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;; 这是一个项目名叫 "sameple"
;; 组名(或者公司网站名之类的,group-id)叫 "org.example"
;; 版本(version)为"1.0.0-SNAPSHOT"的项目(project)
(defproject org.example/sample "1.0.0-SNAPSHOT"

;; 这个描述文本有助于仓库搜索(比如clojars仓库)
:description "A sample project"

:url "http://example.org/sample-clojure-project"

:mailing-list {:name "sample mailing list"
:archive "http://example.org/sample-mailing-list-archives"
:other-archives ["http://example.org/sample-list-archive2"
:post "list@example.org"
:subscribe "list-subscribe@example.org"
:unsubscribe "list-unsubscribe@example.org"}

:license {:name "Eclipse Public License - v 1.0"
:url "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html"
:distribution :repo
:comments "same as Clojure"}

;;依赖的格式类似:[group-id/project-name version]
;; classifier :它表示在相同版本下针对不同的环境或者jdk使用的jar,如果配置了这个元素,则会将这个元素名在加在最后来查找相应的jar
;; exclusions : 用来排除相应的重复依赖。比如log4j下包含了a.jar。spring.jar也包含了a.jar,但是两个版本不同,则需要排除掉一个,避免冲突。
:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.1.0"]
[org.clojure/clojure-contrib "1.1.0"]
[org.jclouds/jclouds "1.0-RC6" :classifier "jdk15"]
[log4j "1.2.15" :exclusions [javax.mail/mail

;; 只用于开发阶段的依赖。打包部署将不包含这些依赖。
:dev-dependencies [[org.clojure/swank-clojure "1.2.1"]]

;; 全局的一个依赖排除。
:exclusions [org.apache.poi/poi

;;在project.clj改变或者库文件目录(:library-path directory)为空时,重新获取依赖。
:checksum-deps true

:min-lein-version "1.3.0"

;; 如果这个选项为false,那么获取依赖的时候,lib目录将被清空。
;; 如果要lib目录不被清空,请将它设为true
:disable-deps-clean false

;; 禁用隐式的clean
:disable-implicit-clean true

;; Delete .class files that do not have a corresponding package in
;; the src/ directory. Workaround for Clojure bug CLJ-322. Causes problems
;; with protocols in upstream libraries; false by default. Set to
;; true to delete all non-project classes or set to a seq of regexes
;; to only delete class files that match one of the regexes.
;; 不存在src/目录,删除所有.class文件
;; 为了解决Clojure bug CLJ-322, 可以将其设置为true,或者定义一个正则序列,仅删除不匹配的class文件。
:clean-non-project-classes true

;; 如果 :clean-non-project-classes 设置为true
;; 你可以设置这个正则,用来保留匹配的class文件。
:class-file-whitelist #"^(org/example|clojure)"

;; 在clean阶段其他文件将被删除(除了:compile-path 和 jars/uberjars)。
;; %s这个符号将被替换成当前项目的版本号
:extra-files-to-clean ["tmp" "sample-%s.tar"]

;; 如果你不能精确匹配到你要删除的文件名
;; 你可以使用正则表达(从项目根目录对文件名进行匹配)
;; 默认为 #"^$NAME-.*\.jar$".
:regex-to-clean #"hs_err_pid.*"

;; 项目的checkout路径
:checkout-deps-shares [:source-path :test-path
~(fn [p] (str (:root p) "/lib/dev/*"))]

;; 在启动时加载hooks中的namespaces
;; Hooks一般来自插件,但也可能包含在你的项目source中
:hooks [leiningen.hooks.difftest]

;; Predicates to determine whether to run a test or not. See tutorial.
;; 决定是否运行测试。请参考tutorial
:test-selectors {:default (fn [t] (not (or (:integration v) (:regression v))))
:integration :integration
:regression :regression}

;; 如果设置这个为true。将加载所有和leiningen.hooks.*匹配的namespaces。
;; 警告!!!:很明显的将导致加载依赖过多,启动起来比蜗牛还慢
:implicit-hooks false

;; (提示:ahead-of-time (AOT) compiler 是一个实现时间提前编译的编译器)
;; gen-class和java互操作所需的将被提前编译。:namespaces 在这里是个别名
;; 设置一个正则将编译所以匹配的
:aot [org.example.sample]

;; 打包成jar文件的入口函数
;; 设置 :skip-aot 元数据用来做其他事情。例如运行shell或者task。
:main org.example.sample

;; 在repl启动的时候自动加载这个namespace
:repl-init sample.repl-helper

:repl-init-script "src/main/clojure/init.clj"

