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The special grammar for PHP

2016-08-26 10:50 218 查看
1.variable variables

    $recipe = "spaghetti";

    $$recipe = "& meatballs";

   echo $recipe $spaghetti;

   echo $recipe ${$recipe};

The result of both is the string spaghetti & meatballs.

2. global variables

$somevar = 15;

function addit() {

global $somevar;


echo "Somevar is $somevar";



3. heredoc


$website = "http://www.romatermini.it";

echo <<<EXCERPT

<p>Rome's central train station, known as <a href = "$website">Roma Termini</a>,

was built in 1867. Because it had fallen into severe disrepair in the late 20th

century, the government knew that considerable resources were required to

rehabilitate the station prior to the 50-year <i>Giubileo</i>.</p>



4. nowdoc 

$str = <<<'EOD'

Example of string

spanning multiple lines

using nowdoc syntax.


5. reference assignment


$value1 = "Hello";

$value2 =& $value1; // $value1 and $value2 both equal "Hello"

$value2 = "Goodbye"; // $value1 and $value2 both equal "Goodbye"



$value1 = "Hello";

$value2 = &$value1; // $value1 and $value2 both equal "Hello"

$value2 = "Goodbye"; // $value1 and $value2 both equal "Goodbye"

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