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Thinkphp 修改添加标签库解析类

2020-07-20 04:21 666 查看
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Copyright (c) 2006-2016 http://thinkphp.cn All rights reserved.
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Licensed ( http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 )
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Author: liu21st <liu21st@gmail.com>
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------

namespace think\template\taglib;

use think\template\TagLib;

* CX标签库解析类
* @category   Think
* @package  Think
* @subpackage  Driver.Taglib
* @author    liu21st <liu21st@gmail.com>
class Cx extends Taglib{

// 标签定义
protected $tags = [
// 标签定义: attr 属性列表 close 是否闭合(0 或者1 默认1) alias 标签别名 level 嵌套层次
'php'        => ['attr' => ''],
'volist'     => ['attr' => 'name,id,offset,length,key,mod', 'alias' => 'iterate'],
'foreach'    => ['attr' => 'name,id,item,key,offset,length,mod', 'expression' => true],
'if'         => ['attr' => 'condition', 'expression' => true],
'elseif'     => ['attr' => 'condition', 'close' => 0, 'expression' => true],
'else'       => ['attr' => '', 'close' => 0],
'switch'     => ['attr' => 'name', 'expression' => true],
'case'       => ['attr' => 'value,break', 'expression' => true],
'default'    => ['attr' => '', 'close' => 0],
'compare'    => ['attr' => 'name,value,type', 'alias' => ['eq,equal,notequal,neq,gt,lt,egt,elt,heq,nheq', 'type']],
'range'      => ['attr' => 'name,value,type', 'alias' => ['in,notin,between,notbetween', 'type']],
'empty'      => ['attr' => 'name'],
'notempty'   => ['attr' => 'name'],
'present'    => ['attr' => 'name'],
'notpresent' => ['attr' => 'name'],
'defined'    => ['attr' => 'name'],
'notdefined' => ['attr' => 'name'],
'load'       => ['attr' => 'file,href,type,value,basepath', 'close' => 0, 'alias' => ['import,css,js', 'type']],
'assign'     => ['attr' => 'name,value', 'close' => 0],
'define'     => ['attr' => 'name,value', 'close' => 0],
'for'        => ['attr' => 'start,end,name,comparison,step'],
'url'        => ['attr' => 'link,vars,suffix,domain', 'close' => 0, 'expression' => true],
'function'   => ['attr' => 'name,vars,use,call'],
'classlist'     => ['attr' => 'pid,id,where,order,value,key,limit,page', 'close' => 1,'level'=> 3],
'data'     => ['attr' => 'table,pid,id,where,order,value,key,limit,page', 'close' => 1,'level'=> 3],
'adminclasslist'     => ['attr' => 'pid,id,where,order,value,key,limit,page', 'close' => 1,'level'=> 3],
'ghone'      => ['attr' => 'table,name,where', 'close' => 0],

* php标签解析
* 格式:
* {php}echo $name{/php}
* @access public
* @param array $tag 标签属性
* @param string $content 标签内容
* @return string
public function tagPhp($tag, $content)
$parseStr = '<?php ' . $content . ' ?>';
return $parseStr;
public function tagData($attr, $content){
// if(file_exists("runtime")){
//     rmdir("/runtime/");
// }
$table = $attr['table'];     // 表名
$pid = !empty($attr['pid']) ? $attr['pid'] : '';     // pid
$id = !empty($attr['id']) ? $attr['id'] : '';     // id
$where = !empty($attr['where']) ? $attr['where'] : '';     // 查询条件
$order = !empty($attr['order']) ? $attr['order'] : '`id` asc';     // 排序
$value = !empty($attr['value']) ? $attr['value'] : 'v';    // 解析数组名
$key   = !empty($attr['key'])   ? $attr['key'] : 'i';      // 解析key名
$limit = !empty($attr['limit']) ? $attr['limit'] : 9;   // 分页条数
$page  = !empty($attr['page'])  ? $attr['page'] : 'false'; // 是否分页
$i = rand(100,999);

