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2016-10-26 17:39 711 查看
$config['csrf_protection'] = TRUE;
$config['global_xss_filtering'] = TRUE;



CodeIgniter 自带了一个 XSS 过滤器来防御攻击,它可以设置为自动运行过滤所有遇到的 POST 和 COOKIE 数据,也可以针对某一条数据进行过滤。默认情况下它不是全局运行的,因为它会有相当的开销,况且你并不是在所有地方都需要它。XSS 过滤器会查找那些常被用来触发 JavaScript 脚本或者其他类型的企图劫持 Cookie 或者其它恶意行为的代码。如果发现任何不允许的内容,它将把那些内容转换为字符实体,以确保安全。(注意:这个函数只应该用来处理那些提交过来的数据,它不适合在一般情况下使用,因为它的执行会有相当大的开销。)

使用 XSS 过滤器过滤数据可以使用 xss_clean() 方法:$data = $this->security->xss_clean($data);它还有一个可选的第二个参数 is_image ,允许此函数对图片进行检测以发现那些潜在的 XSS 攻击, 这对于保证文件上传的安全非常有用。当此参数被设置为 TRUE 时,函数的返回值将是一个布尔值,而不是一个修改过的字符串。如果图片是安全的则返回 TRUE ,相反, 如果图片中包含有潜在的、可能会被浏览器尝试运行的恶意信息,函数将返回

跨站请求伪造(CSRF),打开你的 application/config/config.php 文件,进行如下设置,即可启用 CSRF 保护:$config['csrf_protection'] = TRUE;,如果你使用 表单辅助函数 ,form_open() 函数将会自动地在你的表单中插入一个隐藏的 CSRF 字段。如果没有插入这个字段,你可以手工调用 get_csrf_token_name() 和 get_csrf_hash() 这两个函数。

令牌(tokens)默认会在每一次提交时重新生成,或者你也可以设置成在 CSRF cookie 的生命周期内一直有效。默认情况下令牌重新生成提供了更严格的安全机制,但可能会对可用性带来一定的影响,因为令牌很可能会变得失效(譬如使用浏览器的返回前进按钮、使用多窗口或多标签页浏览、异步调用等等)。你可以修改下面这个参数来改变这一点。$config['csrf_regenerate'] = TRUE;另外,你可以添加一个 URI 的白名单,跳过 CSRF 保护(例如某个 API 接口希望接受原始的
POST 数据),将这些 URI 添加到 'csrf_exclude_uris' 配置参数中:$config['csrf_exclude_uris'] = array('api/person/add');,URI 中也支持使用正则表达式(不区分大小写):$config['csrf_exclude_uris'] = array('api/record/[0-9]+', 'api/title/[a-z]+');。



* =======================================
* Created by Pocket Knife Technology.
* User: ZhiHua_W
* Date: 2016/10/26 0010
* Time: 下午 4:13
* Project: CodeIgniter框架—源码分析
* Power: Analysis for Security.php
* =======================================

defined('BASEPATH') OR exit('No direct script access allowed');

* 安全类
class CI_Security
public $filename_bad_chars = array(
'../', '<!--', '-->', '<', '>',
"'", '"', '&', '$', '#',
'{', '}', '[', ']', '=',
';', '?', '%20', '%22',
'%3c',        // <
'%253c',    // <
'%3e',        // >
'%0e',        // >
'%28',        // (
'%29',        // )
'%2528',    // (
'%26',        // &
'%24',        // $
'%3f',        // ?
'%3b',        // ;
'%3d'        // =
public $charset = 'UTF-8';
protected $_xss_hash;
protected $_csrf_hash;
//防csrf cookie过期时间
protected $_csrf_expire = 7200;
protected $_csrf_token_name = 'ci_csrf_token';
protected $_csrf_cookie_name = 'ci_csrf_token';
protected $_never_allowed_str = array(
'document.cookie' => '[removed]',
'document.write' => '[removed]',
'.parentNode' => '[removed]',
'.innerHTML' => '[removed]',
'-moz-binding' => '[removed]',
'<!--' => '<!--',
'-->' => '-->',
'<![CDATA[' => '<![CDATA[',
'<comment>' => '<comment>'
protected $_never_allowed_regex = array(
'expression\s*(\(|&\#40;)', // CSS and IE
'vbscript\s*:', // IE, surprise!
'wscript\s*:', // IE
'jscript\s*:', // IE
'vbs\s*:', // IE

