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2018-02-25 19:49 141 查看



void cv::goodFeaturesToTrack( InputArray _image, OutputArray _corners,
int maxCorners, double qualityLevel, double minDistance,
InputArray _mask, int blockSize, int gradientSize,
bool useHarrisDetector, double harrisK )



  if( useHarrisDetector ) cornerHarris( image, eig, blockSize, gradientSize, harrisK ); else cornerMinEigenVal( image, eig, blockSize, gradientSize );


double maxVal = 0;
minMaxLoc( eig, 0, &maxVal, 0, 0, _mask );
threshold( eig, eig, maxVal*qualityLevel, 0, THRESH_TOZERO );
dilate( eig, tmp, Mat());


// collect list of pointers to features - put them into temporary image
Mat mask = _mask.getMat();
for( int y = 1; y < imgsize.height - 1; y++ )
const float* eig_data = (const float*)eig.ptr(y);
const float* tmp_data = (const float*)tmp.ptr(y);
const uchar* mask_data = mask.data ? mask.ptr(y) : 0;

for( int x = 1; x < imgsize.width - 1; x++ )
float val = eig_data[x];
if( val != 0 && val == tmp_data[x] && (!mask_data || mask_data[x]) )
tmpCorners.push_back(eig_data + x);


std::sort( tmpCorners.begin(), tmpCorners.end(), greaterThanPtr() ); 




if (minDistance >= 1)
// Partition the image into larger grids
int w = image.cols;
int h = image.rows;

const int cell_size = cvRound(minDistance);
     //grid中元素(vector)个数为grid_width*grid_height个,+cell_size-1的目的是保证能够覆盖所有的像素点 const int grid_width = (w + cell_size - 1) / cell_size; const int grid_height = (h + cell_size - 1) / cell_size; std::vector<std::vector<Point2f> > grid(grid_width*grid_height); minDistance *= minDistance; for( i = 0; i < total; i++ ) { int ofs = (int)((const uchar*)tmpCorners[i] - eig.ptr()); int y = (int)(ofs / eig.step); int x = (int)((ofs - y*eig.step)/sizeof(float)); //假设开始所有的角点是good bool good = true; //将原图中角点坐标归一化到mindistance邻域 int x_cell = x / cell_size; int y_cell = y / cell_size; //取归一化后点的邻域4个点坐标(不是4邻域,而是4个角),在grid中的坐标 int x1 = x_cell - 1; int y1 = y_cell - 1; int x2 = x_cell + 1; int y2 = y_cell + 1; // boundary check 边界判断 x1 = std::max(0, x1); y1 = std::max(0, y1); x2 = std::min(grid_width-1, x2); y2 = std::min(grid_height-1, y2); //遍历邻域4个点, grid中的邻域坐标 for( int yy = y1; yy <= y2; yy++ ) { for( int xx = x1; xx <= x2; xx++ ) {
//取出grid中一个元素对应的所有强角点坐标位置 std::vector <Point2f> &m = grid[yy*grid_width + xx]; //如果某元素对应的原图像角点容器中有已经保存的强角点,则需要进行距离判断。否则指定原图像中该角点就是强角点 if( m.size() ) {
//遍历其对应容器内的其他强角点,并依次判断原图像中当前角点与其邻域内其他强角点之间的欧式距离,如果欧式距离小于minDistance,则将当前角点标志置为good=false(抛弃),并跳出 for(j = 0; j < m.size(); j++) { float dx = x - m[j].x; float dy = y - m[j].y; if( dx*dx + dy*dy < minDistance ) { good = false; goto break_out; } } } } } break_out:        //如果角点为good,则将该角点保存在当前grid中一个元素对应的容器中,同时保存在输出容器corners中,并累加计数器ncorners。由于已经进行过降序排序,前面保存的都是强角点。 if (good) { grid[y_cell*grid_width + x_cell].push_back(Point2f((float)x, (float)y)); corners.push_back(Point2f((float)x, (float)y)); ++ncorners; if( maxCorners > 0 && (int)ncorners == maxCorners ) break; } } } else { for( i = 0; i < total; i++ ) { int ofs = (int)((const uchar*)tmpCorners[i] - eig.ptr()); int y = (int)(ofs / eig.step); int x = (int)((ofs - y*eig.step)/sizeof(float)); corners.push_back(Point2f((float)x, (float)y)); ++ncorners; if( maxCorners > 0 && (int)ncorners == maxCorners ) break; } } Mat(corners).convertTo(_corners, _corners.fixedType() ? _corners.type() : CV_32F);



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