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使用Stanford Word Segmenter and Stanford Named Entity Recognizer (NER)实现英文命名实体识别

2016-01-12 09:54 841 查看

2016/1/11通过阅读上面的博客,学习了如何使用Stanford Word Segmenter and Stanford Named Entity Recognizer (NER)实现英文命名实体识别,为了把这些好的资源保存,特意写了这个博客,我弄的是英文文本,下面代码稍有改动,真的感觉大牛无处不在,感恩大牛们的资源,让我能不断学习。



斯坦福大学的分词器,该系统需要JDK 1.8+,从上面链接中下载stanford-segmenter-2014-10-26,解压之后,如下图所示


其中 CTB:宾州大学的中国树库训练资料 ,






Jenny Rose Finkel, Trond Grenager, and Christopher Manning. 2005. Incorporating Non-local Information into Information Extraction Systems by Gibbs Sampling. Proceedings of the 43nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL 2005), pp. 363-370.





Included with Stanford NER are a 4 class model trained for CoNLL, a 7 class model trained for MUC, and a 3 class model trained on both data sets for the intersection of those class sets.

3 class: Location, Person, Organization

4 class: Location, Person, Organization, Misc

7 class: Time, Location, Organization, Person, Money, Percent, Date


但是中文并没有,这是一个在线演示的地址,可以去瞧瞧 ,http://nlp.stanford.edu:8080/ner/


在Eclipse中新建一个Java Project,将data目录拷贝到项目根路径下,再把stanford-ner-2012-11-11-chinese解压的内容全部拷贝到classifiers文件夹下,将stanford-segmenter-3.5.0加入到classpath之中,将classifiers文件夹拷贝到项目根目录,将stanford-ner-3.5.0.jar和stanford-ner.jar加入到classpath中。最后,去http://nlp.stanford.edu/software/corenlp.shtml下载stanford-corenlp-full-2014-10-31,将解压之后的stanford-corenlp-3.5.0也加入到classpath之中。最后的Eclipse中结构如下:


We also provide Chinese models built from the Ontonotes Chinese named entity data. There are two models, one using distributional similarity clusters and one without. These are designed to be run on word-segmented Chinese. So, if you want to use these on normal Chinese text, you will first need to run Stanford Word Segmenter or some other Chinese word segmenter, and then run NER on the output of that!

Chinese NER



package edu.stanford.nlp;

import edu.stanford.nlp.ie.AbstractSequenceClassifier;
import edu.stanford.nlp.ie.crf.CRFClassifier;
import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.CoreLabel;

* <p>
* ClassName ExtractDemo
* </p>
public class ExtractDemo {
private static AbstractSequenceClassifier<CoreLabel> ner;
public ExtractDemo() {
public void InitNer() {
String serializedClassifier = "classifiers/english.muc.7class.distsim.crf.ser.gz";
if (ner == null) {
ner = CRFClassifier.getClassifierNoExceptions(serializedClassifier);

public String doNer(String sent) {
return ner.classifyWithInlineXML(sent);

//  public static void main(String args[]) {
//      String str = "ABC()\n" + "2015-8-06\n " + "93\n" + " http://www.abc.net.au/news/2015-08-06/talkaboutit-s5ep6-euthanasia/6678126\n" //      + "#TalkAboutIt S5Ep6: #Euthanasia\n"
//      + "Some say comedy and tragedy go hand in hand. Del Irani talks to a comedian who is taking her experiences of contemplating euthanasia to the Edinburgh Fringe Festival. "
//      + "She also meets the young Australian man who wants the right to 'die with dignity' at home.Statistics reveal that Generation Y have the lowest level of wellbeing and are among the most stressed - "
//      + "so is Gen Y stuck in a modern day rat race?We also look at the pet pampering trend in Hong Kong, where owners are splashing out on their beloved pooches.\n";
//      ExtractDemo extractDemo = new ExtractDemo();
//      System.out.println(extractDemo.doNer(str));
//      System.out.println("Complete!");
//  }


package edu.stanford.nlp;

import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Properties;

import org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils;

import edu.stanford.nlp.ie.crf.CRFClassifier;
import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.CoreLabel;

