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趣味职场俚语笔记(03_Roger Gets the Inside Track)

2017-02-15 16:42 204 查看

03_Roger Gets the Inside Track


Linda : Did you hear about Roger? He normally bats a thousand, but when his project came down to the wire, he really dropped the ball. I don’t call the shots, but in my opinion Roger will have to shape up or ship out. Management won’t tolerate a fumble like that.

Tom : You’re way off-base. Other people are already jockeying for position, but I think they’re jumping the gun. Roger is a team player, and if he is first out of the gate with a better game plan, then he still has the inside track for a promotion.

Linda : Maybe you’re right. If Roger keeps his eye on the ball, he’ll be home free!


Linda : Did you hear about Roger? He normally is extremely successful, but when his project came very close to the moment when it was due, he really failed to accomplish his responsibilities. I don’t make the rules, but in my opinion Roger will have to improve his performance or leave the company. Management won’t tolerate a mistake like that.

Tom : You’re totally wrong. Other people are already maneuvering themselves in order to gain an advantage, but I think they’re acting prematurely. Roger is a person who works well with others, and if he is the first person with a better strategy, then he still has the advantage for a promotion.

Linda : Maybe you’re right. If Roger stays focused, he’ll be assured of attaining his goals!


bat a thousand

原文: He normally bats a thousand, but when his project came down to the wire, he really dropped the ball.

例句 : Nokia had been batting a thousand for years before iPhones and Android phones took over.

batman : n. 蝙蝠侠

vampire bat : 吸血蝠

at-bat : 轮到击球

to reach first base on every at-bat

down to the Wire 最后一刻

原文:He normally bats a thousand, but when his project came down to the wire, he really dropped the ball.

例句: With only a week to go, the polls show that the two candidates are running neck and neck. The race is still so close it may go right down to the wire.

drop the ball 失手

原文: He normally bats a thousand, but when his project came down to the wire, he really dropped the ball.

例句 : We’re all upset with Lee. We were sure we’d get the big contract with this customer to build a new factory but Lee dropped the ball.

turnover : n. 失误,营业额,成交量,人员调整(更替率)

The company had a turnover of $ 3.8 million.

Short-term contracts increase staff turnover

call the shots

原文: I don’t call the shots, but in my opinion Roger will have to shape up or ship out.

例句: Mike is a first-rate leader who knows how to call the shots.

My wife calls the shots.

big shot ,大人物, 要人,名人

shape up or ship out

原文 : I don’t call the shots, but in my opinion Roger will have to shape up or ship out.

sink or swim : 成败靠自己,好坏靠自己

fumble 失误,错误

原文 : Management won’t tolerate a fumble like that.

例句 : The marketing strategy is significant to the company. The management can’t afford to fumble.

fumble v. 笨手笨脚地摸索或者处理某物

fumble around / about : 笨手笨脚四处游走

fumble around in the dark 摸黑

fumble for the light switch : 摸索电灯开关


原文 :You’re way off-base.

Way : at or to a considerable distance or extent; far

She finished the race way ahead of the other runners.

The shot was way off target.

The price is way above what we can afford.

way off-base 大错特错

jockey for position

原文 : Other people are already jockeying for position, but I think they’re jumping the gun.

jockey : n. 骑师

jockey : v. 要位

jump the gun

原文 : Other people are already jockeying for position, but I think they’re jumping the gun.

例句 : I guess Joe jumped the gun when he told everybody Jennie had agreed to marry him. I just heard that she’s announced her engagement to some other guy she went to college with.

team player 团队协作成员

原文 : Roger is a team player, and if he is first out of the gate with a better game plan, then he still has the inside track for a promotion.

first out of the gate

原文 : Roger is a team player, and if he is first out of the gate with a better game plan, then he still has the inside track for a promotion.

例句 : Richard was always the first out of the gate whenever the boss asked for new investment portfolio.

left at the gate : 被远远抛在了后面

starting gate (赛马比赛起跑时打开的门栅)

game plan

原文 : Roger is a team player, and if he is first out of the gate with a better game plan, then he still has the inside track for a promotion.

inside track

原文 : Roger is a team player, and if he is first out of the gate with a better game plan, then he still has the inside track for a promotion.

田赛 : field

径赛 : track

田径 : track and field

keep one’s eye on the ball

原文 : If Roger keeps his eye on the ball, he’ll be home free!

home free

原文 : If Roger keeps his eye on the ball, he’ll be home free!

home plate / homeplate : 本垒

homerun : n. 本垒打

原意 : be home free = hit a homerun 安全返回本垒得分

引申 : home free - be assured of attaining one’s goal 安然度过,没事的

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