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ACM 算法艺术与信息学竞赛 1.2.1盒子里面的汽球

2011-10-24 21:58 357 查看



Problem 1515 Balloons in a Box

Accept: 171 Submit: 919

Time Limit: 1000 mSec Memory Limit : 32768 KB

Problem Description

You must write a program that simulates placing spherical balloons into a rectangular box.

The simulation scenario is as follows. Imagine that you are given a rectangular box and a set of points inside the box. Each point represents a position where you might place a balloon. To place a balloon at a point, center it at the point and inflate the
balloon until it touches a side of the box or a previously placed balloon. You may use the points in any order you like, and need not use every point. Your objective is to place balloons in the box in an order that maximizes the total volume occupied by the

You are required to calculate the volume within the box that is not enclosed by the balloons.

All integer will be in [-1000, 1000].


The input consists of several test cases. The first line of each test case contains a single integer n that indicates the number of points in the set (n ≤ 6). The second line contains three integers that represent the (x, y, z) integer coordinates of a corner
of the box, and the third line contains the (x, y, z) integer coordinates of the opposite corner of the box. The next n lines of the test case contain three integers each, representing the (x, y, z) coordinates of the points in the set. The box has non-zero
length in each dimension and its sides are parallel to the coordinate axes.


For each test case print one line which indicates the volume of the box not occupied by balloons. Round the volume to the nearest integer.

Sample Input

2 0 0 0 10 10 10 3 3 3 7 7 7

Sample Output



FZU 2007 ICPC Qualification Round I


1、用GNU C 提交,但是加了//为注释


for (j = 0; j < n; ++j)
iter = ret[j]; mind = INF;
for (k = 0; k < n; ++k)
if (k == iter) continue;  ->改为 if (k == iter || radius[k] == 0) continue;
d = D[iter][k] - radius[k];
mind = min(d, mind);
radius[iter] = min(mind, defined[iter]);

void _get_number(int v, const int n)
int idx = 1, now_value = n, iter = n, pos, cnt = -1, j;
memset(rec, 0, sizeof(rec));
memset(ret, 0, sizeof(ret));

rec[idx] = v % (idx + 1);
v /= ++idx;
} while (v);

while (--iter && --now_value)  ->改为 for (iter = now_value = MAXN -1; iter > 0; --iter, --now_value)
pos = rec[iter];
for (cnt = -1, j = n - 1; j >= 0 && cnt != pos; --j) cnt += 0 == ret[j];
ret[j + 1] = now_value;

5、四舍五入的处理用printf("%.0lf\n", V);可以实现四舍五入的效果。



#define  MM 100
const double PI = 3.1415926535;
const double INF = 2147364735.0;
#define  min(a, b)  ((a) > (b) ? (b) : (a))
#define  max(a, b)  ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b))
#define  abso(a) ((a) > 0 ? (a) : 0 - (a))
const int frac[] = {1, 1, 2, 6, 24, 120, 720, 5040, 40320, 362880};

typedef struct _node
double x, y, z;

node point[MM], from, to;
double D[MM][MM];
double R[MM];
int rec[MM];
int ret[MM];
void _get_number(const int v, const int MAXN)
int idx = 1, iter = MAXN, pos, cont, j;
int value = v;
memset(rec, 0, sizeof(rec));
memset(ret, 0, sizeof(ret));

rec[idx] = value % (idx + 1);
value /= ++idx;
} while (value);

for (iter = MAXN - 1; iter > 0; --iter)
pos = rec[iter];
for (cont = -1, j = MAXN - 1; j >= 0; --j)
if (0 == ret[j])
if (pos == cont) { ret[j] = iter; break;}

double _dist(int i, int j)
double a = point[i].x - point[j].x;
double b = point[i].y - point[j].y;
double c = point[i].z - point[j].z;
return sqrt(a * a + b * b + c * c);

double _min_dist(int i)
double t;
double f = point[i].x - from.x, s = to.x - point[i].x;
f = abso(f); s = abso(s); t = min(f, s);

f = point[i].y - from.y; s = to.y - point[i].y;
f = abso(f); s = abso(s); t = min(f, t); t = min(s, t);

f = point[i].z - from.z; s = to.z - point[i].z;
f = abso(f); s = abso(s); t = min(f, t); t = min(s, t);

return t;

int main(void)
int n, i, j, k, next, iter;
double V, minR, sumV, maxV, d;
while (scanf("%d", &n) != EOF)
scanf("%lf%lf%lf%lf%lf%lf", &(from.x), &(from.y), &(from.z), &(to.x), &(to.y), &(to.z));
V = (to.x - from.x) * (to.y - from.y) * (to.z - from.z); V = abso(V);

for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) scanf("%lf%lf%lf", &(point[i].x), &(point[i].y), &(point[i].z));
for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)
for (D[i][i] = _min_dist(i), j = i + 1; j < n; ++j)
D[i][j] = D[j][i] = _dist(i, j);

for (maxV = next = 0; next < frac
; ++next)
memset(R, 0, sizeof(R));
_get_number(next, n);

for (sumV = i = 0; i < n; ++i)
iter = ret[i]; minR = INF;
for (k = 0; k < n; ++k)
if (k != iter && R[k] > 0)
d = D[iter][k] - R[k];
if (d <= 0) { minR = 0; break;}
else minR = min(minR, d);
minR = min(minR, D[iter][iter]); R[iter] = minR;
sumV += 4.0 * PI * minR * minR * minR / 3.0;
maxV = max(maxV, sumV);
printf("%.0lf\n", V - maxV);
return 0;
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