* <p>
* ClassName ZH_SegDemo
* </p>
public class ZH_SegDemo {
public static CRFClassifier<CoreLabel> segmenter;
static {

Properties props = new Properties();
props.setProperty("sighanCorporaDict", "data");
props.setProperty("serDictionary", "data/dict-chris6.ser.gz");
props.setProperty("inputEncoding", "UTF-8");
props.setProperty("sighanPostProcessing", "true");
segmenter = new CRFClassifier<CoreLabel>(props);

segmenter.loadClassifierNoExceptions("data/ctb.gz", props);

public static String doSegment(String sent) {
String[] strs = (String[]) segmenter.segmentString(sent).toArray();
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
for (String s : strs) {
buf.append(s + " ");
System.out.println("segmented res: " + buf.toString());
return buf.toString();

public static void main(String[] args) {
try {
String readFileToString = FileUtils.readFileToString(new File("$16b in deals expected at tourism expo.txt"));
String doSegment = doSegment(readFileToString);

ExtractDemo extractDemo = new ExtractDemo();

} catch (IOException e) {


注意一定是JDK 1.8+的环境,最后输出结果如下


Loading classifier from D:\Documents\java\workspaces\edu.stanford.nlp\data\ctb.gz ... Loading Chinese dictionaries from 1 file:
Done. Unique words in ChineseDictionary is: 423200.
done [17.8 sec].
INFO: TagAffixDetector: useChPos=false | useCTBChar2=true | usePKChar2=false
INFO: TagAffixDetector: building TagAffixDetector from data/dict/character_list and data/dict/in.ctb
Loading character dictionary file from data/dict/character_list
Loading affix dictionary from data/dict/in.ctb
segmented res: China Daily ( 中国 时报 , 含 新华网 )    2015-09-10    996    http : //www.chinadaily . com.cn/cndy/2015-09/10/content_21837048.htm    $ 16 b in deals expected at tourism expo    More than 36,500 buyers and 500,000 visitors from over 50 countries and regions are expected to attend the China  ( Guangdong )  International Tourism Industry Expo from Thursday to Sunday.The event is being held at the China Import & Export Fair Pazhou Complex in Guangzhou ,  the capital of Guangdong province . The annual expo is organized by the Guangdong provincial government and the Guangdong Provincial Bureau of Tourism.Agreements for 40 projects worth 102.2 billion yuan  ( $ 16 billion )  will probably be signed ,  according to the organizers.Twenty-eight of the projects each have investment of more than 100 million yuan . Of these ,  two projects - the Baodeng Danxia Mountain International Tourism and Recreation Zone and the Danxia Mountain Industrial Park - each boast investment of more than 10 billion yuan . Investment for each of three other projects - the Chikan Ancient Town Overseas Chinese Cultural Tourism Zone ,  the Doumen Rural Tourism Zone and the Huizhou Ancient Town Scenic Zone - is more than 5 billion yuan . Launched in 2005 ,  the event has become China's largest tourism fair ,  according to Li Jianyi ,  director of the marketing development department of the Guangdong tourism bureau.The expo features seven pavilions ,  including the China Pavilion and the Hotel Suppliers Pavilion ,  and will include activities such as ceremonies to celebrate contract signings ,  seminars ,  tourism promotions and food fairs.Zhang Zhenlin ,  deputy director of the Guangdong Provincial Bureau of Tourism ,  said the exhibition area covers 100,000 square meters and there will be 5,000 booths.At a news conference in July on preparations for the expo ,  Liu Jiexiao ,  deputy secretary-general of the Guangdong provincial government ,  said the province has become the most important tourism source market in China and the Asia - Pacific region.The province ' s tourism revenue last year reached 922.7 billion yuan ,  and more than 7.5 million residents from Guangdong traveled overseas in 2014 ,  Liu said.This year's expo will further strengthen Guangdong and China's overseas cooperation and exchanges in tourism and improve China's tourism image and brand awareness ,  he said. New pavilionsThis year's