* 构造函数
public function __construct()
if (config_item('csrf_protection')) {
foreach (array('csrf_expire', 'csrf_token_name', 'csrf_cookie_name') as $key) {
if (NULL !== ($val = config_item($key))) {
$this->{'_' . $key} = $val;
if ($cookie_prefix = config_item('cookie_prefix')) {
$this->_csrf_cookie_name = $cookie_prefix . $this->_csrf_cookie_name;

$this->charset = strtoupper(config_item('charset'));

log_message('info', 'Security Class Initialized');

* 验证跨站点请求伪造保护
public function csrf_verify()
if (strtoupper($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']) !== 'POST') {
return $this->csrf_set_cookie();
if ($exclude_uris = config_item('csrf_exclude_uris')) {
$uri = load_class('URI', 'core');
foreach ($exclude_uris as $excluded) {
if (preg_match('#^' . $excluded . '$#i' . (UTF8_ENABLED ? 'u' : ''), $uri->uri_string())) {
return $this;
if (!isset($_POST[$this->_csrf_token_name], $_COOKIE[$this->_csrf_cookie_name]) OR $_POST[$this->_csrf_token_name] !== $_COOKIE[$this->_csrf_cookie_name]) {
if (config_item('csrf_regenerate')) {
$this->_csrf_hash = NULL;
log_message('info', 'CSRF token verified');
return $this;

* CSRF设置cookie
public function csrf_set_cookie()
$expire = time() + $this->_csrf_expire;
$secure_cookie = (bool)config_item('cookie_secure');
if ($secure_cookie && !is_https()) {
return FALSE;
log_message('info', 'CSRF cookie sent');
return $this;

* Show CSRF Error
public function csrf_show_error()
show_error('The action you have requested is not allowed.', 403);

* Get CSRF Hash
public function get_csrf_hash()
return $this->_csrf_hash;

* 得到CSRF令牌名称
public function get_csrf_token_name()
return $this->_csrf_token_name;

* CodeIgniter 自带了一个 XSS 过滤器来防御攻击,
* 它可以设置为自动运行过滤所有遇到的 POST 和 COOKIE 数据,
* 也可以针对某一条数据进行过滤。默认情况下它不是全局运行的,
* 因为它会有相当的开销,况且你并不是在所有地方都需要它。
public function xss_clean($str, $is_image = FALSE)
if (is_array($str)) {
while (list($key) = each($str)) {
$str[$key] = $this->xss_clean($str[$key]);
return $str;
$str = remove_invisible_characters($str);
do {
$str = rawurldecode($str);
} while (preg_match('/%[0-9a-f]{2,}/i', $str));
$str = preg_replace_callback("/[^a-z0-9>]+[a-z0-9]+=([\'\"]).*?\\1/si", array($this, '_convert_attribute'), $str);
$str = preg_replace_callback('/<\w+.*/si', array($this, '_decode_entity'), $str);
$str = remove_invisible_characters($str);
$str = str_replace("\t", ' ', $str);
$converted_string = $str;
$str = $this->_do_never_allowed($str);

if ($is_image === TRUE) {
$str = preg_replace('/<\?(php)/i', '<?\\1', $str);
} else {
$str = str_replace(array('<?', '?' . '>'), array('<?', '?>'), $str);
$words = array(
'javascript', 'expression', 'vbscript', 'jscript', 'wscript',
'vbs', 'script', 'base64', 'applet', 'alert', 'document',
'write', 'cookie', 'window', 'confirm', 'prompt', 'eval'
foreach ($words as $word) {
$word = implode('\s*', str_split($word)) . '\s*';
$str = preg_replace_callback('#(' . substr($word, 0, -3) . ')(\W)#is', array($this, '_compact_exploded_words'), $str);
do {
$original = $str;
if (preg_match('/<a/i', $str)) {
$str = preg_replace_callback('#<a[^a-z0-9>]+([^>]*?)(?:>|$)#si', array($this, '_js_link_removal'), $str);
if (preg_match('/<img/i', $str)) {
$str = preg_replace_callback('#<img[^a-z0-9]+([^>]*?)(?:\s?/?>|$)#si', array($this, '_js_img_removal'), $str);
if (preg_match('/script|xss/i', $str)) {
$str = preg_replace('#</*(?:script|xss).*?>#si', '[removed]', $str);
} while ($original !== $str);

