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php select 语句

2016-06-29 15:50 330 查看
        $goods = D('Goods');


        //① where()条件限制

        $goods -> where('goods_price >1000 and goods_name like "诺%"');

        //SELECT * FROM `sw_goods` WHERE ( goods_price >1000 and goods_name like "诺%" )

        $info = $goods -> select();//之前条件会被自动清空,对后续查询没有影响


        //② limit([偏移量,]长度) 记录数目限制

        $goods -> limit(5);

        //SELECT * FROM `sw_goods` LIMIT 5

        $info = $goods -> select();


        //③ field() 限制查询字段

        $goods -> field('goods_id,goods_name');

        //SELECT `goods_id`,`goods_name` FROM `sw_goods`

        $info = $goods -> select();


        //④ order() 排序查询

        $goods -> order('goods_price desc');

        //SELECT * FROM `sw_goods` ORDER BY goods_price desc

        $info = $goods -> select();


        //⑤ group() 分组查询  ,该分组的sql语句较复杂,推荐原生sql语句执行


        //select goods_brand_id,count(*) from sw_goods group by goods_brand_id

        $goods -> group('goods_brand_id');

        $goods -> field('goods_brand_id,count(*)');

        $info = $goods -> select();


        //$info = $goods -> group()->field()->select();


        //⑥ having() 设置条件

        $goods -> having('goods_price>2000');

        $info = $goods -> select();


        $this -> assign('info',$info);

        $this -> display();
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