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32 Free premium wordpress themes Many of us have websites built on the popular engine – wordpress. And, from time to time we consider a matter of updating the site design. As we know, templates can be paid and free. In this review we consider the thirty-two excellent free templates for wordpress. All of them are provided by Themes4all, who has recently updated their lineup of free wordpress templates. Well, let’s take a look at this collection.

32个免费的优质wordpress主题我们很多人都在流行的引擎-wordpress上建立了网站。 而且,我们有时会考虑更新站点设计。 众所周知,模板可以是免费的。 在这篇评论中,我们考虑了32个优秀的wordpress免费模板。 它们全部由Themes4all提供,后者最近更新了其免费wordpress模板的阵容。 好吧,让我们看一下这个集合。


Responsive parallax slider plugin for WordPress. Enjoy custom, content or video slides.

WordPress的响应式视差滑块插件。 欣赏自定义,内容或视频幻灯片。


Ideal theme for a restaurant website that content all you need to say to your potential customers. Visitor will find detailed google map with your address and business hours.

餐馆网站的理想主题,它满足您对潜在客户所说的一切。 访客会找到详细的Google地图以及您的地址和营业时间。


Very simple and clean theme with straight lines. You can use PixLex as a blog, personal website or a small company presentation. Theme comes with our Responsive parallax slider that makes great featured posts.

主题非常简单干净,带有直线。 您可以将PixLex用作博客,个人网站或小型公司演示文稿。 主题带有我们的自适应视差滑块,可以使精选文章成为可能。

G Artic

G Artic is a universal theme based on simplicity and freshness. The wonderful combination of white and dark red is the perfect choice for any kind of website.

G Artic是基于简约和新鲜感的通用主题。 白色和深红色的完美结合是任何类型网站的理想选择。


Colorite is a responsive theme with a special parallax slider – universal theme with a wide use and above standard features.



Elegant dark theme with responsive parallax slider. Suitable for personal blogs, company webs or as small e-magazine.

优雅的深色主题与响应视差滑块。 适用于个人博客,公司网站或小型电子杂志。


Aries is responsive WordPress theme with two sliders. Now you can choose between Liquid slider and responsive parallax slider Slider4all. Clean design and bright colors, that is elegant company theme Aries.

白羊座是具有两个滑块的响应式WordPress主题。 现在,您可以在液体滑块和响应视差滑块Slider4all之间进行选择。 干净的设计和鲜艳的色彩,就是白羊座优雅的公司主题。


Lets Play is a universal and good looking theme, which offers more ways how to convey information using special graphics elements . It works equally well for the company, for the performance of certain projects and the individual person who wants something to tell the world through website. In the individual “blocks” can upload the entire image area or text. You will appreciate the effects that we’ve revived the template, for example the main menu.

Lets Play是一个通用且美观的主题,它提供了更多使用特殊图形元素传达信息的方式。 它对于公司,某些项目的执行以及希望通过网站向外界传达信息的个人同样有效。 在单个“块”中,可以上传整个图像区域或文本。 您将欣赏我们为模板带来的效果,例如主菜单。


Photograph is a responsive WordPress theme perfect for a presentation website. Homepage is very simple and contains only menu and a responsive parallax slider.

Photograph是响应式WordPress主题,非常适合演示文稿网站。 主页非常简单,仅包含菜单和响应视差滑块。


This theme is suitable for an e-magazine or a blog. It offers multiple category selection for home page and new custom widgets. Jumn News includes post formats.

该主题适用于电子杂志或博客。 它为主页和新的自定义小部件提供了多个类别选择。 《 Jumn新闻》包括帖子格式。


Expecto is responsive WordPress theme suitable for portfolio or for product presentation.



Very specific template for very specific usage. Band – thats the theme of this design. Very nicely stylized to be a great and attractive presentation of your school band or a professional group of musicians.