$html  = '<?php ';

$pid_1     = substr($pid, 0, 1);
if (':' == $pid_1) {
$pid = $this->autoBuildVar($pid);
$html .= '$_result=' . $pid . ';';
$pid = '$_result';
} else {
$pid = $this->autoBuildVar($pid);
$pid = " and pid='".$pid."'";
$id_1     = substr($id, 0, 1);
if (':' == $id_1) {
$id = $this->autoBuildVar($id);
$html .= '$_result=' . $id . ';';
$id = '$_result';
} else {
$id = $this->autoBuildVar($id);
$id = " and id='".$id."'";
$where = " and ".$where;
if($table == "article"){
$where .=" and `issuetime`<".time();
$html .= '$Gh_table = "'.$table.'";';
$html .= '$Gh_where = "1=1'.$pid.$id.$where.'";';
if($table == "article" && empty($attr['order'])){
$order="`issuetime` desc";
$html .= '$Gh_order = "'.$order.'";';
$html .= '$Gh_limit = "'.$limit.'";';
# 开启分页
if ($page=="true") {
$html .= '$Gh_db_info = db($Gh_table,"",false)->where($Gh_where)->order($Gh_order)->paginate($Gh_limit);';
$html .= '$page = $Gh_db_info->render();';
$html .= '$data_table = $Gh_table;';
$html .= '$data_where = $Gh_where;';
$html .= '$data_order = $Gh_order;';
$html .= '$data_limit = $Gh_limit;';
} else {
$html .= '$Gh_db_info = db($Gh_table,"",false)->where($Gh_where)->order($Gh_order)->limit($Gh_limit)->select();';

# 开启循环
$html .= 'foreach ($Gh_db_info as $'.$value.'):';
$html .= '?>';
$html .= $content;
$html .= '<?php endforeach;?>';

return $html;
public function tagClasslist($attr, $content){
$table = 'category';     // 表名
$pid = !empty($attr['pid']) ? $attr['pid'] : '';     // pid
$id = !empty($attr['id']) ? $attr['id'] : '';     // id
$where = !empty($attr['where']) ? $attr['where'] : '';     // 查询条件
$order = !empty($attr['order']) ? $attr['order'] : '';     // 排序
$value = !empty($attr['value']) ? $attr['value'] : 'v';    // 解析数组名
$key   = !empty($attr['key'])   ? $attr['key'] : 'i';      // 解析key名
$limit = !empty($attr['limit']) ? $attr['limit'] : '10';   // 分页条数
$page  = !empty($attr['page'])  ? $attr['page'] : 'false'; // 是否分页
$i = rand(100,999);

$html  = '<?php ';

$pid_1     = substr($pid, 0, 1);
if (':' == $pid_1) {
$pid = $this->autoBuildVar($pid);
$html .= '$_result=' . $pid . ';';
$pid = '$_result';
} else {
$pid = $this->autoBuildVar($pid);
$pid = " and pid='".$pid."'";
$id_1     = substr($id, 0, 1);
if (':' == $id_1) {
$id = $this->autoBuildVar($id);
$html .= '$_result=' . $id . ';';
$id = '$_result';
} else {
$id = $this->autoBuildVar($id);
$id = " and id='".$id."'";
$where = " and ".$where;
$html .= '$Gh_table = "'.$table.'";';
$html .= '$Gh_where = "1=1'.$pid.$id.$where.'";';
$html .= '$Gh_order = "'.$order.'";';
$html .= '$Gh_limit = "'.$limit.'";';
# 开启分页
if ($page) {
$html .= '$Gh_db_info = db($Gh_table,"",false)->where($Gh_where)->order($Gh_order)->paginate($Gh_limit);';
$html .= '$Gh_page = $Gh_db_info->render();';
} else {
$html .= '$Gh_db_info = db($Gh_table,"",false)->where($Gh_where)->order($Gh_order)->limit($Gh_limit)->select();';
# 开启循环
$html .= 'foreach ($Gh_db_info as $'.$value.'):';
$html .= '?>';
$html .= $content;
$html .= '<?php endforeach;?>';
return $html;
public function tagAdminclasslist($attr, $content){
$table = 'admin_classify';     // 表名
$pid = !empty($attr['pid']) ? $attr['pid'] : '';     // pid
$id = !empty($attr['id']) ? $attr['id'] : '';     // id
$where = !empty($attr['where']) ? $attr['where'] : '';     // 查询条件
$order = !empty($attr['order']) ? $attr['order'] : '';     // 排序
$value = !empty($attr['value']) ? $attr['value'] : 'v';    // 解析数组名
$key   = !empty($attr['key'])   ? $attr['key'] : 'i';      // 解析key名
$limit = !empty($attr['limit']) ? $attr['limit'] : '10';   // 分页条数
$page  = !empty($attr['page'])  ? $attr['page'] : 'false'; // 是否分页
$i = rand(100,999);

