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Unreal Engine 4 Console Variables and Commands

2015-12-29 09:28 211 查看

a.ParallelAnimEvaluationIf 1, animation evaluation will be run across the task graph system. If 0, evaluation will run purely on the game thread
AbilitySystem.DebugGameplayCuesEnables Debugging for GameplayCue events
AbilitySystem.DenyClientActivationsMake server deny the next X ability activations from clients. For testing misprediction.
AllowAsyncComponentTicksUsed to control async component ticks.
AllowAsyncRenderThreadUpdatesUsed to control async renderthread updates.
AllowConcurrentTickQueueIf true, queue ticks concurrently.
AllowParallelGCUsed to control parallel GC.
CauseHitchesCauses a 200ms hitch every second.
Compat.MAX_GPUSKIN_BONESMax number of bones that can be skinned on the GPU in a single draw call. Cannot be changed at runtime.
Compat.UseDXT5NormalMapsWhether to use DXT5 for normal maps, otherwise BC5 will be used, which is not supported on all hardware.

Both formats require the same amount of memory (if driver doesn't emulate the format).

Changing this will cause normal maps to be recompressed on next load (or when using recompile shaders)

0: Use BC5 texture format (default)

1: Use DXT5 texture format (lower quality)
con.MinLogVerbosityAllows to see the log in the in game console (by default deactivated to avoid spam and minor performance loss).

0: no logging other than console response (default)

1: Only fatal errors (no that useful)

2: additionally errors

3: additionally warnings

4: additionally display

5: additionally log


>=7: all
demo.RecordHzNumber of demo frames recorded per second
demo.TimeDilationOverride time dilation during demo playback (-1 = don't override)
DumpCopyPropertiesForUnrelatedObjectsDump the objects that are cross class copied
DumpStatPacketsIf true, dump stat packets.
FreezeAtPositionThis console variable stores the position and rotation for the FreezeAt command which allows

to lock the camera in order to provide more deterministic render profiling.

The FreezeAtPosition can be set in the ConsoleVariables.ini (start the map with MAPNAME?bTourist=1).

Also see the FreezeAt command console command.

The number syntax if the same as the one used by the BugIt command:

The first three values define the position, the next three define the rotation.


FreezeAtPosition 2819.5520 416.2633 75.1500 65378 -25879 0
FX.AllowAsyncTickallow parallel ticking of particle systems.
FX.AllowCullingAllow emitters to be culled.
FX.AllowGPUSortingAllow particles to be sorted on the GPU.
FX.FreezeGPUSimulationFreeze particles simulated on the GPU.
FX.FreezeParticleSimulationFreeze particle simulation.
FX.GPUCollisionDepthBoundsLimits the depth bounds when searching for a collision plane.
FX.GPUSpawnWarningThresholdWarning threshold for spawning of GPU particles.
FX.MaxCPUParticlesPerEmitterMaximum number of CPU particles allowed per-emitter.
FX.MaxGPUParticlesSpawnedPerFrameMaximum number of GPU particles allowed to spawn per-frame per-emitter.
FX.MaxParticleTilePreAllocationMaximum tile preallocation for GPU particles.
FX.ParticleSlackGPUAmount of slack to allocate for GPU particles to prevent tile churn as percentage of total particles.
FX.TestGPUSortTest GPU sort. 1: Small, 2: Large, 3: Exhaustive, 4: Random
FX.VisualizeGPUSimulationVisualize the current state of GPU simulation.

0 = off

1 = visualize particle state

2 = visualize curve texture
g.DebugCameraTraceComplexWhether DebugCamera should use complex or simple collision for the line trace.

1: complex collision, 0: simple collision
g.TimeToBlockOnRenderFenceNumber of milliseconds the game thread should block when waiting on a render thread fence.
GPUSort.DebugOffsetsDebug GPU sort offsets.
GPUSort.DebugSortDebug GPU sorting.
Kismet.ExpertModeEnable expert mode options, which will cause context menus to show additional nodes that are not verified to be safe/legal to use in the current context.
LogTicksUsed to logging of ticks.
n.VerifyPeerSets libcurl's CURL_OPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER option to verify authenticity of the peer's certificate.

