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关于Fiddler 出现 Creation of interception certificate failed.提示的解决办法

2016-05-24 17:30 1646 查看
Recently I had some problems with the HTTPS decryption of Fiddler.

Outlook could not connect to the mail server, promting me again and again for my credentials. Deleting all the Fiddler certificates did solve this problem for me, since Outlook could not verify the correctness of the used certificate.

Unfortunately I did delete the Fiddler root certificate, too.

No clue what happened, but when trying to enable the HTTPS decryption again to view my secured connections the error message “Creation of 

interception certificate failed. makecert.exe returned -1. [...] Error: 

Can’t create the key of the subject (‘JoeSoft’)” popped up.

I searched my key storage for any certificate related to “JoeSoft” but could not find anything. So time to start ProcessMonitor from
SysInternals to see which key cannot be created.

Here is the solution which worked for me:
Start ProcessMonitor
Set some filters


to search for the process name “makecert.exe”

and a path containing “crypto\rsa”

goto the path showing up, something like: C:\Users\<UserName>\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Crypto\RSA\<FolderName>

Rename (beware of not suffixing it, it will not work) or delete the file
Try to activate HTTPS decryption again
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标签:  Fiddler 抓包 web调试