$html  = '<?php ';

$pid_1     = substr($pid, 0, 1);
if (':' == $pid_1) {
$pid = $this->autoBuildVar($pid);
$html .= '$_result=' . $pid . ';';
$pid = '$_result';
} else {
$pid = $this->autoBuildVar($pid);
$pid = " and pid='".$pid."'";
$id_1     = substr($id, 0, 1);
if (':' == $id_1) {
$id = $this->autoBuildVar($id);
$html .= '$_result=' . $id . ';';
$id = '$_result';
} else {
$id = $this->autoBuildVar($id);
$id = " and id='".$id."'";
$where = " and ".$where;
$html .= '$Gh_table = "'.$table.'";';
$html .= '$Gh_where = "1=1'.$pid.$id.$where.'";';
$html .= '$Gh_order = "'.$order.'";';
$html .= '$Gh_limit = "'.$limit.'";';
# 开启分页
if ($page) {
$html .= '$Gh_db_info = db($Gh_table,"",false)->where($Gh_where)->order($Gh_order)->paginate($Gh_limit);';
$html .= '$Gh_page = $Gh_db_info->render();';
} else {
$html .= '$Gh_db_info = db($Gh_table,"",false)->where($Gh_where)->order($Gh_order)->limit($Gh_limit)->select();';
# 开启循环
$html .= 'foreach ($Gh_db_info as $'.$value.'):';
$html .= '?>';
$html .= $content;
$html .= '<?php endforeach;?>';
return $html;
public function tagCglist($attr, $content){
$table = !empty($attr['table']) ? $attr['table'] : '';     // 表名
$where = !empty($attr['where']) ? $attr['where'] : '';     // 查询条件
$order = !empty($attr['order']) ? $attr['order'] : '';     // 排序
$value = !empty($attr['value']) ? $attr['value'] : 'v';    // 解析数组名
$key   = !empty($attr['key'])   ? $attr['key'] : 'i';      // 解析key名
$limit = !empty($attr['limit']) ? $attr['limit'] : '10';   // 分页条数
$page  = !empty($attr['page'])  ? $attr['page'] : 'false'; // 是否分页
$i = rand(100,999);
$html  = '<?php ';
$html .= '$Gh_table = "'.$table.'";';
$html .= '$Gh_where = "'.$where.'";';
$html .= '$Gh_order = "'.$order.'";';
$html .= '$Gh_limit = "'.$limit.'";';
# 开启分页
if ($page) {
$html .= '$Gh_db_info = db($Gh_table,"",false)->where($Gh_where)->order($Gh_order)->paginate($Gh_limit);';
$html .= '$Gh_page = $Gh_db_info->render();';
} else {
$html .= '$Gh_db_info = db($Gh_table,"",false)->where($Gh_where)->order($Gh_order)->limit($Gh_limit)->select();';
# 开启循环
$html .= 'foreach ($Gh_db_info as $'.$value.'):';
$html .= '?>';
$html .= $content;
$html .= '<?php endforeach;?>';
return $html;
public function tagGhone($attr, $content){
$table = !empty($attr['table']) ? $attr['table'] : '';     // 表名
$name = !empty($attr['name']) ? $attr['name'] : '';     // 查询条件
$where = !empty($attr['where']) ? $attr['where'] : '1=1';     // 查询条件
$html  = '<?php ';
$html .= '$Gh_table = "'.$table.'";';
$html .= '$Gh_name = "'.$name.'";';
$html .= '$Gh_where = "'.$where.'";';
$html .= '$Gh_db_info = db($Gh_table,"",false)->where($Gh_where)->value($Gh_name);';
$html .= ' ?>';
$html .= '<?php echo $Gh_db_info;?>';
return $html;
* volist标签解析 循环输出数据集
* 格式:
* {volist name="userList" id="user" empty=""}
* {user.username}
* {user.email}
* {/volist}
* @access public
* @param array $tag 标签属性
* @param string $content 标签内容
* @return string|void
public function tagVolist($tag, $content)
$name   = $tag['name'];
$id     = $tag['id'];
$empty  = isset($tag['empty']) ? $tag['empty'] : '';
$key    = !empty($tag['key']) ? $tag['key'] : 'i';
$mod    = isset($tag['mod']) ? $tag['mod'] : '2';
$offset = !empty($tag['offset']) && is_numeric($tag['offset']) ? intval($tag['offset']) : 0;
$length = !empty($tag['length']) && is_numeric($tag['length']) ? intval($tag['length']) : 'null';
// 允许使用函数设定数据集 <volist name=":fun('arg')" id="vo">{$vo.name}</volist>
$parseStr = '<?php ';
$flag     = substr($name, 0, 1);
if (':' == $flag) {
$name = $this->autoBuildVar($name);
$parseStr .= '$_result=' . $name . ';';
$name = '$_result';
} else {
$name = $this->autoBuildVar($name);

