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CNN阴影去除--DeshadowNet: A Multi-context Embedding Deep Network for Shadow Removal

2017-08-29 13:49 1836 查看
DeshadowNet: A Multi-context Embedding Deep Network for Shadow Removal


本文使用深度学习CNN网络来进行阴影去除,最大的特色就是全自动的端对端的实现阴影去除。 automatic and end-to-end deep neural network (DeshadowNet)


1)Lack of a fully-automatic and end-to-end pipeline

2)Neglect high level semantic information, 目前大部分算法采用 low-level 特征, color ratios,color statistics 。但是阴影同样与 semantic contents 高度相关 (例如 geometry and material)

3)Require specific operation for penumbra regions 对于半阴影区域需要特别操作


3 A New Dataset for Shadow Removal – SRD

自己拍照搞了 3088 图像对,主要考虑以下四个因素:Illumination,Scene,Reflectance,Silhouette

我们提出的 DeshadowNet 是 multi-context的,它综合 high-level semantic information, mid-level appearance information and local image details 这些信息来进行最终的预测, 这个 multi-context embedding 是通过三个子网络来实现的: global localization network (G-Net), appearance modeling network (A-Net), and semantic modeling network (S-Net)

G-Net 提取阴影特征表示来描述 场景中的全局结构和 high-level semantic context

G-Net extracts shadow feature representation to describe the global structure and high-level semantic context of the scene

A-Net 提取 G-Net 浅层中的 appearance 信息

A-Net acquire the appearance information from the shallower layer of G-Net

S-Net 提取 G-Net 深层中的 semantic 信息

S-Net acquire the semantic information from the deeper layer of G-Net





我们采用了 Mean Squared Error (MSE) as the loss function in the log space

Training strategy


1)Multi-stage training strategy 多阶段训练,先分开训练G-Net+A-Net and G-Net+S-Net,然后再整体训练

2) Multi-size training strategy 多尺度训练, coarse scale 64 × 64, medium scale 128 × 128, and fine scale 224 × 224

3)Data synthesis 合成更多的训练数据,60,000 640×480

4)Data augmentation 包括 image translations, flipping and cropping

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