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2020-08-21 15:31 477 查看

One of the most import activity of each scrum team is assigning the story point to each user story. A story point is an abstract measure of effort required to implement a user story. In simple terms, it is a number that tells the team about the difficulty level of the story.

每个Scrum团队最重要的活动之一就是为每个用户故事分配故事点。 故事点是实现用户故事所需的工作量的抽象度量。 简而言之,它是一个数字,告诉团队故事的难度。

The problem, of course, is that the development team need to do this together. Doing this requires some form of negotiation.

当然,问题是开发团队需要一起做。 这样做需要某种形式的谈判。

Due to the Oxford Advanced American Dictionary, Negotiation is a formal discussion between people who are trying to reach an agreement.


Negotiation sometimes leads to conflict. The reason why negotiation sometimes leads to conflict is that people when they negotiate, will negotiate a position and then get very locked into one position and won’t budge from that one position.

谈判有时会导致冲突。 谈判有时会导致冲突的原因是,人们在进行谈判时会先谈判一个职位,然后非常陷入一个职位,而不会从那个职位退缩。

Based on my experience, I recommend instead of negotiating a specific position, each development team member should negotiate how to achieve the sprint goal instead of their interests.


Scrum Master as a facilitator must:

Scrum Master作为促进者必须:

Remove any impediment which prevents Clear and Effective Communication


The development team must have the ability to communicate clearly and effectively to each other during the negotiation. Misunderstandings can occur if each team member does not state his/her case clearly.

开发团队必须有能力在谈判过程中彼此清晰有效地沟通。 如果每个团队成员都没有清楚说明自己的案情,就会产生误解。

Take off any obstacle which makes a problem with Collaboration and Teamwork


Negotiations aren’t usually one hand versus another. Those involved in negotiations on both sides of the issue need to work together to find a satisfactory solution.

谈判通常不是一只手与另一只手。 参与该问题双方谈判的人需要共同努力,以找到令人满意的解决方案。

As an example, imaging scrum team is going to add functionality based on the product owner request which has been requested by the customer, but for this, the UI must change. The team is now going to negotiate or estimate the story. One of the team members is thinking that this is a really simple task, and this will have maybe two or three story points. He/she is thinking that this will take maybe one day’s worth of effort. However another development team member says this is an important feature and it’s so complex and we really can’t fool ourselves this is a monumental feature, it’s going to take a minimum of one week or more to do, this is going to be something like 12 or 18 story points.

例如,成像Scrum团队将基于客户已请求的产品所有者的请求添加功能,但是为此,UI必须更改。 团队现在要谈判或评估故事。 团队成员之一认为这是一项非常简单的任务,可能会有两三个故事点。 他/她认为这可能需要一天的时间。 但是另一位开发团队成员说,这是一项重要功能,而且非常复杂,我们真的不能自欺欺人,这是一项里程碑式的功能,至少需要一周或更长的时间才能完成,这就像12或18个故事点。

As you can see in this example, the problem is most likely one of the team members will become embarrassed to offer such a low estimate.


To estimate user stories and assign the appropriate story points to them scrum team need to come up with a facility that helps them humans negotiate and avoids the loudmouth, dominating personality problem. They can do that with something called agile estimation techniques. Some of the well-known and useful agile estimation techniques are:

为了估计用户故事并为他们分配适当的故事点,Scrum团队需要提供一种设施,以帮助他们进行人类协商并避免大声说话,这是支配人格的问题。 他们可以使用称为敏捷估计技术的方法来做到这一点。 一些众所周知且有用的敏捷估计技术包括:

1. Planning Poker


2. T-Shirt Size.

2. T恤尺寸。

3. Dot Voting


4. The Bucket System


5. Three-point method (Large/Uncertain/Small)


6. Affinity Mapping


7. Ordering method


If you are keen to know more about agile estimation techniques, please see Robbrecht van Amerongen post about 7 Agile Estimation Techniques — beyond Planning Poker

如果您想了解更多有关敏捷评估技术的信息,请参阅Robbrecht van Amerongen发表有关7种敏捷评估技术的文章-超越规划扑克

翻译自: https://medium.com/swlh/understanding-negotiation-and-agile-estimation-dfe870504f9a

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