$parseStr .= 'if(is_array(' . $name . ') || ' . $name . ' instanceof \think\Collection): $' . $key . ' = 0;';
// 设置了输出数组长度
if (0 != $offset || 'null' != $length) {
$parseStr .= '$__LIST__ = is_array(' . $name . ') ? array_slice(' . $name . ',' . $offset . ',' . $length . ', true) : ' . $name . '->slice(' . $offset . ',' . $length . ', true); ';
} else {
$parseStr .= ' $__LIST__ = ' . $name . ';';
$parseStr .= 'if( count($__LIST__)==0 ) : echo "' . $empty . '" ;';
$parseStr .= 'else: ';
$parseStr .= 'foreach($__LIST__ as $key=>$' . $id . '): ';
$parseStr .= '$mod = ($' . $key . ' % ' . $mod . ' );';
$parseStr .= '++$' . $key . ';?>';
$parseStr .= $content;
$parseStr .= '<?php endforeach; endif; else: echo "' . $empty . '" ;endif; ?>';

if (!empty($parseStr)) {
return $parseStr;

* foreach标签解析 循环输出数据集
* 格式:
* {foreach name="userList" id="user" key="key" index="i" mod="2" offset="3" length="5" empty=""}
* {user.username}
* {/foreach}
* @access public
* @param array $tag 标签属性
* @param string $content 标签内容
* @return string|void
public function tagForeach($tag, $content)
// 直接使用表达式
if (!empty($tag['expression'])) {
$expression = ltrim(rtrim($tag['expression'], ')'), '(');
$expression = $this->autoBuildVar($expression);
$parseStr   = '<?php foreach(' . $expression . '): ?>';
$parseStr .= $content;
$parseStr .= '<?php endforeach; ?>';
return $parseStr;
$name   = $tag['name'];
$key    = !empty($tag['key']) ? $tag['key'] : 'key';
$item   = !empty($tag['id']) ? $tag['id'] : $tag['item'];
$empty  = isset($tag['empty']) ? $tag['empty'] : '';
$offset = !empty($tag['offset']) && is_numeric($tag['offset']) ? intval($tag['offset']) : 0;
$length = !empty($tag['length']) && is_numeric($tag['length']) ? intval($tag['length']) : 'null';

