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zoj-5707题 Very Happy Great BG (签到题)The 13th Zhejiang Provincial Collegiate Programming Contest

2016-04-24 09:52 441 查看
http://acm.zju.edu.cn/onlinejudge/showContestProblem.do?problemId=5707zoj-5707题  VeryHappy Great BG(签到题)The summer training of ZJU ICPC in July is about toend. To celebrate this great and happy day, the coach of ZJU ICPC Team decidedto BG everyone!After a brief discussion, they decided to go to LouWai Lou to have a great dinner. Each team member can bring some friends withhim/her. Of course, they need to tell the coach the number of friends they willbring.Now the coach wants to know the total number ofparticipants (excluding the coach himself). Please tell him.InputThere are multiple test cases. The first line of inputcontains an integerT indicating the number of test cases. For each testcase:The first line contains an integer N (1 <= N<= 40) - the number of ZJU ICPC members. The second line contains N non-negativeintegers, thei-th integer indicates the number of friends (< 1000)that the i-th team member will bring.OutputFor each test case, output the total number ofparticipants.Sample Input450 0 1 2 310101 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1025 3Sample Output1116510 开始的30分钟,每隔1-3分钟左右就看看排行榜,及时跟榜,这个题,10分钟就被数十人ac了,发现这一现象后,马上跳到该题,当时我在读i题,快速看两遍题目后,开始精读输入输出,发现样例是简单的相加后5分钟敲好调好,用一分钟把 0  1 这些坑爹例子敲一下,马上交,马上过。这里提醒一下,如果第一遍不能过,马上通知队友一起读题,水题不能做到一次过,很可能是你读题出现了问题。
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