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2016-07-08 15:09 393 查看

1. driver.findElement(By.name("DELETE"); //We can use the DELETE text to locate the DELETE button as Name。

2. driver. findElementByAccessibilityId("plus"); //We can use content-desc as AccId to perform an action on the + sign.

3. For example, resource-id as com.android.calculator2:id/equal. We can use resource-id as UIAuto to perform an action on the = sign. This is how the command will look:WebElement equal=driver. findElementByAndroidUIAutomator("new UiSelector().resourceId(\"com.android.calculator2:id/equal\")";

Another example is to pick content-desc as equals, so the command will look like this: WebElement equal=driver. findElementBy.AndroidUIAutomator("new UiSelector().description(\"equals\")");

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