$parseStr = '<?php ';
// 支持用函数传数组
if (':' == substr($name, 0, 1)) {
$var  = '$_' . uniqid();
$name = $this->autoBuildVar($name);
$parseStr .= $var . '=' . $name . '; ';
$name = $var;
} else {

$name = $this->autoBuildVar($name);
$parseStr .= 'if(is_array(' . $name . ') || ' . $name . ' instanceof \think\Collection): ';
// 设置了输出数组长度
if (0 != $offset || 'null' != $length) {
if (!isset($var)) {
$var = '$_' . uniqid();
$parseStr .= $var . ' = is_array(' . $name . ') ? array_slice(' . $name . ',' . $offset . ',' . $length . ', true) : ' . $name . '->slice(' . $offset . ',' . $length . ', true); ';
} else {
$var = &$name;

$parseStr .= 'if( count(' . $var . ')==0 ) : echo "' . $empty . '" ;';
$parseStr .= 'else: ';

// 设置了索引项
if (isset($tag['index'])) {
$index = $tag['index'];
$parseStr .= '$' . $index . '=0; ';
$parseStr .= 'foreach(' . $var . ' as $' . $key . '=>$' . $item . '): ';
// 设置了索引项
if (isset($tag['index'])) {
$index = $tag['index'];
if (isset($tag['mod'])) {
$mod = (int) $tag['mod'];
$parseStr .= '$mod = ($' . $index . ' % ' . $mod . '); ';
$parseStr .= '++$' . $index . '; ';
$parseStr .= '?>';
// 循环体中的内容
$parseStr .= $content;
$parseStr .= '<?php endforeach; endif; else: echo "' . $empty . '" ;endif; ?>';

if (!empty($parseStr)) {
return $parseStr;

* if标签解析
* 格式:
* {if condition=" $a eq 1"}
* {elseif condition="$a eq 2" /}
* {else /}
* {/if}
* 表达式支持 eq neq gt egt lt elt == > >= < <= or and || &&
* @access public
* @param array $tag 标签属性
* @param string $content 标签内容
* @return string
public function tagIf($tag, $content)
$condition = !empty($tag['expression']) ? $tag['expression'] : $tag['condition'];
$condition = $this->parseCondition($condition);
$parseStr  = '<?php if(' . $condition . '): ?>' . $content . '<?php endif; ?>';
return $parseStr;

* elseif标签解析
* 格式:见if标签
* @access public
* @param array $tag 标签属性
* @param string $content 标签内容
* @return string
public function tagElseif($tag, $content)
$condition = !empty($tag['expression']) ? $tag['expression'] : $tag['condition'];
$condition = $this->parseCondition($condition);
$parseStr  = '<?php elseif(' . $condition . '): ?>';
return $parseStr;

* else标签解析
* 格式:见if标签
* @access public
* @param array $tag 标签属性
* @return string
public function tagElse($tag)
$parseStr = '<?php else: ?>';
return $parseStr;

* switch标签解析
* 格式:
* {switch name="a.name"}
* {case value="1" break="false"}1{/case}
* {case value="2" }2{/case}
* {default /}other
* {/switch}
* @access public
* @param array $tag 标签属性
* @param string $content 标签内容
* @return string
public function tagSwitch($tag, $content)
$name     = !empty($tag['expression']) ? $tag['expression'] : $tag['name'];
$name     = $this->autoBuildVar($name);
$parseStr = '<?php switch(' . $name . '): ?>' . $content . '<?php endswitch; ?>';
return $parseStr;

