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特征匹配--GMS: Grid-based Motion Statistics for Fast, Ultra-robust Feature Correspondence

2017-09-08 10:59 435 查看
GMS: Grid-based Motion Statistics for Fast, Ultra-robust Feature Correspondence


c++ code: https://github.com/JiawangBian/GMS-Feature-Matcher



特征匹配是计算机视觉里一个基础性问题,对于特征匹配当前主要的问题在 robust 的匹配速度慢,快的匹配经常不稳定。

there is a wide performance gap between slow (but robust) feature matchers and the much faster (but often unstable) real-time solutions.

问题的核心在于邻域一致性这个约束的怎么利用。The central problem lies in the coherence constraints (neighboring pixels share similar motion) utilized in the more powerful feature correspondence techniques.


Coherence is a powerful constraint but sparse features lack well defined neighbors。 This causes coherence based feature correspondence [16, 42] to be both expensive to compute and complex to implement.

本文提出 GMS (Grid-based Motion Statistics) 可以有效的解决这个问题。

a means of encapsulating motion smoothness as a statistical likelihood of having a certain

number of feature matches between a region pair. We show GMS can rapidly and reliably differentiate true and false matches


Motion smoothness induces correspondence clusters that are highly unlikely to occur at random. Thus true and false matches can be differentiated by simply counting the number of matches in their neighborhood.

2 Our approach

S_i is a measure of neighborhood support

Assumption 1. Motion smoothness causes a (small) neighborhood around a true match to view the same 3D location. Likewise, the neighborhood around a false match views geometrically different 3D locations.


下面首先用数学的角度推导出 正确匹配点附近的邻域中正确匹配和错误匹配的概率分布。






a) Efficient score computation through grid-cells;

b) Which neighborhoods to use;

c) How many grid-cells to use;

d) How to compute an effectively threshold S

3.1. Griding the problem

a) Efficient score evaluation, 这里我们主要通过将图像分为 G = 20×20 网格来实现

Scores of potential cell-pairs are computed only once. All matches between cell-pairs deemed true are accepted

b) Grouping match neighborhoods (cell-pairs) for robustness. 这里我们计算了一个网络四周的3*3=9个网格,如下图所示

c) How many grid-cells should be used? 经验值 G = 20 × 20 cells for 10,000 features n 大约为 25

d) Thresholding S_ij to divide cell-pairs into true and false sets {T ,F}.



Dataset details

F-measure, Recall and Precision vs baseline

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