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NYOJ - 760 - See LCS again(最长上升子序列O(N(logN)实现)

2017-05-09 14:13 337 查看
Problem Description
There are A, B two sequences, the number of elements in the sequence is n、m; Each element in the sequence are different and less than 100000. Calculate the length of the longest common subsequence of A and B.
InputThe input has multicases.Each test case consists of three lines;The first line consist two integers n, m (1 < = n, m < = 100000);The second line with n integers, expressed sequence A;The third line with m integers, expressed
sequence B;
OutputFor each set of test cases, output the length of the longest common subsequence of A and B, in a single line.
Sample Input
5 4
1 2 6 5 4
1 3 5 4

Sample Output


  题目中有一个很关键的条件是:Each element in the sequence are different,元素是唯一的,因此,如果两个序列都出现了某个元素,那么这些元素可能组成最长公共子序列,即两个子序列都有的元素。但是出现的顺序可以不相同。那么我们需要求出的就是出现顺序相同的一个序列。如果第一个序列的元素在第二个序列中出现,那我们用一个数组来保存这个元素在第一个序列中的下标。那么我们求出这个新的序列的最长上升子序列的长度,就是答案。




#include <cstdio>
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <vector>
#include <cmath>
#include <string>
#include <cstring>
#include <algorithm>
#define LL long long
#define INF 100001

using namespace std;
int n, m, len;
int dp[100001];
int a[100001], b[100001],x;

int binarySearch(int x){
int l, r, mid;
l = 1; r = len;
while(l < r){
mid = (r + l) / 2;
if(x <= dp[mid])
r = mid ;
l = mid + 1;
return l;

int main(){
while(scanf("%d%d",&n,&m) != EOF){
//init and input
memset(a, 0, sizeof(a));
for(int i = 0; i <= m; i++) dp[i] = INF;

for(int i = 1; i <= n; i++){
scanf("%d", &x);
a[x] = i;

int j = 0;

for(int i = 1; i <= m; i++){
scanf("%d", &x);
if(a[x]) b[++j] = a[x];
// data prcessing
dp[1] = b[1]; len = 1;
for(int i = 2; i <= j; i++){
if(b[i] > dp[len]){
dp[++len] = b[i];
//	int pos = lower_bound(dp,dp+j,b[i])-dp ;  使用STL
int pos = binarySearch(b[i]);
dp[pos] = b[i];


return 0;
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