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[IOS] Swift enum and Struct

2015-08-08 10:00 471 查看
// ——————enum——————————

// type 1
enum Direction{
case East
case South
case West
case North
enum Direction2{
case East, South,West, North

var d = Direction.East
var d2: Direction = .East
d2 = .South

// type 2 ,  Course enum
enum Course :Int{
case Android = 1,IOS,WP,Symbian

var c1 = Course.Android
let k1 = c1.rawValue
let k2 = Course.self.init(rawValue:k1)


struct Sdemo {
var x:Int ;
var y:Int ;
x = 0;
y = 0;
self.x = x
self.y = y
//用"_",这样就不用写 x:和 y:了
init(_ x:Int, _ y:Int){
self.x = x
self.y = y
// function is legal
func getCenter() -> Int{
return (x+y)/2
//if you wanna modify the x and y , you should add "mutating"
mutating func addOffSet(deltaX:Int ,deltaY:Int)(){
y += deltaY
x += deltaX
var s = Sdemo(x:100,y:100);
var s3 = Sdemo(100,100)
var s2 = Sdemo()
s3.addOffSet(100, deltaY: 200)


struct Rect{
var origin :Int;
var size :Int;
var rect = Rect(origin : 10, size : 10);
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