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VR系列——Oculus Audio sdk文档:五、Wwise集成Oculus 声场定位指南(1)——概览与安装

2016-12-06 21:39 561 查看
  欢迎到本指南以使用Wwise的Oculus 声场定位插件!

  Welcome to this guide to using the Oculus spatializer plugin in Wwise!


  Oculus 声场插件(OSP)是Audiokinetic Wwise工具集中新增的一个插件,它能够根据用户头部的相对位置将单声道声音空间化成3D的声音。这份集成指南介绍如何安装并在Wwise应用和最终用户应用程序中使用OSP。

  The Oculus Spatializer Plugin (OSP) is an add-on plugin for the Audiokinetic Wwise tool set that allows monophonic sound sources to be spatialized in 3D relative to the user’s head location. This integration guide describes how to install and use OSP in both the Wwise application and the end-user application.

版本兼容性(Version Compatibility)


  Two distributions of the Wwise plugin are provided. Please choose the appropriate one, based on the version of Wwise used by your application:

此版本与所有Wwise 2014.x兼容并且Wwise 2014.1版本在Windows(32位和64位)上经过测试。

This version is compatible with all Wwise 2014.x versions and has been tested against Wwise 2014.1 on Windows (32-bit and 64-bit).
此版本与所有Wwise 2015.x兼容并且Wwise 2015.1 beta版本在Windows(32位和64位)上经过测试。

This version is compatible with all Wwise 2015.x versions and has been tested against the Wwise 2015.1 beta on Windows (32-bit and 64-bit).

通用的OSP的限制(General OSP Limitations)


  1.CPU usage increases when early reflections are turned on, and increases proportionately as room dimensions become larger.

集成到Wwise的限制(Limitations Specific to Wwise Integration)


  1.The plugin may only be added to one bus. If you add the plugin to a second bus, you may experience some unwanted noise on the audio output.

安装到Wwise工具中(Installing into Wwise Tool)

目录结构(Directory Structure)


  The following directories may be found within this distribution file:



bin\plugins:包含OculusSpatializer.dll和OculusSpatializer.xml。位于\ WIN32或\ 64下。

include: Contains the header file OculusSpatializer.h, which is used to integrate Wwise into an application. It contains important registration values that an application must use to properly register OSP within Wwise. The header file also includes (commented out) source code that shows how to properly register the plugin with the Wwise run-time.

Win32 and x64: Contains the DLL used for both the Wwise tool and the user application.

bin\plugins: Contains OculusSpatializer.dll and OculusSpatializer.xml. Located in \Win32 or \x64.



  Copy the files found in the folder <platform>\bin\plugins to the folder Wwise\Authoring\<platform>\Release\bin\plugins.


安装到Wwise Unity集成中(Installing into the Wwise Unity Integration)

  本指南描述如何安装Oculus声场插件到Wwise Unity集成中。

  This guide describes installation of the Oculus Spatializer Plugin for Wwise with the Wwise Unity Integration.

  Audiokinetic提供了一个Wwise插件叫做Wwise Unity集成,这使得可以在Unity游戏中使用Wwise(点击这里查看Audiokinetic的文档)。

  Audiokinetic provides a Wwise plugin called the Wwise Unity Integration, which allows the use of Wwise in Unity games (see Audiokinetic’s documentation here).


  您必须安装Wwise SDK,还有对应版本的Unity集成插件(检查WWISEROOT和WWISESDK环境变量是正确的)。

  You must have the Wwise SDK installed, and the corresponding version of the Unity integration (check that WWISEROOT and WWISESDK environment variables are correct).

  Python 2.7或3.x是必需的,PATH环境变量必须包括安装位置。

  Python 2.7 or 3.x is required, and your PATH environment variable must include the installation location.

  如果你在VS 2013中构建Wwise集成源码,则可能需要在AkSoundEngine工程中每个构建配置修改库目录从_vc100到_vc120。

  If you’re building the Wwise integration source in VS 2013, you may need to modify the Library Directories paths in the AkSoundEngine project for each build config from _vc100 to _vc120.


下载Wwise Unity集成插件和相关Wwise版本源代码(两个分开下载),下载点击这里(Audiokinetic website)。

在Unity编辑器中选择Assets >Import >Custom Package,并选择Wwise Integration 将包导入到你的Unity项目。


打开Wwise Unity集成帮助文档,它在<UnityProj>\Assets\Wwise\Documentation下。



从Oculus Audio SDK添加到OculusSpatializer.h及跟着下面这个调用:

AK :: SoundEngine :: RegisterAllBuiltInPlugins()。

重新编译lib并将它部署到Unity Assets\Plugins,这在帮助文档中添加经许可的插件小节中有描述到。

Download the Wwise Unity Integration and source code for the relevant Wwise version (two separate downloads) from the Audiokinetic website.

In the Unity Editor, select Assets > Import > Custom Package and select the Wwise Integration to import it into your Unity project.

Save the project and close Unity.

Open the Wwise Unity Integration help doc in \Assets\Wwise\Documentation.

  a. Follow the instructions in the section Build the Integration code.

  b. Follow the instructions in the section Adding Licensed Plugins.

Add the contents OculusSpatializer.h from the Oculus Audio SDK following the call to AK::SoundEngine::RegisterAllBuiltInPlugins().

Recompile the lib and deploy to Unity Assets\Plugins as described in Adding Licensed Plugins.
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