有的事情上花费时间(多样性工作,开源工作,招聘活动等),这会有助于或伤害您的职业发展轨迹吗?

个人成长 (Personal Growth)

If you’re the kind of person who enjoys switching companies every so often, it’s important that you be building skills that will help your resume at each job.


  • Will you be working with internal tools and libraries or external ones? (How transferrable are the skills you’re learning to your next job?)

    您将使用内部工具和库还是外部工具? (您所学的技能对下一份工作有多大的转移性?)
  • How transparent is the company about the work they do? Would you be able to mention the projects you’re working on in future interviews?

    公司对其工作的透明度如何? 在以后的采访中,您能否提及您正在从事的项目?
  • Personal growth can also include things like speaking at conferences, contributing to open source, etc. Is this something your company allows or maybe even financially supports?


文化 (Culture)

This is such a broad category that it’s hard to break it down. There’s also many aspects to culture that may seem good to you and awful to other people. Some people love making friends at work where others want to keep their professional and personal life separate. I’ve tried to keep this section as neutral as possible, not encouraging any point as a positive or negative.

这是一个如此广泛的类别,因此很难对其进行细分。 文化中还有许多方面对您来说似乎很好,而对其他人来说却很糟糕。 有些人喜欢在工作中结交朋友,而另一些人则希望保持职业和个人生活分开。 我试图使本节尽可能保持中立,不鼓励任何观点为正面或负面。

  • What is the relationship like between coworkers? Do people go out for drinks after work? Do they hang out with coworkers on the weekend? Is it frowned upon to decline to hang with coworkers after work?

    同事之间的关系如何? 人们下班后出去喝酒吗? 他们在周末和同事一起闲逛吗? 下班后拒绝和同事一起绞死,这是不是很讨厌?
  • How competitive is the culture?

  • How siloed are the teams? Do you have access to the code the rest of the company is working on or only your own?

    团队多么愚蠢? 您是否有权访问公司其余部分正在使用的代码,或者只能访问您自己的代码?
  • What kind of language is used at the company? Do people curse? Do people make casually sexist comments? Is it considered okay or rude to speak in foreign languages?

    公司使用哪种语言? 人们会骂人吗? 人们会随意发表性别歧视言论吗? 用外语说话被认为可以吗?
  • What are the “rules”? Is there a dress code? Is there a strict time you must be in the office by? Are you allowed to have a beer at your desk? What about in a common area in the afternoon/evening?

    都有些什么样的规矩”? 有着装要求吗? 您必须在办公室有严格的时间吗? 您可以在办公桌前喝啤酒吗? 下午/晚上在公共区域呢?
  • What does the makeup of the company look like? How many women are there? How many racial minorities? How are they supported? Does the company have employee resource groups? Is there transparency or accountability around how much they pay or promote minorities?

    公司的外观是什么样的? 那里有几个女人? 有多少少数民族? 他们如何得到支持? 公司是否有员工资源组? 他们为少数族裔支付多少钱或提倡少数族裔是否具有透明度或问责制?
  • How are cases like harassment handled? Do people trust HR to help them out of a situation? Do people fear for their jobs? Do the outcomes of HR investigations depend on the positions of the people in the company?

    骚扰等案件如何处理? 人们相信人力资源可以帮助他们摆脱困境吗? 人们为工作感到恐惧吗? 人力资源调查的结果是否取决于公司员工的职位?

灵活性 (Flexibility)

  • How much say do you have over the projects you work on? Are they assigned by managers or do you seek out your own work?

    您对正在从事的项目有多少意见? 他们是由经理分配的,还是您自己寻找工作?
  • How many hours are you expected to work? Is it okay to leave early if you got a lot done? Can you work from home when you have a delivery coming? Do people who work longer hours get more respect?

    您预计要工作几个小时? 如果做得很多,早起可以吗? 送货时可以在家工作吗? 工作时间更长的人会得到更多的尊重吗?
  • How easy is it to transition between different teams? Roles? Offices?

    在不同团队之间进行转换有多容易? 角色? 办公室?
  • Are you able to pursue personal interests during work hours? Can you volunteer during work hours? Will they pay you for those volunteering hours? Will they donate to the group you’re volunteering with?

    您能否在工作时间内追求个人利益? 您可以在工作时间自愿吗? 他们会为您的志愿服务时间付款吗? 他们会向您志愿参加的团体捐款吗?

津贴 (Perks)

  • Does the company go out of its way to keep you excited through swag / shirts / events?

  • Does the office include amenities like a gym or doctors office?

  • Does the company offer free food/snacks/drinks?

  • How free is the company with its money? Could you expense a team dinner to welcome a new hire? Could you expense a cake for your birthday?

    公司的资金有多免费? 您可以花队晚宴来欢迎新员工吗? 你能为生日花一个蛋糕吗?

What’s important to you in a company that I missed? Leave it in the comments so others can consider that as well!

在我错过的公司中,对您来说重要的是什么? 将其保留在评论中,以便其他人也可以考虑!

翻译自: https://medium.com/swlh/whats-in-a-dream-company-f244862acc12


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