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架构设计 过度设计_为什么可以对博客进行过度设计

2020-08-20 23:05 781 查看

架构设计 过度设计

Every so often, a popular headline in web development argues why you shouldn’t use a certain framework on your blog. Or why, simply, you shouldn’t over-engineer it.

Web开发中的一个流行标题经常每时每刻都在争论为什么您不应该在博客上使用某个框架。 或为什么简单地说,您不应该过度设计它。

But what, on the other hand, can over-engineering our personal projects like our blog do to help us grow as developers?


对博客进行过度设计意味着什么? (What do I mean by over-engineering a blog?)

When people assert that a blog is over-engineered, they're often referencing the fact that blogs are typically made up of groups of static data. Because that data is static, it can be statically generated without needing any kind of Javascript framework on top like React.

当人们断言博客的设计过度时,他们通常会引用博客通常由静态数据组组成的事实。 由于该数据是静态的,因此可以静态生成,而无需像React这样的顶级Javascript框架。

Shipping Javascript can be expensive. There’s no question about that. When using tools like React, you’re immediately introducing performance implications by simply shipping more Javascript.

运送Javascript可能很昂贵 。 毫无疑问。 当使用React之类的工具时, 您将通过简单地交付更多Javascript 立即引入性能影响。

If you’re just dumping out static content to a page, why do you need Javascript in the first place?


过度设计如何帮助您学习? (How can over-engineering help you learn?)

While over-engineering websites and apps that you ship can ultimately be costly, especially from a user experience perspective, not all circumstances are the same.


One of the best parts about the development world right now, or arguably one of the most frustrating, is that there are constantly new tools being created.


This is great for a few reasons: as a community we’re constantly pushing tools to become better, and as developers we always have new options that might fit our use case better than the last.


But finding ways to learn those new tools can be challenging. While there are a ton of articles out there that walk you through building demo apps, there’s a good chance you don’t find that particular demo topic interesting or it just doesn’t excite you because it’s, well, a demo.

但是,找到学习这些新工具的方法可能具有挑战性。 尽管有很多文章可以指导您构建演示应用程序 ,但您很有可能不会发现特定的演示主题很有趣,或者只是因为演示而没有激发您的兴趣。

我们如何使用个人项目作为学习的渠道? (How can we use personal projects as a learning outlet?)

By funneling that eagerness to learn into our personal projects, we are immediately given a chance to put those tools to use with a real-life project using real-life data.


Personal projects are near and dear to us. I’ve spent countless hours redesigning, rebuilding, and tweaking my personal blog before I settled on something simple because I was content with it.

个人项目对我们来说很亲密。 在我解决一些简单的问题之前,我花了无数的时间进行重新设计,重建和调整我的个人博客,因为我对此感到满意。

Because of this deeper meaning, we invest ourselves into constantly making it better. With this investment, it’s an easy outlet to keep learning new things.

由于具有更深层的意义,因此我们致力于不断改进它。 有了这项投资,这是不断学习新事物的简便途径。

Learning new things is ultimately how we grow as developers. We’re not all lucky enough to work at jobs where we have countless new projects that afforded us the ability to try a new framework on each. So what better way to learn than to build up our online presence while learning that cool new tool?

学习新事物最终是我们作为开发人员成长的方式。 我们并不是很幸运地在没有众多新项目的工作中工作,这些新项目使我们能够在每个项目上尝试新的框架。 那么,有什么比在学习该出色的新工具时建立我们的在线形象更好的学习方法呢?

不良用户体验的借口是什么? (What's the excuse for bad user experience?)

Frankly there is no excuse. A bad user experience isn’t acceptable anywhere.

坦白说,没有任何借口。 糟糕的用户体验在任何地方都是不可接受的。

But the intent here isn’t to argue whether or not a bad user experience is okay or not. The intent is to argue it’s okay for your personal project that admittedly doesn’t get much traffic to be slightly slower, which doesn’t necessarily equate to a bad UX.

但是,这里的目的不是争辩不良的用户体验是否还可以。 目的是证明您的个人项目没问题,因为它不会让很多流量稍微慢一些,这不一定等同于不良的UX。

Calling everything “bad UX” is a catchy blog title, but the real world implications aren’t always so dramatic.


Chances are, your personal project isn’t css-tricks.com pulling in tons of traffic every day. Being able to learn from mistakes on your blog (where the impact is profoundly smaller) and not from those on your company’s or client’s app makes it a much lower risk exercise.

很有可能,您的个人项目不是css-tricks.com ,每天都会吸引大量流量。 能够从博客中的错误中学习(错误的影响要小得多),而不是从公司或客户的应用程序中的错误中学习,这使风险降低了很多。

Learn about those mistakes when it doesn’t matter as much or when you won't lose the business money for accidentally bringing the site down. Put those lessons learned in practice to make a difference in people’s lives when you’re building new science-based tools for the web.

了解无关紧要的错误,或者因意外关闭网站而不会失去业务金钱的错误。 在构建新的基于科学的网络工具时,请将这些经验教训付诸实践,以改变人们的生活。

Your personal blog doesn’t need to have cutting edge performance with 100’s across Google PageSpeed. While that’s a great goal, there’s more you can do to help yourself personally succeed, grow as a developer, and ultimately bring in more traffic than focusing solely on shaving 100ms off of your page load.

您的个人博客不需要在Google PageSpeed中拥有100的尖端性能。 尽管这是一个伟大的目标,但您可以做更多的事情来帮助自己取得成功 ,成长为开发人员,并最终带来更多的访问量,而不仅仅是将页面加载时间缩短100ms。

那那把我们留在哪里呢? (So where does that leave us?)

Go learn new tools and break things on your personal projects. Have fun with it – that's why we're all doing this in the first place, right?

去学习新工具,并在个人项目中打破常规。 玩得开心–这就是为什么我们要首先做到这一点,对吧?

It’s okay to mess things up sometimes. Just learn from those mistakes so the next time it really matters, you'll help make a lasting impact with your work.

有时候把事情弄乱是可以的。 只需从这些错误中学习,以便下次真正重要时,您将有助于对您的工作产生持久的影响。

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/why-its-ok-to-overengineer-your-blog/

架构设计 过度设计

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