event will feature two new pavilions - for tourism traffic and time-honored brands ,  Zhang said.The Tourism Traffic Pavilion will display traffic services for airliners ,  caravans ,  high-speed railways ,  cruise liners and yachts.Sixteen airlines ,  including China Southern Airlines ,  Air France ,  Delta Airlines and Korean Air ,  will attend the event. Visitors can also watch the operation of unmanned aircraft manufactured by DJ-Innovations Technology Co ,  the world's largest manufacturer of commercial drones ,  at the pavilion.At the Time-Honored Brands Pavilion ,  visitors will be offered a taste of such delicacies as Huangshanghuang sausages ,  Wong Lo Kat herbal tea ,  Beeden honey and Eagle Coin canned foods.Food contestsThe China Restaurant Expo and the Chinese Chef Festival ,  organized by the China Cuisine Association and the Guangdong Restaurant Association ,  will also be launched at the expo.More than 10,000 chefs from around the country and representatives from the World Association of Chefs' Societies will gather at the events ,  said Tan Haicheng ,  deputy chairman of the China Cuisine Association and executive chairman of the Guangdong Restaurant Association . Six national cuisine contests will also be held.Meanwhile ,  nine renowned chefs from the Chinese mainland and overseas ,  including Xu Juyun ,  a master chef of Hunan cuisine ,  and Dai Long ,  the so-called Hong Kong god of cookery ,  will attend the China Summit of Gastronomy. They will make presentations and teach cooking skills . Maritime Silk RoadAs an important link for the ancient Maritime Silk Road ,  Guangdong has played a big role in promoting the initiatives of the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21 st Century Maritime Silk Road ,  proposed by President Xi Jinping in 2013 with the purpose of rejuvenating the two ancient trade routes.This year's expo will build a platform for international tourism cooperation and exchanges that focuses on the Maritime Silk Road at the International ,  Hong Kong ,  Macao and Taiwan Pavilion . Major countries along the Maritime Silk Road ,  including Cambodia ,  Malaysia ,  Thailand and Indonesia ,  have confirmed they will attend the event and will hold tourism promotions. Internet experienceThe expo will also make use of the Internet Plus strategy to enrich the content of the event and offer visitors a better experience . Intelligent products and equipment ,  including electronic navigation systems ,  electronic maps used for mobile phones and tourism software will be displayed at the event. Intelligent technologies will also be used in such exhibition venues as the Tourism Hypermarket Pavilion ,  the International ,  Hong Kong ,  Macao and Taiwan Pavilion and the Hotel Suppliers Pavilion. Tourism discountOne of the seven pavilions at the expo ,  the Tourism Hypermarket Pavilion covers more than 10,000 square meters.More than 10 well-known travel agencies and online travel service providers ,  including Guangdong China Travel Service Co ,  the Guangdong branch of China Youth Travel Service and tuniu.com will offer visitors 100,000 quotas for popular tourism products with discounts totaling more than 50 million yuan ,  according to the expo's organizing committee.New tourism products that feature traditional Chinese health methods and recreational agriculture will also be launched at the expo. Visitors can also have a taste of authentic German beer at a booth for Oktoberfest ,  one of the world's most famous beer festivals held annually in Munich ,  Germany. The expo introduced the beer festival in 2011 . Paper and electronic tickets for the expo will be distributed to the public for free. Every visitor can get up to three paper tickets at outlets of designated travel agencies or ticket booths at the expo by presenting their ID cards.They can also get an electronic ticket by subscribing to Guangdong Lyuyou ,  the WeChat public account for the Guangdong Provincial Bureau of Tourism ,  or scanning the QR code for the expo ,  and enter the event through a special passage for electronic tickets.zhuanti@chinadaily . com.cnThe annual China  ( Guangdong )  International Tourism Industry Expo has attracted large numbers of exhibitors and visitors in past years. Photos Provided to China Daily
