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6、Model main text

2017-04-30 19:22 162 查看
Models are very important ,and by model the author mean role model,not the models we see on magazines.That's a different meaning.
A role model is kind of like a hero or famous people.
It's  someone that has success,the same kind of success that you want,that mean a role model.
So, for instance ,if you are a singer,you want to be great then maybe 林俊杰or陈奕迅 is   you role model,maybe both.
It is important to have role models.Role models are people who have done already what we want to do.
Why is that important?
Well ,it's  important because we can learn form them.
We can learn much faster if you find out ,if you discover what they did to success.(discover just like "find" .)——(This is sentence means If we know our role model what they did to success  ,and we copy them in a way ,we will learn very fast)
In totally ,If we want  to do something well we can find a role model ,people who ate total masters ,and we can steal their ideas,We can steal the best ideas, the best strategies(战略),the best method that they have used, and we can copy those so that you will learn much much faster. We will make fewer mistakes.
If I want to have perfect pronunciation,I want to sound like a North American. What do   I do ?Well ,I must focused on listening again ...listening,listening .Every day I listen to English.
It is very important to have a role model.

Thanks for you read my article.
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