$pattern = '#'
. '<((?<slash>/*\s*)(?<tagName>[a-z0-9]+)(?=[^a-z0-9]|$)' // tag start and name, followed by a non-tag character
. '[^\s\042\047a-z0-9>/=]*' // a valid attribute character immediately after the tag would count as a separator
// optional attributes
. '(?<attributes>(?:[\s\042\047/=]*' // non-attribute characters, excluding > (tag close) for obvious reasons
. '[^\s\042\047>/=]+' // attribute characters
// optional attribute-value
. '(?:\s*=' // attribute-value separator
. '(?:[^\s\042\047=><`]+|\s*\042[^\042]*\042|\s*\047[^\047]*\047|\s*(?U:[^\s\042\047=><`]*))' // single, double or non-quoted value
. ')?' // end optional attribute-value group
. ')*)' // end optional attributes group
. '[^>]*)(?<closeTag>\>)?#isS';
do {
$old_str = $str;
$str = preg_replace_callback($pattern, array($this, '_sanitize_naughty_html'), $str);
} while ($old_str !== $str);

$str = preg_replace(
$str = $this->_do_never_allowed($str);
if ($is_image === TRUE) {
return ($str === $converted_string);
return $str;

* XSS Hash
* 保护url的随机hash值
* 产生XSS哈希如果需要返回。
public function xss_hash()
if ($this->_xss_hash === NULL) {
$rand = $this->get_random_bytes(16);
$this->_xss_hash = ($rand === FALSE) ? md5(uniqid(mt_rand(), TRUE)) : bin2hex($rand);
return $this->_xss_hash;

* 得到随机字节
public function get_random_bytes($length)
if (empty($length) OR !ctype_digit((string)$length)) {
return FALSE;
if (function_exists('random_bytes')) {
try {
return random_bytes((int)$length);
} catch (Exception $e) {
log_message('error', $e->getMessage());
return FALSE;
if (defined('MCRYPT_DEV_URANDOM') && ($output = mcrypt_create_iv($length, MCRYPT_DEV_URANDOM)) !== FALSE) {
return $output;

if (is_readable('/dev/urandom') && ($fp = fopen('/dev/urandom', 'rb')) !== FALSE) {
is_php('5.4') && stream_set_chunk_size($fp, $length);
$output = fread($fp, $length);
if ($output !== FALSE) {
return $output;
if (function_exists('openssl_random_pseudo_bytes')) {
return openssl_random_pseudo_bytes($length);
return FALSE;

* HTML实体解码
public function entity_decode($str, $charset = NULL)
if (strpos($str, '&') === FALSE) {
return $str;
static $_entities;
isset($charset) OR $charset = $this->charset;
$flag = is_php('5.4') ? ENT_COMPAT | ENT_HTML5 : ENT_COMPAT;
do {
$str_compare = $str;
if (preg_match_all('/&[a-z]{2,}(?![a-z;])/i', $str, $matches)) {
if (!isset($_entities)) {
$_entities = array_map(
is_php('5.3.4') ? get_html_translation_table(HTML_ENTITIES, $flag, $charset) : get_html_translation_table(HTML_ENTITIES, $flag)
if ($flag === ENT_COMPAT) {
$_entities[':'] = ':';
$_entities['('] = '(';
$_entities[')'] = ')';
$_entities["\n"] = '&newline;';
$_entities["\t"] = '&tab;';
$replace = array();
$matches = array_unique(array_map('strtolower', $matches[0]));
foreach ($matches as &$match) {
if (($char = array_search($match . ';', $_entities, TRUE)) !== FALSE) {
$replace[$match] = $char;
$str = str_ireplace(array_keys($replace), array_values($replace), $str);
$str = html_entity_decode(
preg_replace('/(&#(?:x0*[0-9a-f]{2,5}(?![0-9a-f;])|(?:0*\d{2,4}(?![0-9;]))))/iS', '$1;', $str),
} while ($str_compare !== $str);
return $str;

* 过滤文件名,保证文件名安全
public function sanitize_filename($str, $relative_path = FALSE)
$bad = $this->filename_bad_chars;
if (!$relative_path) {
$bad[] = './';
$bad[] = '/';
$str = remove_invisible_characters($str, FALSE);
do {
$old = $str;
$str = str_replace($bad, '', $str);
} while ($old !== $str);
return stripslashes($str);

* 带图片的标签
public function strip_image_tags($str)
return preg_replace(

* 压缩单词如j a v a s c r i p t成javascript
protected function _compact_exploded_words($matches)
return preg_replace('/\s+/s', '', $matches[1]) . $matches[2];