China Daily ( 中国 时报 , 含 新华网 )    2015-09-10    996    http : //www.chinadaily . com.cn/cndy/2015-09/10/content_21837048.htm    $ 16 b in deals expected at tourism expo    More than 36,500 buyers and 500,000 visitors from over 50 countries and regions are expected to attend the China  ( Guangdong )  International Tourism Industry Expo from Thursday to Sunday.The event is being held at the China Import & Export Fair Pazhou Complex in Guangzhou ,  the capital of Guangdong province . The annual expo is organized by the Guangdong provincial government and the Guangdong Provincial Bureau of Tourism.Agreements for 40 projects worth 102.2 billion yuan  ( $ 16 billion )  will probably be signed ,  according to the organizers.Twenty-eight of the projects each have investment of more than 100 million yuan . Of these ,  two projects - the Baodeng Danxia Mountain International Tourism and Recreation Zone and the Danxia Mountain Industrial Park - each boast investment of more than 10 billion yuan . Investment for each of three other projects - the Chikan Ancient Town Overseas Chinese Cultural Tourism Zone ,  the Doumen Rural Tourism Zone and the Huizhou Ancient Town Scenic Zone - is more than 5 billion yuan . Launched in 2005 ,  the event has become China's largest tourism fair ,  according to Li Jianyi ,  director of the marketing development department of the Guangdong tourism bureau.The expo features seven pavilions ,  including tLoading classifier from D:\Documents\java\workspaces\edu.stanford.nlp\classifiers\english.muc.7class.distsim.crf.ser.gz ... he China Pavilion and the Hotel Suppliers Pavilion
,  and will include activities such as ceremonies to celebrate contract signings ,  seminars ,  tourism promotions and food fairs.Zhang Zhenlin ,  deputy director of the Guangdong Provincial Bureau of Tourism ,  said the exhibition area covers 100,000 square meters and there will be 5,000 booths.At a news conference in July on preparations for the expo ,  Liu Jiexiao ,  deputy secretary-general of the Guangdong provincial government ,  said the province has become the most important tourism source market in China and the Asia - Pacific region.The province ' s tourism revenue last year reached 922.7 billion yuan ,  and more than 7.5 million residents from Guangdong traveled overseas in 2014 ,  Liu said.This year's expo will further strengthen Guangdong and China's overseas cooperation and exchanges in tourism and improve China's tourism image and brand awareness ,  he said. New pavilionsThis year's event will feature two new pavilions - for tourism traffic and time-honored brands ,  Zhang said.The Tourism Traffic Pavilion will display traffic services for airliners ,  caravans ,  high-speed railways ,  cruise liners and yachts.Sixteen airlines ,  including China Southern Airlines ,  Air France ,  Delta Airlines and Korean Air ,  will attend the event. Visitors can also watch the operation of unmanned aircraft manufactured by DJ-Innovations Technology Co ,  the world's largest manufacturer of commercial drones ,  at the pavilion.At the Time-Honored Brands Pavilion ,  visitors will be offered a taste of such delicacies as Huangshanghuang sausages ,  Wong Lo Kat herbal tea ,  Beeden honey and Eagle Coin canned foods.Food contestsThe China Restaurant Expo and the Chinese Chef Festival ,  organized by the China Cuisine Association and the Guangdong Restaurant Association ,  will also be launched at the expo.More than 10,000 chefs from around the country and representatives from the World Association of Chefs' Societies will gather at the events ,  said Tan Haicheng ,  deputy chairman of the China Cuisine Association and