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svn1.7 appears to be part of a Subversion 1.7 or greater working copy. Please upgrade your Subversio

2017-06-19 09:35 751 查看
The current (8.0-SNAPSHOT) build uses version 1.5 of the maven-svn-revision-number-plugin plugin, when source code has been checked out using a subversion client version 1.7 the build fails with a subversion error because the repository metadata in the working
copy is not upward compatible, 

com.google.code.maven-svn-revision-number-plugin:1.5:maven-svn-revision-number-plugin uses SVNkit 1.3.x which is compatible with subversion 1.6=<

When the maven-svn-revision-number-plugin is updated to version 1.7 (currently latest release of this plugin) you can specify a commandline option (-Dsvn-revision-number.failOnError=false) to ignore the subversion error and the build completes normally. Note
that com.google.code.maven-svn-revision-number-plugin:1.7:maven-svn-revision-number-plugin still relies on svnkit:1.3.5 so the error is still there, the updated plugin just gives an option to ignore it either from the commandline or as a config option.

出现了这样的错误的时候 是svn版本问题 






















在编绎时  出现了上述异常 ,我想可能是版本问题 于是乎我就把pom.xml中maven-svn-revision-number-plugin的<version>1.6</version>改成了<version>1.7</version>

心想可能问题解决了 没想到编绎时还是报以上错误 

于是在网上狂搜 终于发现了 有人也出现了这样的问题 

经过实验发现这个方案靠谱 就记录下来了 路过的人看到了也可以方便解决问题


     当然上面的<version>1.7</version>还是要保留的 因为我的客户端也是1.7

然后呢  在编绎的时候  要加入 -Dsvn-revision-number.failOnError=false

来个完整的 命令:eclipse:eclipse -Dsvn-revision-number.failOnError=false

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