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使用MATLAB中的HDL coder工具箱,对一个线性调频信号进行FIR滤波,最终在FPGA上实现

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HDL coder帮助文档的解读

HDL Coder

Generate VHDL and Verilogcode for FPGA and ASIC designs
HDL Coder™ generates portable, synthesizable VHDL® andVerilog® code
from MATLAB® functions,Simulink® models, and Stateflowcharts.
The generated HDL code can be used for FPGA programming orASIC prototyping and design.
HDL Coder provides a workflow advisor that automates theprogramming of Xilinx® andAltera® FPGAs.
You can control HDLarchitecture and implementation, highlight critical paths, and generatehardware resource utilization estimates. HDL Coder provides traceabilitybetween your Simulink model and the generated Verilog and VHDL code, enablingcode verification
for high-integrity applications adhering to DO-254 and otherstandards.
HDL Coder提供了一种使Xilinx和Altera

Key Features

·       Target-independent,synthesizable VHDL and Verilog code

·       Codegeneration support for MATLAB functions, System objects and Simulink blocks

·       Mealyand Moore finite-state machines and control logic implementations usingStateflow

span style="color:rgb(64,64,64);">使用Stateflow工具实现Moore/Mealy状态机及控制逻辑
·       Workflowadvisor for programming Xilinx and Altera application boards

·       Resourcesharing and retiming for area-speed tradeoffs

·       Code-to-modeland model-to-code traceability for DO-254

·       Legacycode integration

Getting Started

Learn thebasics of HDL Coder
入门指南:学习HDL Coder的基础

HDL Code Generation from MATLAB

GenerateHDL Code from MATLAB algorithms

HDL Code Generation from Simulink

GenerateHDL code from Simulink models

Hardware-Software Codesign

Deploypartitioned hardware and software on a target hardware platform

Supported Hardware

Supportfor third-party hardware, such as Altera and Xilinx FPGA boards

Getting Started with HDL Coder

·       HDL
CoderProduct Description HDL Coder产品描述
·       System Requirements
·       Tool Setup工具安装
·       SupportedThird-Party
Tools and Hardware 受支持的第三方工具与硬件
·       VHDL
and VerilogLanguage Support VHDL与Verilog语言支持


·       HDL
CodeGeneration from a MATLAB Algorithm
·       HDL
CodeGeneration from a Simulink Model

About Designing for HDLCode Generation

·       FunctionsSupported
for HDL Code Generation — Alphabetical List 按字母排序的受支持函数清单
·       FunctionsSupported
for HDL Code Generation — Categorical List 按类别的受支持函数清单
·       MATLAB
LanguageSupport MATLAB语言支持
·       HardwareModeling
with MATLAB Code 使用MATLAB代码对硬件进行建模
·       Prepare
SimulinkModel For HDL Code Generation 准备适合生成HDL代码的Simulink模型
·       Show
BlocksSupported for HDL Code Generation
·       Supported Blocks受支持的模块
·       SimulinkTemplates
For HDL Code Generation 可生成HDL代码的Simulink模板
Tool Setup工具安装流程
Synthesis Tool Path Setup

·       hdlsetuptoolpath
·       Add
Synthesis Tool for Current HDL Workflow AdvisorSession
·       Check
Your Synthesis Tool Setup
·       Supported
Tool Versions
hdlsetuptoolpath Function
使用hdlsetuptoolpath 函数

To use HDL Coder™ with one of the supported third-party FPGAsynthesis tools, add the tool to your system path using the hdlsetuptoolpath function.Add
the tool to your system path before opening the HDL Workflow Advisor. Ifyou already have the HDL Workflow Advisor open, see Add
Synthesis Tool for Current HDL Workflow AdvisorSession.
Add Synthesis Tool for Current HDL WorkflowAdvisor Session
Simulink to HDL Workflow
1.     At the MATLAB® commandline, use the hdlsetuptoolpath functionto
add the synthesis tool.
2.     In the HDL Workflow Advisor, inthe Set Target > Set Target Device and SynthesisTool step, to the right of
Synthesis tool, click Refresh.
Thesynthesis tool is now available.
MATLAB to HDL Workflow
1.     At the MATLAB command line, usethe hdlsetuptoolpath functionto
add the synthesis tool.
2.     In the HDL Workflow Advisor, inthe Select Code Generation Target step, to the right of Synthesistool, click
Refresh list.
Thesynthesis tool is now available.
Check Your Synthesis Tool Setup
To check your Altera® Quartussynthesis tool setup in MATLAB, try launching the tool with the followingcommand:

To check your Xilinx® Vivado® synthesistool
setup in MATLAB, try launching the tool with the following command:

To check your Xilinx ISE synthesis tool setup in MATLAB, trylaunching the tool with the following command:

Supported Tool Versions
For supported tool versions, see Third-Party
Synthesis Tools and Version Support.


