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Notes about <VC3: Trustworthy Data Analytics in the Cloud using SGX>

2018-01-21 22:33 513 查看


Typically, cloud users

hope for the following security guarantees:

I Confidentiality and integrity for both code and data; i. e.,

the guarantee that they are not changed by attackers and

that they remain secret.

II Verifiability of execution of the code over the data; i. e.,

the guarantee that their distributed computation globally

ran to completion and was not tampered with.

We present Verifiable Confidential Cloud Computing (VC3),

a MapReduce framework that achieves the security guarantees

(I and II) formulated above, with good performance.

Our threat model accounts for powerful adversaries that may control

the whole cloud provider’s software and hardware infrastructure,

except for the certified physical processors involved in

the computation.

Denial-of-service, side-channels, and trafficanalysis

attacks are outside the scope of this work.

To keep the TCB small in our design, users simply write the usual map and reduce functions in C++, encrypt them, bind them to a small amount of code that implements our cryptographic protocols, and finally upload the code to the cloud.

On each worker node, the cloud operating system loads the code into a secure region within the address space of a process and makes use of the security mechanisms of SGX processors to make the region inaccessible to the operating system and the


Subsequently, the code inside the region runs our key exchange protocol, decrypts the map and reduce functions, and runs the distributed computation that processes the data.

The second challenge is to guarantee integrity for the whole

distributed computation, since the processors guarantee only

integrity of memory regions on individual computers.

The final challenge is to protect the code running in the

isolated memory regions from attacks due to unsafe memory



Cryptographic Assumptions

EDigest(C) : for the SGX digest of an enclave’s initial content C. We refer to C as the code identity of an enclave. Intuitively, EDigest provides collision resistance;

ESigp[C]{text}: for a quote from a QE with identity P that jointly signs H(text) and the EDigest(C) on behalf of an enclave with code identity C.
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