针对特定用途的非常特定的模板。 乐队–这就是本设计的主题。 非常好的风格,可以很好地展现您的学校乐队或专业音乐人的风采。


More red pixels than in any other Pix collection template. Redish design with style that belongs to more universal set of themes.

红色像素比任何其他Pix集合模板中的红色像素都要多。 带样式的淡化设计属于更通用的主题集。


Simple black, blue, white template with all our features. Responsive parallax slider on homepage with big slogan space have to attract everyone.

具有我们所有功能的简单黑色,蓝色,白色模板。 标语空间大的主页上的自适应视差滑块必须吸引所有人。



Staancia is a responsive theme in dark colour shades dominated by a responsive parallax slider. It’s perfect for a presentation of an individual or a company.

Staancia是一种以响应式视差滑块为主的深色响应式主题。 非常适合演示个人或公司。


Easy Blog– the name speaks for itself. The unique feature of this responsive blogger theme is that you can set up to three thumbnails to the individual posts. Create a wonderful blog with Easy Blog.

Easy Blog –这个名字不言而喻。 这种响应式博客主题的独特功能是,您可以为单个帖子设置最多三个缩略图。 使用Easy Blog创建一个精彩的博客。


Zconet is a beautiful, tasteful and highly responsive theme. If you wish to present your company in an original yet practical way Zconet is here for you!

Zconet是一个美丽,有品味且响应Swift的主题。 如果您想以新颖却实用的方式介绍您的公司,Zconet将在这里为您服务!


Get ready for something new, modern and original! Neatness is a responsive blogger theme with a unique design. On the main page you will find square thumbnails of individual posts.

为新的,现代的和原创的东西做好准备! 整洁是具有独特设计的响应式博客主题。 在主页上,您可以找到各个帖子的方形缩略图。


Here comes the lovely Daddy’s little girl. It has a wide use, but is especially suitable for personal websites, e.g. a wedding website, personal presentation or a blog. Daddy’s little girl really has its magic. The handwritten font, neutral background and the designer accessory – ?sticked photos’ give it a friendly yet tasteful look. Two boxes on the Home Page come with a number of thumbnails (in the administration), so you can choose what suits your website the best.

可爱的爸爸的小女孩来了。 它具有广泛的用途,但特别适用于个人网站,例如婚礼网站,个人演示或博客。 爸爸的小女孩真的有魔力。 手写字体,中性背景和设计师配件–“粘贴照片”使它看起来既友好又雅致。 主页上的两个框带有许多缩略图(在管理中),因此您可以选择最适合您的网站的缩略图。


Feel the sound is a modern theme full of energy! Its effect is marvelous; you can really feel the music! If you are looking for a perfect theme to display music content, you have found what you were looking for.

感觉声音是充满活力的现代主题! 其效果令人赞叹; 您可以真正感受到音乐! 如果您正在寻找一个完美的主题来显示音乐内容,那么您已经找到了想要的东西。


Yes, do show it! Show anything you want with this pleasant two column theme dominated by a big slider. A universal theme such as SHOWit will wonderfully represent your company or personal interests.

是的,请显示它! 这个令人愉快的两列主题(由一个大滑块控制)显示您想要的任何内容。 诸如SHOWit这样的通用主题将很好地代表您的公司或个人利益。


Christmas is finally here. Christmas time theme is radiating the calm, love and joy of this holiday. You can almost smell vanilla and cinnamon, and in combination with the red design, it inspires festive atmosphere in everybody. Despite its decorativeness, this theme is still keeping a clear look.

圣诞节终于到了。 圣诞节的主题散发出这个假期的平静,爱与喜悦。 您几乎可以闻到香草和肉桂的味道,再加上红色设计,可以激发所有人的节日气氛。 尽管具有装饰性,但此主题仍保持清晰外观。


Choose The Boxes theme for a clearly arranged website. It perfectly fulfils its blogger theme purpose by regrouping your articles into boxes. The dark blue background will underline the colourful and interesting images accompanying your text.