executive chairman of the Guangdong Restaurant Association . Six national cuisine contests will also be held.Meanwhile ,  nine renowned chefs from the Chinese mainland and overseas ,  including Xu Juyun ,  a master chef of Hunan cuisine ,  and Dai Long ,  the so-called Hong Kong god of cookery ,  will attend the China Summit of Gastronomy. They will make presentations and teach cooking skills . Maritime Silk RoadAs an important link for the ancient Maritime Silk Road ,  Guangdong has played a big role in promoting the initiatives of the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21 st Century Maritime Silk Road ,  proposed by President Xi Jinping in 2013 with the purpose of rejuvenating the two ancient trade routes.This year's expo will build a platform for international tourism cooperation and exchanges that focuses on the Maritime Silk Road at the International ,  Hong Kong ,  Macao and Taiwan Pavilion . Major countries along the Maritime Silk Road ,  including Cambodia ,  Malaysia ,  Thailand and Indonesia ,  have confirmed they will attend the event and will hold tourism promotions. Internet experienceThe expo will also make use of the Internet Plus strategy to enrich the content of the event and offer visitors a better experience . Intelligent products and equipment ,  including electronic navigation systems ,  electronic maps used for mobile phones and tourism software will be displayed at the event. Intelligent technologies will also be used in such exhibition venues as the Tourism Hypermarket Pavilion ,  the International ,  Hong Kong ,  Macao and Taiwan Pavilion and the Hotel Suppliers Pavilion. Tourism discountOne of the seven pavilions at the expo ,  the Tourism Hypermarket Pavilion covers more than 10,000 square meters.More than 10 well-known travel agencies and online travel service providers ,  including Guangdong China Travel Service Co ,  the Guangdong branch of China Youth Travel Service and tuniu.com will offer visitors 100,000 quotas for popular tourism products with discounts totaling more than 50 million yuan ,  according to the expo's organizing committee.New tourism products that feature traditional Chinese health methods and recreational agriculture will also be launched at the expo. Visitors can also have a taste of authentic German beer at a booth for Oktoberfest ,  one of the world's most famous beer festivals held annually in Munich ,  Germany. The expo introduced the beer festival in 2011 . Paper and electronic tickets for the expo will be distributed to the public for free. Every visitor can get up to three paper tickets at outlets of designated travel agencies or ticket booths at the expo by presenting their ID cards.They can also get an electronic ticket by subscribing to Guangdong Lyuyou ,  the WeChat public account for the Guangdong Provincial Bureau of Tourism ,  or scanning the QR code for the expo ,  and enter the event through a special passage for electronic tickets.zhuanti@chinadaily . com.cnThe annual China  ( Guangdong )  International Tourism Industry Expo has attracted large numbers of exhibitors and visitors in past years. Photos Provided to China Daily
done [3.5 sec].
China Daily ( 中国 时报 , 含 新华网 )    2015-09-10    996    http : //www.chinadaily . com.cn/cndy/2015-09/10/content_21837048.htm    <MONEY>$ 16</MONEY> b in deals expected at tourism expo    More than 36,500 buyers and 500,000 visitors from over 50 countries and regions are expected to attend the <LOCATION>China</LOCATION>  ( <LOCATION>Guangdong</LOCATION> )  International Tourism Industry Expo from <DATE>Thursday</DATE> to Sunday.The event is being held at the <ORGANIZATION>China Import & Export Fair Pazhou Complex</ORGANIZATION> in <LOCATION>Guangzhou</LOCATION> ,  the capital of <LOCATION>Guangdong</LOCATION> province . The annual expo is organized by the <LOCATION>Guangdong</LOCATION> provincial government and the <ORGANIZATION>Guangdong Provincial Bureau of Tourism.Agreements</ORGANIZATION> for 