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[tensorflow] which dimension to reduce in tf.reduce_sum()

2017-10-20 16:53 555 查看
I began to learn tensorflow.
import tensorflow as tf
, firstly of course. When encountered with
, I felt a little doubt about which is the exact dimension to be reduced. Directly digging the answer in the unfamiliar tensorflow world(for me), somehow, made me confused.

the answer

Think about this. When create a array applying numpy, we use
a = numpy.random.rand(3,4,5)
. That means the length of the first dimension is 3, the length of the second dimension is 4 and 5 for the third dimension.

if applying
, the product’s shape will be
, the dimension length of which is 3 is reduced.


import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
a = np.random.rand(3,4,5)
array([[[ 0.67386161,  0.25891236,  0.15750355,  0.99356577,  0.62401749],
[ 0.44104193,  0.14171052,  0.92457023,  0.3475105 ,  0.46261946],
[ 0.74483249,  0.22724867,  0.61261517,  0.20140201,  0.11718528],
[ 0.53023319,  0.65372313,  0.34679634,  0.7626164 ,  0.47658279]],
[[ 0.22209199,  0.57104615,  0.94053357,  0.10663142,  0.96630193],
[ 0.87147539,  0.29464845,  0.41552753,  0.05044025,  0.92632825],
[ 0.78404338,  0.42560083,  0.91265402,  0.37281405,  0.25450812],
[ 0.00306304,  0.74638202,  0.19689413,  0.65906257,  0.46627029]],
[[ 0.46042323,  0.48506186,  0.73388123,  0.50179246,  0.3163692 ],
[ 0.33435115,  0.01610695,  0.98188888,  0.77100164,  0.7795511 ],
[ 0.24383665,  0.28206927,  0.09408851,  0.90500411,  0.69718288],
[ 0.40164087,  0.66995977,  0.61219998,  0.91530942,  0.00388272]]])
sess = tf.Session()
array([[ 0.45212561,  0.43834012,  0.61063945,  0.53399655,  0.63556287],
[ 0.54895615,  0.15082197,  0.77399555,  0.3896508 ,  0.72283294],
[ 0.59090417,  0.31163959,  0.5397859 ,  0.49307339,  0.35629209],
[ 0.3116457 ,  0.69002164,  0.38529681,  0.77899613,  0.3155786 ]])
Out[141]: (4, 5)
Out[142]: (3, 5)
In[...]: import tensorflow as tf
In[...]: import numpy as np
In[...]: a = np.random.rand(3,4,5)
In[...]: a
array([[[ 0.67386161,  0.25891236,  0.15750355,  0.99356577,  0.62401749],
[ 0.44104193,  0.14171052,  0.92457023,  0.3475105 ,  0.46261946],
[ 0.74483249,  0.22724867,  0.61261517,  0.20140201,  0.11718528],
[ 0.53023319,  0.65372313,  0.34679634,  0.7626164 ,  0.47658279]],
[[ 0.22209199,  0.57104615,  0.94053357,  0.10663142,  0.96630193],
[ 0.87147539,  0.29464845,  0.41552753,  0.05044025,  0.92632825],
[ 0.78404338,  0.42560083,  0.91265402,  0.37281405,  0.25450812],
[ 0.00306304,  0.74638202,  0.19689413,  0.65906257,  0.46627029]],
[[ 0.46042323,  0.48506186,  0.7
3388123,  0.50179246,  0.3163692 ],
[ 0.33435115,  0.01610695,  0.98188888,  0.77100164,  0.7795511 ],
[ 0.24383665,  0.28206927,  0.09408851,  0.90500411,  0.69718288],
[ 0.40164087,  0.66995977,  0.61219998,  0.91530942,  0.00388272]]])
In[...]: sess = tf.Session()
In[...]: sess.run(tf.reduce_mean(a,0))
array([[ 0.45212561,  0.43834012,  0.61063945,  0.53399655,  0.63556287],
[ 0.54895615,  0.15082197,  0.77399555,  0.3896508 ,  0.72283294],
[ 0.59090417,  0.31163959,  0.5397859 ,  0.49307339,  0.35629209],
[ 0.3116457 ,  0.69002164,  0.38529681,  0.77899613,  0.3155786 ]])
In[...]: sess.run(tf.reduce_mean(a,0)).shape
Out[141]: (4, 5)
In[...]: sess.run(tf.reduce_mean(a,1)).shape
Out[142]: (3, 5)
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