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2016-05-04 20:58 471 查看

[client-manet.c] send to

[(MASTER) handle_client(void *arg) IN server-manet.c] send to

[(MASTER) m_thread(void *arg) IN server-manet.c] send to

[(SLAVE) slave(void *arg) IN server-manet-slave.c]


[root@localhost server-client-pthread-c]# ./server-manet

[root@localhost server-client-pthread-c]# ./server-manet-slave

[root@localhost server-client-pthread-c]# ./client-manet



1. 在每个节点的主目录创建文件: ctrl.txt, masterip.txt, hosts,

根据batman-adv协议,选择 主节点,其它为从节点;要修改 上面3个文件的值

[client-manet.c] send to

[(MASTER) handle_client(void *arg) IN server-manet.c] send to

[(MASTER) m_thread(void *arg) IN server-manet.c] send to

[(SLAVE) slave(void *arg) IN server-manet.c]

//******************** client-manet.c
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
masterip <- read from masterip.txt;            //global variable, echo >masterip.txt
connect(sock, masterip);
CHK(send(sock, "running process, update database", strlen("running process, update database"), 0));
//******************** client-manet.c

//******************** server-manet.c

int ctrl;            //global variable
int changed=0;
int pipe_fd[2];
char *masterip;
char *self_ip;

//read * from client-manet.c
//模拟 流程执行,数据库更新的事件,事件驱动 数据库同步
void *handle_client(void *arg)
bind(listener, self_ip);
int pipe_write = *((int *)arg);
while (1) {
CHK2(client, accept(listener, (struct sockaddr *)&peer, &socklen));
while (1) {
CHK2(len, recv(client, clientmsg, CLIENTMSG_SIZE, MSG_NOSIGNAL));
CHK(write(pipe_write, clientmsg, strlen(clientmsg)));    //send MSG to m_thread(void *arg)

int main(int argc, char *argv[])

pthread_create(&readctrl, NULL, read_ctrl, NULL);
pthread_create(&writer, NULL, handle_client, (void *)&pipe_fd[1]);
while (1) {
pthread_create(&tid, NULL, master, NULL);    //ctrl==1
pthread_create(&tid, NULL, slave, NULL);    //ctrl==0

void *read_ctrl(void *arg)
while (1) {
ctrl <- read from ctrl.txt;                    //global variable, echo 1 >ctrl.txt
masterip <- read from masterip.txt;            //global variable, echo >masterip.txt
master_ip = ip2uint(getipaddress(masterip));
if (master_ip!=prev_ip) {
replaceline(hosts, line, "masterip mpe.localhost");        //update hosts

void *slave(void *arg)
connect(sock, masterip);
while (1)
if (changed) break;
recv(sock, buf, BUF_SIZE, MSG_NOSIGNAL);    //read * from master

void *master(void *arg)
bind(listener, self_ip);
while (1) {
if (changed) break;
CHK2(client, accept(listener, (struct sockaddr *)&peer, &socklen));
int rt = pthread_create(&reader, NULL, m_thread, (void *)&client);

//event_driven, read pipe_fd[0] from handle_client(void *arg) which read * from client-manet.c
void *m_thread(void *arg)
int client = *((int *)arg);
CHK(epoll_ctl(epfd, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, pipe_fd[0], &ev));
//使用epoll模拟 流程执行,数据库更新的事件,事件驱动 数据库同步
while (1) {        //communication between master & slave
if (changed) break;
if((epoll_events_count = epoll_wait(epfd, events, 1, EPOLL_RUN_TIMEOUT)) < 0){
for (int i = 0; i < epoll_events_count; i++) {
if (events[i].data.fd == pipe_fd[0])    //管道读端,从client-manet.c接受信息
CHK2(res, read(pipe_fd[0], clientmsg, CLIENTMSG_SIZE));
CHK(send(client, "synchronous data", strlen("synchronous data"), MSG_NOSIGNAL));
//******************** server-manet.c

//******************** server-manet-slave.c
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
pthread_create(&readctrl, NULL, read_ctrl, NULL);
while (1) {
pthread_create(&tid, NULL, slave, NULL);
pthread_join(tid, &tret);
} //end while


void *read_ctrl(void *arg)
char filename[6] = "hosts";    //set master_ip in /etc/hosts
uint32_t me_ip = ip2uint(getipaddress("enp13s0"));
while (1) {
ctrl <- read from ctrl_slave.txt;            //global variable, echo 0 >ctrl_slave.txt
masterip <- read from masterip.txt;            //global variable, echo >masterip.txt
master_ip = ip2uint(getipaddress(masterip));
if (master_ip!=prev_ip) {
replaceline(hosts, line, "masterip mpe.localhost");        //update hosts

void *slave(void *arg)
connect(sock, masterip);
while (1)
if (changed) break;
recv(sock, buf, BUF_SIZE, MSG_NOSIGNAL));
//******************** server-manet-slave.c
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