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2017-09-12 11:03 309 查看



1. 可以从https://github.com/brianfrankcooper/YCSB/wik直接下载zip包解压直接使用,但是我们的HBASE集群的版本是1.2.0,而最新的zip包里只有HBase10Binding,没有Hase12Biding,所以不能直接用,我试过,虽然集群连接没有问题,但是会读写失败。故而,我选择了下载源代码YCSBMaster,自己编译

2.编译时,用最新版本的maven即可,mven -version,

Apache Maven 3.5.0 (ff8f5e7444045639af65f6095c62210b5713f426; 2017-04-04T03:39:06+08:00)

Maven home: /Users/tuyoo/Applications/apache-maven-3.5.0

Java version: 1.8.0_144, vendor: Oracle Corporation

Java home: /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_144.jdk/Contents/Home/jre

Default locale: zh_CN, platform encoding: UTF-8

OS name: "mac os x", version: "10.12.3", arch: "x86_64", family: "mac",




maven clean package等待编译打包成功后,在distribution下的target下就能找到编译好的zip包ycsb-0.13.0-SNAPSHOT.tar.gz,上传到集群,解压,在hbase12-biding下建立conf文件夹,把集群下的core-site.xml,hdfs-site.xml,hbase-site.xml,放入其中,由于是自己编译的,所以有关的jar包都已下载好,不用像网上说的还要去把hbase,hadoop下的jar包拷过来放在hbase12-biding的lib下。

5.在hbase shell下创建usertable表,也可以不建,相应的下面的命令中的表参数要变,



bin/ycsb  load hbase12 -P workloads/workloada -cp /home/fanchangyou/ycsb-0.13.0-SNAPSHOT/hbase12-binding/ -p table=usertable  -p columnfamily=cf1 -s


bin/ycsb  run hbase12 -P workloads/workloadc -cp /home/fanchangyou/ycsb-0.13.0-SNAPSHOT/hbase12-binding/ -p table=usertable  -p columnfamily=cf1 -s

bin/ycsb  load hbase12 -P workloads/myworkload_load -cp /home/fanchangyou/ycsb-0.13.0-SNAPSHOT/hbase12-binding/ -p table=usertable  -p columnfamily=cf1 -s

bin/ycsb  run hbase12 -P workloads/myworkload_read -cp /home/fanchangyou/ycsb-0.13.0-SNAPSHOT/hbase12-binding/ -p table=usertable  -p columnfamily=cf1 -s




workload: workload class to use (e.g. com.yahoo.ycsb.workloads.CoreWorkload)

db: database class to use. Alternatively this may be specified on the command line. (default: com.yahoo.ycsb.BasicDB)

exporter: measurements exporter class to use (default: com.yahoo.ycsb.measurements.exporter.TextMeasurementsExporter)

exportfile: path to a file where output should be written instead of to stdout (default: undefined/write to stdout)

threadcount: number of YCSB client threads. Alternatively this may be specified on the command line. (default: 1)

measurementtype: supported measurement types are histogram and timeseries (default: histogram)

fieldcount: the number of fields in a record (default: 10)

fieldlength: the size of each field (default: 100)

readallfields: should reads read all fields (true) or just one (false) (default: true)

readproportion: what proportion of operations should be reads (default: 0.95)

updateproportion: what proportion of operations should be updates (default: 0.05)

insertproportion: what proportion of operations should be inserts (default: 0)

scanproportion: what proportion of operations should be scans (default: 0)

readmodifywriteproportion: what proportion of operations should be read a record, modify it, write it back (default: 0)

requestdistribution: what distribution should be used to select the records to operate on – uniform, zipfian or latest (default: uniform)

maxscanlength: for scans, what is the maximum number of records to scan (default: 1000)

scanlengthdistribution: for scans, what distribution should be used to choose the number of records to scan, for each scan, between 1 and maxscanlength (default: uniform)

insertorder: should records be inserted in order by key (“ordered”), or in hashed order (“hashed”) (default: hashed)

operationcount: number of operations to perform.

maxexecutiontime: maximum execution time in seconds. The benchmark runs until either the 

operation count has exhausted or the maximum specified time has elapsed, whichever is earlier.

table: the name of the table (default: usertable)

recordcount: number of records to load into the database initially (default: 0)

core_workload_insertion_retry_limit: number of attempts for any failed insert operation (default: 0)

core_workload_insertion_retry_interval: interval between retries, in seconds (default: 3)

hdrhistogram.percentiles: comma seperated list of percentile values to be calculated for each measurement (default: 95,99)

hdrhistogram.fileoutput=true|false This option will enable periodical writes of the interval histogram into an output file. The path can be set through the ‘hdrhistogram.output.path’ property.

insertstart: The index of the record to start at.

insertcount: The number of records to insert.
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标签:  YCSB hbase maven