* case标签解析 需要配合switch才有效
* @access public
* @param array $tag 标签属性
* @param string $content 标签内容
* @return string
public function tagCase($tag, $content)
$value = !empty($tag['expression']) ? $tag['expression'] : $tag['value'];
$flag  = substr($value, 0, 1);
if ('$' == $flag || ':' == $flag) {
$value = $this->autoBuildVar($value);
$value = 'case ' . $value . ':';
} elseif (strpos($value, '|')) {
$values = explode('|', $value);
$value  = '';
foreach ($values as $val) {
$value .= 'case "' . addslashes($val) . '":';
} else {
$value = 'case "' . $value . '":';
$parseStr = '<?php ' . $value . ' ?>' . $content;
$isBreak  = isset($tag['break']) ? $tag['break'] : '';
if ('' == $isBreak || $isBreak) {
$parseStr .= '<?php break; ?>';
return $parseStr;

* default标签解析 需要配合switch才有效
* 使用: {default /}ddfdf
* @access public
* @param array $tag 标签属性
* @param string $content 标签内容
* @return string
public function tagDefault($tag)
$parseStr = '<?php default: ?>';
return $parseStr;

* compare标签解析
* 用于值的比较 支持 eq neq gt lt egt elt heq nheq 默认是eq
* 格式: {compare name="" type="eq" value="" }content{/compare}
* @access public
* @param array $tag 标签属性
* @param string $content 标签内容
* @return string
public function tagCompare($tag, $content)
$name  = $tag['name'];
$value = $tag['value'];
$type  = isset($tag['type']) ? $tag['type'] : 'eq'; // 比较类型
$name  = $this->autoBuildVar($name);
$flag  = substr($value, 0, 1);
if ('$' == $flag || ':' == $flag) {
$value = $this->autoBuildVar($value);
} else {
$value = '\'' . $value . '\'';
switch ($type) {
case 'equal':
$type = 'eq';
case 'notequal':
$type = 'neq';
$type     = $this->parseCondition(' ' . $type . ' ');
$parseStr = '<?php if(' . $name . ' ' . $type . ' ' . $value . '): ?>' . $content . '<?php endif; ?>';
return $parseStr;

* range标签解析
* 如果某个变量存在于某个范围 则输出内容 type= in 表示在范围内 否则表示在范围外
* 格式: {range name="var|function"  value="val" type='in|notin' }content{/range}
* example: {range name="a"  value="1,2,3" type='in' }content{/range}
* @access public
* @param array $tag 标签属性
* @param string $content 标签内容
* @return string
public function tagRange($tag, $content)
$name  = $tag['name'];
$value = $tag['value'];
$type  = isset($tag['type']) ? $tag['type'] : 'in'; // 比较类型

$name = $this->autoBuildVar($name);
$flag = substr($value, 0, 1);
if ('$' == $flag || ':' == $flag) {
$value = $this->autoBuildVar($value);
$str   = 'is_array(' . $value . ')?' . $value . ':explode(\',\',' . $value . ')';
} else {
$value = '"' . $value . '"';
$str   = 'explode(\',\',' . $value . ')';
if ('between' == $type) {
$parseStr = '<?php $_RANGE_VAR_=' . $str . ';if(' . $name . '>= $_RANGE_VAR_[0] && ' . $name . '<= $_RANGE_VAR_[1]):?>' . $content . '<?php endif; ?>';
} elseif ('notbetween' == $type) {
$parseStr = '<?php $_RANGE_VAR_=' . $str . ';if(' . $name . '<$_RANGE_VAR_[0] || ' . $name . '>$_RANGE_VAR_[1]):?>' . $content . '<?php endif; ?>';
} else {
$fun      = ('in' == $type) ? 'in_array' : '!in_array';
$parseStr = '<?php if(' . $fun . '((' . $name . '), ' . $str . ')): ?>' . $content . '<?php endif; ?>';
return $parseStr;

* present标签解析
* 如果某个变量已经设置 则输出内容
* 格式: {present name="" }content{/present}
* @access public
* @param array $tag 标签属性
* @param string $content 标签内容
* @return string
public function tagPresent($tag, $content)
$name     = $tag['name'];
$name     = $this->autoBuildVar($name);
$parseStr = '<?php if(isset(' . $name . ')): ?>' . $content . '<?php endif; ?>';
return $parseStr;