40 projects worth <MONEY>102.2 billion yuan</MONEY>  ( <MONEY>$ 16 billion</MONEY> )  will probably be signed ,  according to the organizers.Twenty-eight of the projects each have investment of more than <MONEY>100 million yuan</MONEY> . Of these ,  two projects - the <ORGANIZATION>Baodeng Danxia Mountain International Tourism and Recreation Zone</ORGANIZATION> and the <LOCATION>Danxia Mountain Industrial Park</LOCATION> - each boast investment of more than <MONEY>10 billion yuan</MONEY> . Investment for each of three other projects - the Chikan Ancient Town Overseas Chinese Cultural Tourism Zone ,  the <ORGANIZATION>Doumen Rural Tourism Zone</ORGANIZATION> and the <LOCATION>Huizhou</LOCATION> Ancient Town Scenic Zone - is more than <MONEY>5 billion yuan</MONEY> . Launched in <DATE>2005</DATE> ,  the event has become <LOCATION>China</LOCATION>'s largest tourism fair ,  according to <PERSON>Li Jianyi</PERSON> ,  director of the marketing development department of the <LOCATION>Guangdong</LOCATION> tourism bureau.The expo features seven pavilions ,  including the <LOCATION>China Pavilion</LOCATION> and the <ORGANIZATION>Hotel Suppliers Pavilion</ORGANIZATION> ,  and will include activities such as ceremonies to celebrate contract signings ,  seminars ,  tourism promotions and food fairs.Zhang Zhenlin ,  deputy director of the <ORGANIZATION>Guangdong Provincial Bureau of Tourism</ORGANIZATION> ,  said the exhibition area covers 100,000 square meters and there will be 5,000 booths.At a news conference in <DATE>July</DATE> on preparations for the expo ,  <PERSON>Liu Jiexiao</PERSON> ,  deputy secretary-general of the <LOCATION>Guangdong</LOCATION> provincial government ,  said the province has become the most important tourism source market in <LOCATION>China</LOCATION> and the <LOCATION>Asia</LOCATION> - Pacific region.The province ' s tourism revenue last year reached <MONEY>922.7 billion yuan</MONEY> ,  and more than 7.5 million residents from <LOCATION>Guangdong</LOCATION> traveled overseas in <DATE>2014</DATE> ,  Liu said.This year's expo will further strengthen <LOCATION>Guangdong</LOCATION> and <LOCATION>China</LOCATION>'s overseas cooperation and exchanges in tourism and improve <LOCATION>China</LOCATION>'s tourism image and brand awareness ,  he said. New pavilionsThis year's event will feature two new pavilions - for tourism traffic and time-honored brands ,  <ORGANIZATION>Zhang said.The Tourism Traffic Pavilion</ORGANIZATION> will display traffic services for airliners ,  caravans ,  high-speed railways ,  cruise liners and yachts.Sixteen airlines ,  including <ORGANIZATION>China Southern Airlines</ORGANIZATION> ,  <ORGANIZATION>Air France</ORGANIZATION> ,  <ORGANIZATION>Delta Airlines</ORGANIZATION> and <ORGANIZATION>Korean Air</ORGANIZATION> ,  will attend the event. Visitors can also watch the operation of unmanned aircraft manufactured by <ORGANIZATION>DJ-Innovations Technology Co</ORGANIZATION> ,  the world's largest manufacturer of commercial drones ,  at the pavilion.At the <ORGANIZATION>Time-Honored Brands Pavilion</ORGANIZATION> ,  visitors will be offered a taste of such delicacies as Huangshanghuang sausages ,  <PERSON>Wong Lo Kat</PERSON> herbal tea ,  Beeden honey and Eagle Coin canned foods.Food contestsThe <LOCATION>China</LOCATION> Restaurant Expo and the Chinese Chef Festival ,  organized by the <ORGANIZATION>China Cuisine Association</ORGANIZATION> and the <ORGANIZATION>Guangdong Restaurant Association</ORGANIZATION> ,  will also be launched at the expo.More than 10,000 chefs from around the country and representatives from <ORGANIZATION>the World Association of Chefs</ORGANIZATION>' Societies will gather at the events ,  said <LOCATION>Tan Haicheng</LOCATION> ,  deputy chairman of the <ORGANIZATION>China Cuisine Association</ORGANIZATION> and executive chairman of the <ORGANIZATION>Guangdong Restaurant Association</ORGANIZATION> . Six national cuisine contests will also be held.Meanwhile ,  nine renowned chefs from the Chinese mainland and overseas ,  including <PERSON>Xu Juyun</PERSON> ,  a master chef of Hunan cuisine ,  and Dai Long ,  the so-called <LOCATION>Hong Kong</LOCATION> god of cookery ,  will attend the <ORGANIZATION>China Summit of Gastronomy</ORGANIZATION>. They will make presentations and teach cooking skills . Maritime Silk RoadAs an important link for the ancient <ORGANIZATION>Maritime Silk Road</ORGANIZATION> ,  <LOCATION>Guangdong</LOCATION> has played a big role in promoting the initiatives of the <ORGANIZATION>Silk Road Economic Belt</ORGANIZATION> and the 21 <ORGANIZATION>st Century Maritime Silk Road</ORGANIZATION> ,  proposed by President <PERSON>Xi Jinping</PERSON> in <DATE>2013</DATE> with the purpose of rejuvenating the two ancient trade routes.This year's expo will build a platform for international tourism cooperation and exchanges that focuses on the <ORGANIZATION>Maritime Silk Road</ORGANIZATION> at the <ORGANIZATION>International</ORGANIZATION> ,  <LOCATION>Hong Kong</LOCATION> ,  <LOCATION>Macao</LOCATION> and <LOCATION>Taiwan Pavilion</LOCATION> . Major countries along the <LOCATION>Maritime Silk Road</LOCATION> ,  including <LOCATION>Cambodia</LOCATION> ,  <LOCATION>Malaysia</LOCATION> ,  <LOCATION>Thailand</LOCATION> and <LOCATION>Indonesia</LOCATION> ,  have confirmed they will attend the event and will hold tourism promotions. Internet experienceThe expo will also make use of the Internet Plus strategy to enrich the content of the event and offer visitors a better experience . Intelligent products and equipment ,  including electronic navigation systems ,  electronic maps used for mobile phones and tourism software will be displayed at the event. Intelligent technologies will also be used in such exhibition venues as the <ORGANIZATION>Tourism Hypermarket Pavilion</ORGANIZATION> ,  the <ORGANIZATION>International</ORGANIZATION> ,  <LOCATION>Hong Kong</LOCATION> ,  <LOCATION>Macao</LOCATION> and <LOCATION>Taiwan Pavilion</LOCATION> and the <ORGANIZATION>Hotel Suppliers Pavilion</ORGANIZATION>. Tourism discountOne of the seven pavilions at the expo ,  the <ORGANIZATION>Tourism Hypermarket Pavilion</ORGANIZATION> covers more than 10,000 square meters.More than 10 well-known travel agencies and online travel service providers ,  including <ORGANIZATION>Guangdong China Travel Service Co</ORGANIZATION> ,  the <LOCATION>Guangdong</LOCATION> branch of <ORGANIZATION>China Youth Travel Service</ORGANIZATION> and tuniu.com will offer visitors 100,000 quotas for popular tourism products with discounts totaling more than <MONEY>50 million yuan</MONEY> ,  according to the expo's organizing committee.New tourism products that feature traditional Chinese health methods and recreational agriculture will also be launched at the expo. Visitors can also have a taste of authentic German beer at a booth for Oktoberfest ,  one of the world's most famous beer festivals held annually in <LOCATION>Munich</LOCATION> ,  <LOCATION>Germany</LOCATION>. The expo introduced the beer festival in <DATE>2011</DATE> . Paper and electronic tickets for the expo will be distributed to the public for free. Every visitor can get up to three paper tickets at outlets of designated travel agencies or ticket booths at the expo by presenting their ID cards.They can also get an electronic ticket by subscribing to <LOCATION>Guangdong Lyuyou</LOCATION> ,  the WeChat public account for the <ORGANIZATION>Guangdong Provincial Bureau of Tourism</ORGANIZATION> ,  or scanning the QR code for the expo ,  and enter the event through a special passage for electronic tickets.zhuanti@chinadaily . com.cnThe annual <LOCATION>China</LOCATION>  ( <ORGANIZATION>Guangdong )  International Tourism Industry Expo</ORGANIZATION> has attracted large numbers of exhibitors and visitors in past years. Photos Provided to <LOCATION>China Daily</LOCATION>

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标签:  NLP NER Stanford