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[置顶] Coursera-Deep Learning Specialization 课程之(五):Sequence Models: -weak1编程作业 (第三部分)

2018-03-27 21:37 281 查看

Improvise a Jazz Solo with an LSTM Network

from __future__ import print_function
import IPython
import sys
from music21 import *
import numpy as np
from grammar import *
from qa import *
from preprocess import *
from music_utils import *
from data_utils import *
from keras.models import load_model, Model
from keras.layers import Dense, Activation, Dropout, Input, LSTM, Reshape, Lambda, RepeatVector
from keras.initializers import glorot_uniform
from keras.utils import to_categorical
from keras.optimizers import Adam
from keras import backend as K

1 - Problem statement

1.1 - Dataset



X, Y, n_values, indices_values = load_music_utils()
print('shape of X:', X.shape)
print('number of training examples:', X.shape[0])
print('Tx (length of sequence):', X.shape[1])
print('total # of unique values:', n_values)
print('Shape of Y:', Y.shape)

shape of X: (60, 30, 78)

number of training examples: 60

Tx (length of sequence): 30

total # of unique values: 78

Shape of Y: (30, 60, 78)

1.2 - Overview of our model

2 - Building the model


def djmodel(Tx, n_a, n_values):
Implement the model

Tx -- length of the sequence in a corpus
n_a -- the number of activations used in our model
n_values -- number of unique values in the music data

model -- a keras model with the

# Define the input of your model with a shape
X = Input(shape=(Tx, n_values))

# Define s0, initial hidden state for the decoder LSTM
a0 = Input(shape=(n_a,), name='a0')
c0 = Input(shape=(n_a,), name='c0')
a = a0
c = c0

# Step 1: Create empty list to append the outputs while you iterate (≈1 line)
outputs = []

# Step 2: Loop
for t in range(Tx):

# Step 2.A: select the "t"th time step vector from X.
x = Lambda(lambda x: X[:,t,:])(X)
# Step 2.B: Use reshapor to reshape x to be (1, n_values) (≈1 line)
x = reshapor(x)
# Step 2.C: Perform one step of the LSTM_cell
a, _, c = LSTM_cell(x, initial_state=[a, c])
# Step 2.D: Apply densor to the hidden state output of LSTM_Cell
out = densor(a)
# Step 2.E: add the output to "outputs"

# Step 3: Create model instance
model = Model([X,a0,c0],outputs)


return model

model = djmodel(Tx = 30 , n_a = 64, n_values = 78)opt = Adam(lr=0.01, beta_1=0.9, beta_2=0.999, decay=0.01)

model.compile(optimizer=opt, loss='categorical_crossentropy', metrics=['accuracy'])m = 60
a0 = np.zeros((m, n_a))
c0 = np.zeros((m, n_a))
model.fit([X, a0, c0], list(Y), epochs=100)

60/60 [==============================] - 0s - loss: 5.9642 - dense_2_loss_1: 3.7577

3 - Generating music

def music_inference_model(LSTM_cell, densor, n_values = 78, n_a = 64, Ty = 100):
# Step 1: Create an empty list of "outputs" to later store your predicted values (≈1 line)
outputs = []

# Step 2: Loop over Ty and generate a value at every time step
for t in range(Ty):

# Step 2.A: Perform one step of LSTM_cell (≈1 line)
a, _, c = LSTM_cell(x, initial_state=[a, c])

# Step 2.B: Apply Dense layer to the hidden state output of the LSTM_cell (≈1 line)
out = densor(a)

# Step 2.C: Append the prediction "out" to "outputs". out.shape = (None, 78) (≈1 line)

# Step 2.D: Select the next value according to "out", and set "x" to be the one-hot representation of the
#           selected value, which will be passed as the input to LSTM_cell on the next step. We have provided
#           the line of code you need to do this.
x = Lambda(one_hot)(out)

# Step 3: Create model instance with the correct "inputs" and "outputs" (≈1 line)
inference_model = Model([x0,a0,c0],outputs)


return inference_model

inference_model = music_inference_model(LSTM_cell, densor, n_values = 78, n_a = 64, Ty = 50)
x_initializer = np.zeros((1, 1, 78))
a_initializer = np.zeros((1, n_a))
c_initializer = np.zeros((1, n_a))

def predict_and_sample(inference_model, x_initializer = x_initializer, a_initializer = a_initializer,
c_initializer = c_initializer):
# Step 1: Use your inference model to predict an output sequence given x_initializer, a_initializer and c_initializer.
pred = inference_model.predict([x_initializer, a_initializer, c_initializer])
# Step 2: Convert "pred" into an np.array() of indices with the maximum probabilities
indices = np.argmax(pred,axis=-1)
# Step 3: Convert indices to one-hot vectors, the shape of the results should be (1, )
results = to_categorical(indices,num_classes=x_initializer.shape[-1])

return results, indices

results, indices = predict_and_sample(inference_model, x_initializer, a_initializer, c_initializer)
print("np.argmax(results[12]) =", np.argmax(results[12]))
print("np.argmax(results[17]) =", np.argmax(results[17]))
print("list(indices[12:18]) =", list(indices[12:18]))

np.argmax(results[12]) = 42

np.argmax(results[17]) = 76

list(indices[12:18]) = [array([42]), array([76]), array([51]), array([30]), array([42]), array([76])]

3.3 - Generate music

out_stream = generate_music(inference_model)

Predicting new values for different set of chords.

Generated 51 sounds using the predicted values for the set of chords (“1”) and after pruning

Generated 51 sounds using the predicted values for the set of chords (“2”) and after pruning

Generated 51 sounds using the predicted values for the set of chords (“3”) and after pruning

Generated 51 sounds using the predicted values for the set of chords (“4”) and after pruning

Generated 50 sounds using the predicted values for the set of chords (“5”) and after pruning

Your generated music is saved in output/my_music.midi


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