* notpresent标签解析
* 如果某个变量没有设置,则输出内容
* 格式: {notpresent name="" }content{/notpresent}
* @access public
* @param array $tag 标签属性
* @param string $content 标签内容
* @return string
public function tagNotpresent($tag, $content)
$name     = $tag['name'];
$name     = $this->autoBuildVar($name);
$parseStr = '<?php if(!isset(' . $name . ')): ?>' . $content . '<?php endif; ?>';
return $parseStr;

* empty标签解析
* 如果某个变量为empty 则输出内容
* 格式: {empty name="" }content{/empty}
* @access public
* @param array $tag 标签属性
* @param string $content 标签内容
* @return string
public function tagEmpty($tag, $content)
$name     = $tag['name'];
$name     = $this->autoBuildVar($name);
$parseStr = '<?php if(empty(' . $name . ') || (' . $name . ' instanceof \think\Collection && ' . $name . '->isEmpty())): ?>' . $content . '<?php endif; ?>';
return $parseStr;

* notempty标签解析
* 如果某个变量不为empty 则输出内容
* 格式: {notempty name="" }content{/notempty}
* @access public
* @param array $tag 标签属性
* @param string $content 标签内容
* @return string
public function tagNotempty($tag, $content)
$name     = $tag['name'];
$name     = $this->autoBuildVar($name);
$parseStr = '<?php if(!(empty(' . $name . ') || (' . $name . ' instanceof \think\Collection && ' . $name . '->isEmpty()))): ?>' . $content . '<?php endif; ?>';
return $parseStr;

* 判断是否已经定义了该常量
* {defined name='TXT'}已定义{/defined}
* @param array $tag
* @param string $content
* @return string
public function tagDefined($tag, $content)
$name     = $tag['name'];
$parseStr = '<?php if(defined("' . $name . '")): ?>' . $content . '<?php endif; ?>';
return $parseStr;

* 判断是否没有定义了该常量
* {notdefined name='TXT'}已定义{/notdefined}
* @param array $tag
* @param string $content
* @return string
public function tagNotdefined($tag, $content)
$name     = $tag['name'];
$parseStr = '<?php if(!defined("' . $name . '")): ?>' . $content . '<?php endif; ?>';
return $parseStr;

* load 标签解析 {load file="/static/js/base.js" /}
* 格式:{load file="/static/css/base.css" /}
* @access public
* @param array $tag 标签属性
* @param string $content 标签内容
* @return string
public function tagLoad($tag, $content)
$file     = isset($tag['file']) ? $tag['file'] : $tag['href'];
$type     = isset($tag['type']) ? strtolower($tag['type']) : '';
$parseStr = '';
$endStr   = '';
// 判断是否存在加载条件 允许使用函数判断(默认为isset)
if (isset($tag['value'])) {
$name = $tag['value'];
$name = $this->autoBuildVar($name);
$name = 'isset(' . $name . ')';
$parseStr .= '<?php if(' . $name . '): ?>';
$endStr = '<?php endif; ?>';

// 文件方式导入
$array = explode(',', $file);
foreach ($array as $val) {
$type = strtolower(substr(strrchr($val, '.'), 1));
switch ($type) {
case 'js':
$parseStr .= '<script type="text/javascript" src="' . $val . '"></script>';
case 'css':
$parseStr .= '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="' . $val . '" />';
case 'php':
$parseStr .= '<?php include "' . $val . '"; ?>';
return $parseStr . $endStr;

* assign标签解析
* 在模板中给某个变量赋值 支持变量赋值
* 格式: {assign name="" value="" /}
* @access public
* @param array $tag 标签属性
* @param string $content 标签内容
* @return string
public function tagAssign($tag, $content)
$name = $this->autoBuildVar($tag['name']);
$flag = substr($tag['value'], 0, 1);
if ('$' == $flag || ':' == $flag) {
$value = $this->autoBuildVar($tag['value']);
} else {
$value = '\'' . $tag['value'] . '\'';
$parseStr = '<?php ' . $name . ' = ' . $value . '; ?>';
return $parseStr;

