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RunningMapReduceExampleTFIDF - hadoop-clusternet - This document describes how to run the TF-IDF MapReduce example against ascii books. - This project is for those who wants to experiment hadoop as a skunkworks in a small cluster (1-10 nodes) - Google Pro

2012-09-23 08:58 941 查看
RunningMapReduceExampleTFIDF - hadoop-clusternet - This document describes how to run the TF-IDF MapReduce example against ascii books. - This project is for those who wants to experiment hadoop as a skunkworks in a small cluster (1-10 nodes) - Google Project Hosting

// inverse document frequency quotient between the number of docs in corpus and number of docs the
// term appears Normalize the value in case the number of appearances is 0.
double idf = Math.log10((double) numberOfDocumentsInCorpus /
(double) ((numberOfDocumentsInCorpusWhereKeyAppears == 0 ? 1 : 0) +

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