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deep learning in NLP—深度学习在自然语言处理中的应用—入门学习序列

2014-09-25 14:21 609 查看
deep learning in NLP—深度学习在自然语言处理中的应用—入门学习序列


1. 基础

         ml,graphical model,nlp及相关数学基础:analysis、statistics、linear algebra、optimization等等

2. 书籍

2.1. 《Machine Learning》 tom mitchell


2.2. 《Neural Network Design》Martin T. Hagan(中译本:《神经网络设计》)


2.3. 《Neural Networks: A Comprehensive Foundation》第二版,Simon Haykin (中译本:《神经网络原理》)


2.4. 《Neural Networks and Learning Machines》第三版,Simon Haykin


2.5. 《Deep Learning》Yoshua Bengio, Ian Goodfellow and Aaron Courville


3. Tutorial

         UFLDL Tutorial  Andrew Ng ,Tutorial方面,入门的话我觉得这一个就足够了。这个教程写的非常好,大家需要认真研读,尽可能的把网站上的所有文章都读了(虽然它不是以nlp为对象,而是以cv为对象写的)。习题答案:Python版Octave版。这个教程的缺点是未包含RBM和DBN部分,下面的资料中会覆盖这部分。

4. Review paper

         Bengio的两篇文章:Learning Deep Architectures for AI ,Representation Learning: A Review and New Perspectives,这两篇文章是对于Deep learning的一个全景式论述,阅读起来有一定难度,遇到不懂的地方大家可以先跳过,以后再读。

5. Classical paper

5.1. A neural probabilistic language model, Bengio et al. 2003


5.2. A Unified Architecture for Natural Language Processing:Deep Neural Networks with Multitask Learning, Collobert,Weston et al. 2008

5.3. Natural Language Processing (Almost)from Scratch, Collobert, Weston et al. 2011

         用神经网络做各种自然语言处理任务(实际上是pos,chunking,ner,srl),从头做起,尽量不采用其他人工特征。这两篇论文的其他特色是:使用卷积来处理句子,nlp的multitask learning,使用无监督训练得到的word embedding初始化网络Lookup Table层权重,pairwise ranking based language model等等。

5.4. Three New Graphical Models for Statistical Language Modelling, Andriy Mnih, Geoffrey Hinton

         Hinton大师进军Language model,一次性整了三个。

5.5. Recurrent neural network based language model, Mikolov

5.6. Statistical Language Models based on Neural Networks, Mikolov

         Mikolov用Recurrent neural network进军nlp,他的博士论文写得非常详细、清晰。Recurrent nn做的language model形式优美且表达能力强。

5.7. Recursive Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing and computer vision, Socher

         Socher用Recursive neural network进军nlp,cv,这也是他的博士论文。在众多nn之中,Recurrent neural network和Recursive neural network是最有意思的几个。

6. Tools

         Bengio领导的LISA实验室开发的Theano是非常棒的python库。用官网上的话说:“If numpy is to be compared to MATLAB and sympy to Mathematica, Theano is a sort of hybrid of the two which tries to combine the best of both worlds.”即,Theano集matlab和mathematica之所长。另外,Theano很方便配置GPU。在学习Theano之前最好熟悉下numpy。Theano的两个教程分别为:

Theano basic tutorial

Theano Deep Learning tutorial

7. 下一步

7.1.Stanford DL NLP group 关注下他们的paper,教程Deep
Learning for Natural Language Processing (without Magic)及其references。

7.2.follow 这一领域的著名学者:Bengio,Hinton,LeCun,Mikolov,Socher等;顶会:ICML, NIPS, ACL, Coling, EMNLP等.



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