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2016-06-08 09:21 417 查看
using System;

namespace testClassApp
/// <summary>
/// Class1 的摘要说明。
/// </summary>
class Class1
/// <summary>
/// 应用程序的主入口点。
/// </summary>
static void Main(string[] args)
// TODO: 在此处添加代码以启动应用程序

double len = 2.5;
double wid = 3.0;
double rad = 4.1;
Rectangle aRect = new Rectangle();
aRect.length = len;
aRect.width = wid;
Circle aCirc = new Circle (rad);
Console.WriteLine ("Area of Rect is:{0}",aRect.Area ());
Console.WriteLine ("Area of Rect is:{0}",aRect.Area (2));
Console.WriteLine ("Area of Circ is:{0}",aCirc.Area ());

abstract class Shape                //抽象基类,不可实例化
public const double pi=3.14;    //常量
protected double x, y;            //私有,可继承变量

public Shape()                    //默认构造函数
public Shape(double x,double y)    //带参数构造函数
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
public abstract double Area();    //抽象方法,需重载

class Rectangle: Shape
public Rectangle():base(){}
public Rectangle(double x, double y): base(x,y){}//使用基类构造函数
public  double Area()    //函数重载
return (x*y);
public  double Area(double x)    //函数重载
return (x*x);
public double length    //属性:矩形长度
return x;
if (value>0){x = value;}
public double width        //属性:矩形宽度
return y;
if (value>0){y = value;}


class Ellipse: Shape
public Ellipse(double x, double y):base(x,y){}//使用基类Shape的构造函数
public override double Area()    //函数重载
return pi*x*y;
class Circle: Ellipse
public Circle(double r):base(r,0){}    //使用基类Ellipse的构造函数
public override double Area()    //函数重载
return pi*x*x;

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