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#Copyright: CNIC
#Author: LiuYao
#Date: 2017-9-15
#Description: implements the CART algorithm

import numpy as np

class CART:

def __init__(self):

def load_data(self,file_name):
return np.loadtxt(file_name)

def split_data(self, data, feature, value):
split the data to two data sets with the value in the special feature demension
data1 = data[np.nonzero(data[:, feature] > value)[0], :]
data2 = data[np.nonzero(data[:, feature] <= value)[0], :]
return data1, data2

def reg_leaf(self, data):
return np.mean(data[:, -1])

def reg_error(self, data):
return np.var(data[:, -1]) * np.shape(data)[0]

def create_tree(self, data, leaf_func, error_func, ops=(1, 4)):
create the tree
#choose the best split feature and value
feature, value = self.choose_best_split(data, leaf_func, error_func, ops)
if feature == None:
return value
tree = {}
tree['feature'] = feature
tree['value'] = value
l_data, r_data = self.split_data(data, feature, value)
#recursive create left child tree and right child tree
tree['left'] = self.create_tree(l_data, leaf_func, error_func, ops)
tree['right'] = self.create_tree(r_data, leaf_func, error_func, ops)
return tree

def is_tree(self, obj):
judge the current node is a tree
return (type(obj).__name__ == 'dict')

def get_mean(self, tree):
recursively get the mean of the current tree
if self.is_tree(tree['left']):
tree['left'] = self.get_mean(tree['left'])
if self.is_tree(tree['right']):
tree['right'] = self.get_mean(tree['right'])
return (tree['left'] + tree['right']) / 2.0

def prune(self, tree, test_data):
use the test data to prune the tree
if np.shape(test_data)[0] == 0:
return self.get_mean(tree)
if self.is_tree(tree['right']) or self.is_tree(tree['left']):
l_data, r_data = self.split_data(test_data, tree['feature'], tree['value'])
if self.is_tree(tree['left']) :
tree['left'] = self.prune(tree['left'], l_data)
if self.is_tree(tree['right']) :
tree['right'] = self.prune(tree['right'], r_data)
if (not self.is_tree(tree['left'])) and (not self.is_tree(tree['right'])):
l_data, r_data = self.split_data(test_data, tree['feature'], tree['value'])
error_no_merge = np.sum(np.power(l_data[:, -1] - tree['left'], 2)) + \
np.sum(np.power(r_data[:, -1] - tree['right'], 2))
tree_mean = (tree['left'] + tree['right']) / 2.0
error_merge = np.sum(np.power(test_data[:, -1] - tree_mean, 2))
if error_merge < error_no_merge:
print 'merging'
return tree_mean
else: return tree
return tree

def choose_best_split(self, data, leaf_func, error_func, ops=(1, 4)):
choose the best split feature and value
data: shape = (m,n), m is the num of samples, n is the num of features
leaf_func: generate the leaf node function
error_func: compute the error function
ops: ops[0] toler error
ops[1] toler num
#the minimize tolerance error
toler_error = ops[0]
#the minimize tolerance num of the samples of parent node
toler_num = ops[1]
#if the class of the dataset is unique, return the data as leaf node
if len(np.unique((data[:, -1]).getA().flatten())) == 1:
return None, leaf_func(data)
[m, n] = np.shape(data)
#compute the total error of all dataset
total_error = error_func(data)
lowest_error = np.inf
best_split_value = 0
best_split_feature = 0
#traversal all features and values of each
for feature in range(n - 1):
for value in set(data[:, feature].getA().flatten()):
l_data, r_data = self.split_data(data, feature, value)
#if the num of splited dataset is less than tolerance num,
#then skip the current feature
if (np.shape(l_data)[0] < toler_num) or (np.shape(r_data)[0] < toler_num):
#compute the sum error of splited two datasets
error = error_func(l_data) + error_func(r_data)
#if the sum error is less than lowest error, remember it
if error < lowest_error:
best_split_feature = feature
best_split_value = value
lowest_error = error
#if the decreased value is less than tolerance error,
#then return the data as leaf node
if total_error - lowest_error < toler_error:
return None, leaf_func(data)
l_data, r_data = self.split_data(data, feature, value)
#if the num of splited dataset is less than tolerance num,
#then return the data as leaf node
if (np.shape(l_data)[0] < toler_num) or (np.shape(r_data)[0] < toler_num):
return None, leaf_func(data)
return best_split_feature, best_split_value

def main():
cart = CART()
train_data = np.mat(cart.load_data('/home/LiuYao/Documents/MarchineLearning/marchine_learning/tree/ex2.txt'))
test_data = np.mat(cart.load_data('/home/LiuYao/Documents/MarchineLearning/marchine_learning/tree/ex2test.txt'))
tree = cart.create_tree(train_data, cart.reg_leaf, cart.reg_error, ops=(1, 4))
print tree
print cart.prune(tree, test_data)

if __name__ == '__main__':
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