* define标签解析
* 在模板中定义常量 支持变量赋值
* 格式: {define name="" value="" /}
* @access public
* @param array $tag 标签属性
* @param string $content 标签内容
* @return string
public function tagDefine($tag, $content)
$name = '\'' . $tag['name'] . '\'';
$flag = substr($tag['value'], 0, 1);
if ('$' == $flag || ':' == $flag) {
$value = $this->autoBuildVar($tag['value']);
} else {
$value = '\'' . $tag['value'] . '\'';
$parseStr = '<?php define(' . $name . ', ' . $value . '); ?>';
return $parseStr;

* for标签解析
* 格式:
* {for start="" end="" comparison="" step="" name=""}
* content
* {/for}
* @access public
* @param array $tag 标签属性
* @param string $content 标签内容
* @return string
public function tagFor($tag, $content)
$start      = 0;
$end        = 0;
$step       = 1;
$comparison = 'lt';
$name       = 'i';
$rand       = rand(); //添加随机数,防止嵌套变量冲突
foreach ($tag as $key => $value) {
$value = trim($value);
$flag  = substr($value, 0, 1);
if ('$' == $flag || ':' == $flag) {
$value = $this->autoBuildVar($value);

switch ($key) {
case 'start':
$start = $value;
case 'end':
$end = $value;
case 'step':
$step = $value;
case 'comparison':
$comparison = $value;
case 'name':
$name = $value;

$parseStr = '<?php $__FOR_START_' . $rand . '__=' . $start . ';$__FOR_END_' . $rand . '__=' . $end . ';';
$parseStr .= 'for($' . $name . '=$__FOR_START_' . $rand . '__;' . $this->parseCondition('$' . $name . ' ' . $comparison . ' $__FOR_END_' . $rand . '__') . ';$' . $name . '+=' . $step . '){ ?>';
$parseStr .= $content;
$parseStr .= '<?php } ?>';
return $parseStr;

* U函数的tag标签
* 格式:{url link="模块/控制器/方法" vars="参数" suffix="true或者false 是否带有后缀" domain="true或者false 是否携带域名" /}
* @access public
* @param array $tag 标签属性
* @param string $content 标签内容
* @return string
public function tagUrl($tag, $content)
$url    = isset($tag['link']) ? $tag['link'] : '';
$vars   = isset($tag['vars']) ? $tag['vars'] : '';
$suffix = isset($tag['suffix']) ? $tag['suffix'] : 'true';
$domain = isset($tag['domain']) ? $tag['domain'] : 'false';
return '<?php echo url("' . $url . '","' . $vars . '",' . $suffix . ',' . $domain . ');?>';

* function标签解析 匿名函数,可实现递归
* 使用:
* {function name="func" vars="$data" call="$list" use="&$a,&$b"}
*      {if is_array($data)}
*          {foreach $data as $val}
*              {~func($val) /}
*          {/foreach}
*      {else /}
*          {$data}
*      {/if}
* {/function}
* @access public
* @param array $tag 标签属性
* @param string $content 标签内容
* @return string
public function tagFunction($tag, $content)
$name = !empty($tag['name']) ? $tag['name'] : 'func';
$vars = !empty($tag['vars']) ? $tag['vars'] : '';
$call = !empty($tag['call']) ? $tag['call'] : '';
$use  = ['&$' . $name];
if (!empty($tag['use'])) {
foreach (explode(',', $tag['use']) as $val) {
$use[] = '&' . ltrim(trim($val), '&');
$parseStr = '<?php $' . $name . '=function(' . $vars . ') use(' . implode(',', $use) . ') {';
$parseStr .= ' ?>' . $content . '<?php }; ';
$parseStr .= $call ? '$' . $name . '(' . $call . '); ?>' : '?>';
return $parseStr;
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