开始HDL coder生成流程

现在开始在.m文件中编写相应的算法。这里为了更好的演示整个HDL coder工作的流程,我们选择一个具有代表性的数字信号处理典例:线性调频LFM信号通过FIR滤波器进行滤波,并通过Testbench来从输入输出的波形中验证FPGA是否能较好的完成滤波工作。


首先值得注意的是,我们平时在MATLAB环境中的运算基本上都是浮点运算(floating point arithmetic),而在FPGA中的实现几乎都是定点运算(fixed
point arithmetic),这就使得在HDL coder的过程中需要一步关键操作:





function [y_out, delayed_xout] =mlhdlc_sfir(x_in, h_in1, h_in2, h_in3, h_in4)

% Symmetric FIR Filter


persistent ud1 ud2 ud3 ud4 ud5 ud6ud7 ud8;

if isempty(ud1)

    ud1 = 0;ud2 = 0; ud3 = 0; ud4 = 0; ud5 = 0; ud6 = 0; ud7 = 0; ud8 = 0;



a1 = ud1 + ud8; a2 = ud2 + ud7;

a3 = ud3 + ud6; a4 = ud4 + ud5;


m1 = h_in1 * a1; m2 = h_in2 * a2;

m3 = h_in3 * a3; m4 = h_in4 * a4;


a5 = m1 + m2; a6 = m3 + m4;

% filtered output

y_out = a5 + a6;

% delayout input signal

delayed_xout = ud8;


% update the delay line

ud8 = ud7;

ud7 = ud6;

ud6 = ud5;

ud5 = ud4;

ud4 = ud3;

ud3 = ud2;

ud2 = ud1;

ud1 = x_in;





clear all;

% input signal with noise

x_in =cos(2.*pi.*(0:0.001:2).*(1+(0:0.001:2).*75)).';

% filter coefficients

h1 = -0.1339; h2 = -0.0838; h3 = 0.2026; h4 =0.4064;

len = length(x_in);

y_out = zeros(1,len);

x_out = zeros(1,len);

for ii=1:len

    data =x_in(ii);

    %call to the design 'mlhdlc_sfir' that is targeted for hardware

   [y_out(ii), x_out(ii)] = mlhdlc_sfir(data, h1, h2, h3, h4);   



subplot(2,1,1); plot(1:len,x_in);

subplot(2,1,2); plot(1:len,y_out);





可见,经过滤波后的线性调频信号的高频部分被抑制了,说明在算法层面我们的代码没有问题。下一步就是调出HDL coder工具箱,然后按说明添加两个.m文件进去:

按照MATLAB中内置的Getting Start Guide,一步步进行HDL的生成。在第二步中,Fixed
Point Conversion是将浮点算法转换为定点实现的重要一环:




%          Generated by MATLAB 9.0 and Fixed-Point Designer 5.2             



%   #codegen

function [y_out, delayed_xout] =mlhdlc_sfir_fixpt(x_in, h_in1, h_in2, h_in3, h_in4)

% Symmetric FIR Filter


fm = get_fimath();


persistent ud1 ud2 ud3 ud4 ud5 ud6ud7 ud8;

if isempty(ud1)

ud1 = fi(0, 1, 14, 12, fm); ud2 = fi(0, 1, 14, 12,fm); ud3 = fi(0, 1, 14, 12, fm); ud4 = fi(0, 1, 14, 12, fm); ud5 = fi(0, 1, 14,12, fm); ud6 = fi(0, 1, 14, 12, fm); ud7 = fi(0, 1, 14, 12, fm); ud8 = fi(0, 1,14, 12, fm);



a1 = fi(ud1 + ud8, 1, 14, 12, fm); a2 = fi(ud2 +ud7, 1, 14, 12, fm);

a3 = fi(ud3 + ud6, 1, 14, 12, fm); a4 = fi(ud4 +ud5, 1, 14, 11, fm);


m1 = fi(h_in1 * a1, 1, 14, 14, fm); m2 = fi(h_in2 *a2, 1, 14, 15, fm);

m3 = fi(h_in3 * a3, 1, 14, 14, fm); m4 = fi(h_in4 *a4, 1, 14, 13, fm);


a5 = fi(m1 + m2, 1, 14, 14, fm); a6 = fi(m3 + m4, 1,14, 12, fm);


% filtered output

y_out = fi(a5 + a6, 1, 14, 12, fm);

% delayout input signal

delayed_xout = fi(ud8, 1, 14, 12, fm);


% update the delay line

ud8(:) = ud7;

ud7(:) = ud6;

ud6(:) = ud5;

ud5(:) = ud4;

ud4(:) = ud3;

ud3(:) = ud2;

ud2(:) = ud1;

ud1(:) = x_in;





function fm = get_fimath()

    fm =fimath('RoundingMethod',









最终生成的Code Generation报告:



然后在VIVADO中仿真,检查我们HDL coder生成的.v文件在FPGA中是否可以真正实现FIR滤波器功能。在这里为了显示正确的信号波形,我们应该选择Radix为Signed
Decimal,Waveform Style为Analog形式,此时才可以看清输入输出的线性调频信号波形


HDL coder同时可以针对某特定型号的FPGA芯片进行深度优化,实现更多更有意思的算法,从雷达、通信系统的数字信号处理到矩阵运算,再到ECC、加解密编码甚至机器学习领域,它都可以作为一种快速生成原型的验证工具,帮助工程师快速将算法转化为工程实现。本文仅仅是在原版官方说明的拙劣解释和模仿,如有需要可以深入研究MATLAB关于此的详细说明,也希望读者能随时指正本文的错误,交流学习
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