选择“盒子”主题以安排一个清晰的网站。 通过将您的文章重新组合到框中,它完全实现了其博客主题的目的。 深蓝色背景将突出显示伴随您的文本而丰富多彩的有趣图像。


GRN really is green. This colour is well known for its soothing effects especially on sight. It’s not the colour of life for no reason. The spring grass – the first sign of life after a chilly winter, has inspired us to create this lovely theme. GRN uses a striking font in headlines and a creative “grassy” design below the article headlines in slider. Your blog will stand out even if your texts and pictures are all green.

GRN确实是绿色的。 这种颜色以其舒缓效果而闻名,尤其是在视觉上。 这不是无缘无故的生活色彩。 春天草是寒冷的冬天之后生命的第一个标志,它启发了我们创造这个可爱的主题。 GRN在标题中使用醒目的字体,并在滑块的标题下方使用创新的“草稿”设计。 即使您的文字和图片都是绿色的,您的博客也会脱颖而出。


eMFAVOR is a nice pink theme with blurred lights in the background. These decorative lights make its simple design really interesting. Outstanding headlines and accompanying pictures will surely attract visitors to your website.

eMFAVOR是一个漂亮的粉红色主题,背景模糊。 这些装饰灯使其简单的设计变得非常有趣。 出色的标题和随附的图片肯定会吸引访问者访问您的网站。


Zeropress is a universal two column theme with a gallery in the website footer. Logo and a slider big enough to attract visitors’ attention dominate the Home Page. This simple, clearly arranged and elegant theme is based on the current web design trends. Whatever your purpose Zeropress is the answer. It perfectly represents a company as well as an individual.

Zeropress是一个通用的两列主题,在网站页脚中带有一个画廊。 徽标和足够大以吸引访问者注意力的滑块占主导地位。 这个简单,清晰且优雅的主题基于当前的网页设计趋势。 无论您打算做什么,Zeropress都是答案。 它完美地代表了公司和个人。


MyTina and MyTim could be siblings – their goal is the same, graphic design very similar. MyTina is also a blogger theme with an author box in the website footer. Its pink coloured background was designed with ladies in mind. It is an elegant, simple and well-arranged theme. You will appreciate its clear lines when you’ll want to draw reader’s attention to your articles and pictures.

MyTina和MyTim可能是兄弟姐妹–他们的目标是相同的,图形设计非常相似。 MyTina还是博客主题,在网站页脚中带有作者框。 它的粉红色背景是专为女士设计的。 这是一个优雅,简单且安排合理的主题。 当您希望吸引读者对文章和图片的关注时,您会喜欢它的清晰线条。


The elegant colour combination of IDEwork makes it suitable for companies and businessmen. It is a simple and clearly arranged theme that comes in black and grey. As with all our themes, the look of your website is entirely up to you.

IDEwork的优雅色彩组合使其适用于公司和商人。 这是一个简单明了的主题,有黑色和灰色。 与我们所有主题一样,您网站的外观完全取决于您。


Flatee is a modern and original theme created in two dynamic shades of blue. The flaming colour and restless graphic shapes amazingly energize the design. This theme will let you provide your visitors with information in an energetic and lively way.

Flatee是一个现代而原始的主题,以两种动态的蓝色阴影创建。 鲜艳的色彩和动感十足的图形形状为设计注入了活力。 该主题将使您以充满活力和生动的方式为访问者提供信息。


Flatee is a modern and original theme created in two dynamic shades of red. The flaming colour and restless graphic shapes amazingly energize the design. This theme will let you provide your visitors with information in an energetic and lively way.

Flatee是一种现代而原始的主题,以两种动态的红色阴影创建。 鲜艳的色彩和动感十足的图形形状为设计注入了活力。 该主题将使您以充满活力和生动的方式为访问者提供信息。


Clean WordPress theme.


翻译自: https://www.script-tutorials.com/32-free-wordpress-themes/

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