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2017-12-21 09:46 239 查看





pid_t fork(void);


fork函数被调用一次,但返回两次。两次返回的唯一出别是child process的返回值是0,而父进程的返回值则是child process的进程ID。所以可以通过fork函数的返回值来进入父子进程独有的代码段(但是要借助ifelse(else if else )选择语句)。








 ​因为​fork使子进程得到的返回值是0,子进程可以通过这个返回值来确定自己执行代码(若有),通过if else 语句来确定实现。而这个ID=0的进程不可能是其他的进程,因为进程ID=0总是由内核交换进程使用,返回值pid<0,即是pid=-1,fork函数创建进程失败。而pid大于即子进程的ID返回给父进程(每个进程都有一个非负整数表示的唯一进程ID)。所以通过这个子进程ID,父进程也可以确定自己独有的可执行代码(若有)。其他fork之后的代码父子进程都要执行,除非有进程退出,或者通过pid的选择语句。



2、一个fork() puzzle

Consider the below code snippet:

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plain copy

int main()  





    printf("Hello World\n");  


 The output:[on ubuntu 12.04]

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plain copy

aashish@aashish-laptop:~$ ./a.out  

Hello World  

Hello World  

Hello World  

aashish@aashish-laptop:~$ Hello World <---------------------------  

Hello World  

Hello World  

Hello World  

Hello World  

The short answer is that you are creating multiple processes, which run asynchronously with respect to each other. The long answer follows:

When you type ./a.out at the shell prompt, that creates a process running your program. Let's call that process 1.

Process 1 calls fork(). This creates a new child process, Process 2, and both 1 and 2 carry on execution after the first fork() call, proceeding to the second fork() call. Process 1 creates child Process 3, and Process 2 creates child process 4. All four processes
carry on from after the second fork(), proceeding to the final fork() call. Process 1 creates Process 5; Process 2 creates Process 6; Process 3 creates Process 7; and Process 4 creates Process 8.

Note that these process numbers are arbitrary: there's no guarantee they'd be created in that order.

The asynchrony comes into play as soon as that first fork() gets executed. The system offers no guarantees about scheduling the parent with respect to the child. Theoretically the child could run to completion before the parent continues, the parent could finish
before the child gets any resources. The most likely scenario lies somewhere in the middle: the original process shares resources with its progeny, so that all run concurrently.

The final piece of the puzzle results from the fact that the shell is waiting for Process 1 to complete.Only Process 1. The shell doesn't know (or care) that Process 1 has started other processes. So when Process 1 completes,
the shell displays a prompt. As it happened, some of the descendants of Process 1 hadn't yet reached the printf() statement. By the time they got there, the shell had already displayed its prompt.

To explore this further, you might want to try changing the fork() calls toprintf( "%d\n", fork() );and/or changeprintf("Hello World\n") toprintf("Hello
from pid %d\n", getpid() )

参考 http://qing.blog.sina.com.cn/2161971512/80dd1138330012j6.html http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11802055/fork-outputs-after-the-process-execution-is-over
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标签:  多进程