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[LeetCode-92] Reverse Linked List II(反转指定区间链表)

2015-10-10 09:41 591 查看
Reverse a linked list from position m to n. Do it in-place and in one-pass.

For example:

, m = 2 and n = 4,



Given m, n satisfy the following condition:

1 ≤ m ≤ n ≤ length of list.

【分析】反转链表,但不是从头到尾的反转,给定了一个[m,n]范围,反转指定区间的链表。1 ≤ m ≤ n ≤
length of list.不满足条件的话,返回原链表

struct ListNode* reverseList(struct ListNode* head)
if((head == NULL) || (head->next==NULL)) //链表为空,或只有一个结点(无需反转),直接返回
return head;

struct ListNode *pre = NULL;//前一个
struct ListNode *cur = NULL;//当前
struct ListNode *ne = NULL;//后一个

pre = head; //将前面几个节点的地址依次保存在新定义的结构体指针
cur = head ->next;

while(cur) {
ne = cur->next; //如果当前节点不为空,则将其指针域赋给ne指针
cur->next = pre; //直接将两个指针的指向反转
pre = cur; //将当前节点赋给pre,将三个指针在链表中的位子都往后移一位
cur = ne;
head->next = NULL;//将原来的第一个节点的指针域赋为空,作为尾节点
head = pre; //将原来的尾节点变成新链表的第一个节点
return head;
struct ListNode* reverseBetween(struct ListNode* head, int m, int n)
/*1.Exception handling*/
return NULL;
if(m <=0 || n<=0 || m>=n)
return head;

struct ListNode* headTemp = head;
int LinkNodeLength = 0;
struct ListNode* mStartLinkNode = head;
struct ListNode* nEndLinkNode = NULL;
struct ListNode* mStartPrivLinkNode = NULL;
struct ListNode* nEndNextLinkNode = NULL;
struct ListNode* reverseListNode = NULL;

int i = 0;

while(headTemp) {
LinkNodeLength ++;
headTemp = headTemp->next;
return head;
/*2.Find the Start of LinkNode,and save the privLinkNode of mStartLinkNode*/
for(i = 1;i<m;i++) {
mStartPrivLinkNode = mStartLinkNode;/*Save the privLinkNode of mStartLinkNode*/
mStartLinkNode = mStartLinkNode->next;
nEndLinkNode = mStartLinkNode;
//printf("[%d] value:%d\n",__LINE__,mStartPrivLinkNode->val);/*OK*/
//printf("[%d] value:%d\n",__LINE__,nEndLinkNode->val);/*OK*/
for(i = m;i<n;i++) {
nEndLinkNode = nEndLinkNode->next;
nEndNextLinkNode = nEndLinkNode->next;/*Save the nEndNextLinkNode of nEndLinkNode*/
nEndLinkNode->next = NULL;/*For the reverseList*/
//printf("[%d] value:%d\n",__LINE__,nEndLinkNode->val);
reverseListNode = reverseList(mStartLinkNode);
//printf("[%d] value:%d\n",__LINE__,reverseListNode->val);
mStartLinkNode->next = nEndNextLinkNode;/*第n节点后面一个节点*/
if(mStartPrivLinkNode) {
mStartPrivLinkNode->next = reverseListNode;
else {
head = reverseListNode;

return head;



// LeetCode92-Reverse Linked List II.cpp : 定义控制台应用程序的入口点。

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
* Definition for singly-linked list.
struct ListNode {
int val;
struct ListNode *next;

struct ListNode* CreatLink(int aData[],int len)
return NULL;
struct ListNode *head = NULL;
struct ListNode *p = NULL;
struct ListNode *Link= NULL;
head = (struct ListNode *)malloc(sizeof(struct ListNode));
head->val = aData[0];
head->next = NULL;
// aData ++;
Link = head; /*保存头结点*/
int i = 1;

while(i < len) {
p = (struct ListNode *)malloc(sizeof(struct ListNode));
p->val = aData[i];
head->next = p;
head = p;
i ++;

head->next = NULL;
return Link;

void printLink(struct ListNode *head)
while(head) {
head = head->next;

struct ListNode* reverseList(struct ListNode* head)
if((head == NULL) || (head->next==NULL)) //链表为空,或只有一个结点(无需反转),直接返回
return head;

struct ListNode *pre = NULL;//前一个
struct ListNode *cur = NULL;//当前
struct ListNode *ne = NULL;//后一个

pre = head; //将前面几个节点的地址依次保存在新定义的结构体指针
cur = head ->next;

while(cur) {
ne = cur->next; //如果当前节点不为空,则将其指针域赋给ne指针
cur->next = pre; //直接将两个指针的指向反转
pre = cur; //将当前节点赋给pre,将三个指针在链表中的位子都往后移一位
cur = ne;
head->next = NULL;//将原来的第一个节点的指针域赋为空,作为尾节点
head = pre; //将原来的尾节点变成新链表的第一个节点
return head;
struct ListNode* reverseBetween(struct ListNode* head, int m, int n)
/*1.Exception handling*/
return NULL;
if(m <=0 || n<=0 || m>=n)
return head;

struct ListNode* headTemp = head;
int LinkNodeLength = 0;
struct ListNode* mStartLinkNode = head;
struct ListNode* nEndLinkNode = NULL;
struct ListNode* mStartPrivLinkNode = NULL;
struct ListNode* nEndNextLinkNode = NULL;
struct ListNode* reverseListNode = NULL;

int i = 0;

while(headTemp) {
LinkNodeLength ++;
headTemp = headTemp->next;
return head;
/*2.Find the Start of LinkNode,and save the privLinkNode of mStartLinkNode*/
for(i = 1;i<m;i++) {
mStartPrivLinkNode = mStartLinkNode;/*Save the privLinkNode of mStartLinkNode*/
mStartLinkNode = mStartLinkNode->next;
nEndLinkNode = mStartLinkNode;
//printf("[%d] value:%d\n",__LINE__,mStartPrivLinkNode->val);/*OK*/
//printf("[%d] value:%d\n",__LINE__,nEndLinkNode->val);/*OK*/
for(i = m;i<n;i++) {
nEndLinkNode = nEndLinkNode->next;
nEndNextLinkNode = nEndLinkNode->next;/*Save the nEndNextLinkNode of nEndLinkNode*/
nEndLinkNode->next = NULL;/*For the reverseList*/
//printf("[%d] value:%d\n",__LINE__,nEndLinkNode->val);
reverseListNode = reverseList(mStartLinkNode);
//printf("[%d] value:%d\n",__LINE__,reverseListNode->val);
mStartLinkNode->next = nEndNextLinkNode;/*第n节点后面一个节点*/
if(mStartPrivLinkNode) {
mStartPrivLinkNode->next = reverseListNode;
else {
head = reverseListNode;

return head;


int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
int a[] = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10};
struct ListNode *head1 = NULL;
struct ListNode *head2 = NULL;
head1 = CreatLink(a,sizeof(a)/sizeof(int));
head2 = reverseBetween(head1,2,6);
return 0;
return 0;
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