* 净化html,补齐未关闭的标签
protected function _sanitize_naughty_html($matches)
static $naughty_tags = array(
'alert', 'prompt', 'confirm', 'applet', 'audio', 'basefont', 'base', 'behavior', 'bgsound',
'blink', 'body', 'embed', 'expression', 'form', 'frameset', 'frame', 'head', 'html', 'ilayer',
'iframe', 'input', 'button', 'select', 'isindex', 'layer', 'link', 'meta', 'keygen', 'object',
'plaintext', 'style', 'script', 'textarea', 'title', 'math', 'video', 'svg', 'xml', 'xss'
static $evil_attributes = array(
'on\w+', 'style', 'xmlns', 'formaction', 'form', 'xlink:href', 'FSCommand', 'seekSegmentTime'

if (empty($matches['closeTag'])) {
return '<' . $matches[1];
} // Is the element that we caught naughty? If so, escape it
elseif (in_array(strtolower($matches['tagName']), $naughty_tags, TRUE)) {
return '<' . $matches[1] . '>';
} // For other tags, see if their attributes are "evil" and strip those
elseif (isset($matches['attributes'])) {
$attributes = array();
$attributes_pattern = '#'
. '(?<name>[^\s\042\047>/=]+)' // attribute characters
. '(?:\s*=(?<value>[^\s\042\047=><`]+|\s*\042[^\042]*\042|\s*\047[^\047]*\047|\s*(?U:[^\s\042\047=><`]*)))' // attribute-value separator
. '#i';
$is_evil_pattern = '#^(' . implode('|', $evil_attributes) . ')$#i';
do {
$matches['attributes'] = preg_replace('#^[^a-z]+#i', '', $matches['attributes']);
if (!preg_match($attributes_pattern, $matches['attributes'], $attribute, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE)) {
if (preg_match($is_evil_pattern, $attribute['name'][0]) OR (trim($attribute['value'][0]) === '')) {
$attributes[] = 'xss=removed';
} else {
$attributes[] = $attribute[0][0];
$matches['attributes'] = substr($matches['attributes'], $attribute[0][1] + strlen($attribute[0][0]));
} while ($matches['attributes'] !== '');
$attributes = empty($attributes)
? ''
: ' ' . implode(' ', $attributes);
return '<' . $matches['slash'] . $matches['tagName'] . $attributes . '>';
return $matches[0];

* 过滤超链接中js
protected function _js_link_removal($match)
return str_replace(

* 过滤图片链接中的js
protected function _js_img_removal($match)
return str_replace(

* 转换属性,将一些字符转换成实体
protected function _convert_attribute($match)
return str_replace(array('>', '<', '\\'), array('>', '<', '\\\\'), $match[0]);

* 过滤html标签属性
protected function _filter_attributes($str)
$out = '';
if (preg_match_all('#\s*[a-z\-]+\s*=\s*(\042|\047)([^\\1]*?)\\1#is', $str, $matches)) {
foreach ($matches[0] as $match) {
$out .= preg_replace('#/\*.*?\*/#s', '', $match);
return $out;

* html实体转码
protected function _decode_entity($match)
$match = preg_replace('|\&([a-z\_0-9\-]+)\=([a-z\_0-9\-/]+)|i', $this->xss_hash() . '\\1=\\2', $match[0]);
return str_replace(
$this->entity_decode($match, $this->charset)

* 过滤不允许出现的字符串
protected function _do_never_allowed($str)
$str = str_replace(array_keys($this->_never_allowed_str), $this->_never_allowed_str, $str);
foreach ($this->_never_allowed_regex as $regex) {
$str = preg_replace('#' . $regex . '#is', '[removed]', $str);
return $str;

* 设置csrf的hash值
protected function _csrf_set_hash()
if ($this->_csrf_hash === NULL) {
// 如果_csrf_cookie_name存在,直接作为csrf hash值
if (isset($_COOKIE[$this->_csrf_cookie_name]) && is_string($_COOKIE[$this->_csrf_cookie_name])
&& preg_match('#^[0-9a-f]{32}$#iS', $_COOKIE[$this->_csrf_cookie_name]) === 1
) {
return $this->_csrf_hash = $_COOKIE[$this->_csrf_cookie_name];
$rand = $this->get_random_bytes(16);
$this->_csrf_hash = ($rand === FALSE) ? md5(uniqid(mt_rand(), TRUE)) : bin2hex($rand);
return $this->_csrf_hash;

内容来自用户分享和网络整理,不保证内容的准确性,如有侵权内容,可联系管理员处理 点击这里给我发消息