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jenkins Email-EXT plugins

2016-01-12 19:25 399 查看
Let's say you provide a select menu for setting which category a given product belongs to, but you also want the option of creating a new category by typing the name in a text field. See a great way to do that in this episode.

<!-- views/products/_form.rhtml -->
<label for="product_category_id">Category:</label><br />
<%= f.collection_select :category_id, Category.find(:all), :id, :name, :prompt => "Select a Category" %>
or create one:
<%= f.text_field :new_category_name %>

# models/product.rb
belongs_to :category
attr_accessor :new_category_name
before_save :create_category_from_name

def create_category_from_name
create_category(:name => new_category_name) unless new_category_name.blank?
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