;; 这些将传递给 clojure.main/repl; 查看他们的细节
:repl-options [:prompt (fn [] (print "your command, master? ") (flush))]

;; 自定义repl的监听端口
:repl-port 4001
:repl-host ""

;; A form to prepend to every form that is evaluated inside your project.
;; Allows working around the Gilardi Scenario: http://technomancy.us/143 :project-init (require 'clojure.pprint)

;; 超时重连。默认为100
:repl-retry-limit 1000

;; 对所有的反射调用进行警告
:warn-on-reflection true

;; 仓库配置。即使没配置,maven的中央仓库也依然会被查找。
:omit-default-repositories true
:repositories {"java.net" "http://download.java.net/maven/2"
{:url "http://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/releases"
;; If a repository contains  releases only; setting :snapshots
;; to false will speed up dependency checking.
:snapshots false
;; You can also set the policies for how to handle :checksum
;; failures to :fail, :warn, or :ignore. In :releases, :daily,
;; :always, and :never are supported.
:releases {:checksum :fail
:update :always}}
;; Repositories named "snapshots" and "releases" automatically
;; have their :snapshots and :releases disabled as appropriate.
"snapshots" {:url "http://blueant.com/archiva/snapshots"
;; Also supports :private-key and :passphrase.
:username "milgrim" :password "locative.1"}
"releases" {:url "http://blueant.com/archiva/internal"
:username "milgrim" :password "locative.1"}}

;; 开发依赖的仓库
:deploy-repositories {"releases" {:url "http://blueant.com/archiva/internal/releases"
:username "milgrim" :password "locative.1"}
"snapshots" "http://blueant.com/archiva/internal/snapshots"}

;; 源文件路径
:source-path "src/main/clojure"
;; 编译后的文件路径
:compile-path "target/classes" ; for .class files
;; 打包所需jar文件路径
:library-path "target/dependency" ; for .jar files
;; 单元测试源文件路径
:test-path "src/test/clojure"
;; 配置文件路径
:resources-path "src/main/resource" ; non-code files included in classpath/jar
;; 测试配置文件路径
:dev-resources-path "src/test/resource" ; added to dev classpath but not jar
;; 本地依赖查找路径
:native-path "src/native"        ; where to look for native dependencies
;; 目标路径
:target-dir "target/  "          ; where to place the project's jar file
;; 额外的类路径
:extra-classpath-dirs ["script"] ; more classpath entries not included in jar
;; jar包名
:jar-name "sample.jar"           ; name of the jar produced by 'lein jar'
;; 一样的,jar包名。uberjar是可执行的jar包
:uberjar-name "sample-standalone.jar" ; as above for uberjar
;; 从~/.m2自定义classpath,而不是拷贝到:library-path.
:local-repo-classpath true

;; java文件的编译目录
:javac-options {:destdir "classes/"}
:java-source-path "src/main/java" ; location of Java source
;; Leave the contents of :source-path out of jars (for AOT projects)
:omit-source true
;; 匹配的jar包将被排除
:jar-exclusions [#"(?:^|/).svn/"]
;; 一样的东东,只针对于uberjar
:uberjar-exclusions [#"META-INF/DUMMY.SF"]
;; 对jar's manifest设置任意的键值对。
:manifest {"Project-awesome-level" "super-great"}

;; 设置jvm选项
:jvm-opts ["-Xmx1g"]

;; 如果你的项目是一个Leiningen插件,设置这个跳过subprocess步骤
:eval-in-leiningen false

;; 解决Clojure's agent的线程池问题。
;; If you see RejectedExecutionException using
;; futures or agents, you may be working with a plugin that doesn't
;; take this workaround into account yet--see the "Threads" section
;; of doc/PLUGINS.md. This key will disable Leiningen's workaround.
;; It may cause some other plugins to fail to exit when they finish.
:skip-shutdown-agents true

;; 设置一个多模块的maven项目的父项目。
:parent [org.example/parent "0.0.1" :relative-path "../parent/pom.xml"])

;; You can use Robert Hooke to modify behaviour of any task function,
;; but the prepend-tasks function is shorthand that is more convenient
;; on tasks that take a single project argument.

;; 你可以使用Robert Hooke去修改任何task函数的行为。
(use '[leiningen.core :only [prepend-tasks]]
'[leiningen.deps :only [deps]]
'[leiningen.clean :only [clean]]
'[leiningen.pom :only [pom]])

;; 缩略名字参数调用
(prepend-tasks #'deps clean pom)
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