0 = disable (allows self-signed certificates)

1 = enable [default]
net.AllowAsyncLoadingAllow async loading
net.AllowPropertySkippingAllow skipping of properties that haven't changed for other clients
net.DormancyDrawDraws debug information for network dormancy

1 Enables network dormancy debugging. 0 disables.
net.DormancyDrawCullDistanceCull distance for net.DormancyDraw. World UnitsMax world units an actor can be away from the local view to draw its dormancy status
net.DormancyEnableEnables Network Dormancy System for reducing CPU and bandwidth overhead of infrequently updated actors

1 Enables network dormancy. 0 disables network dormancy.
net.DormancyValidateValidates that dormant actors do not change state while in a dormant state (on server only)0: Dont validate. 1: Validate on wake up. 2: Validate on each net update
net.IgnorePackageMismatchIgnore when package versions are different
net.MaxPlayersOverrideIf greater than 0, will override the standard max players count. Useful for testing full servers.
net.Montage.DebugPrints Replication information about AnimMontages

0: no print.

1: Print AnimMontage info on client side as they are played.
net.PackageMap.DebugObjectDebugs PackageMap serialization of objectPartial name of object to debug
net.Reliable.DebugPrint all reliable bunches sent over the network

0: no print.

1: Print bunches as they are sent.

2: Print reliable bunch buffer each net update
net.Replication.DebugPropertyDebugs Replication of property by namePartial name of property to debug
net.RPC.DebugPrint all RPC bunches sent over the network

0: no print.

1: Print bunches as they are sent.
net.SimulateAsyncLoadingSimulate async loading
OpenGL.BindlessTextureIf true, use GL_ARB_bindless_texture over traditional glBindTexture/glBindSampler.
OpenGL.MaxSubDataSizeMaximum amount of data to send to glBufferSubData in one call
OpenGL.RebindTextureBuffersIf true, rebind GL_TEXTURE_BUFFER's to their GL_TEXTURE name whenever the buffer is modified.
OpenGL.SkipComputeIf true, don't issue dispatch work.
OpenGL.UBODirectWriteEnables direct writes to the UBO via Buffer Storage
OpenGL.UBOPoolSizeSize of the UBO pool, 0 disables UBO Pool
OpenGL.UseMapBufferIf true, use glMapBuffer otherwise use glBufferSubdata.
OpenGL.UseStagingBufferEnables maps of dynamic vertex buffers to go to a staging buffer
OpenGL.UseVABIf true, use GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_BINDING instead of traditional vertex array setup.
p.AllowCachedOverlapsPrimitive Component physics

0: disable cached overlaps, 1: enable (default)
p.APEXMaxDestructibleDynamicChunkCountAPEX Max Destructible dynamic Chunk Count.
p.APEXMaxDestructibleDynamicChunkIslandCountAPEX Max Destructilbe Dynamic Chunk Island Count.
p.bAPEXSortDynamicChunksByBenefitTrue if APEX should sort dynamic chunks by benefit.
p.BounceThresholdVelocityA contact with a relative velocity below this will not bounce. Default: 200
p.ConstraintDampingScaleThe multiplier of constraint damping in simulation. Default: 100000
p.ConstraintStiffnessScaleThe multiplier of constraint stiffness in simulation. Default: 100000
p.ContactOffsetFactorMultiplied by min dimension of object to calculate how close objects get before generating contacts. Default: 0.01
p.EncroachEpsilonEpsilon value encroach checking for capsules

0: use full sized capsule. > 0: shrink capsule size by this amount (world units)
p.InitialOverlapToleranceTolerance for initial overlapping test in PrimitiveComponent movement.

Normals within this tolerance are ignored if moving out of the object.

Dot product of movement direction and surface normal.
p.MaxContactOffsetMax value of contact offset, which controls how close objects get before generating contacts. Default: 1.0
p.NetCorrectionLifetimeHow long a visualized network correction persists.

Time in seconds each visualized network correction persists.
p.NetEnableMoveCombiningWhether to enable move combining on the client to reduce bandwidth by combining similar moves.

0: Disable, 1: Enable
p.NetProxyShrinkHalfHeightShrink simulated proxy capsule half height by this amount, to account for network rounding that may cause encroachment.

Changing this value at runtime may require the proxy to re-join for correct behavior.

<= 0: disabled, > 0: shrink by this amount.
p.NetProxyShrinkRadiusShrink simulated proxy capsule radius by this amount, to account for network rounding that may cause encroachment.

Changing this value at runtime may require the proxy to re-join for correct behavior.

<= 0: disabled, > 0: shrink by this amount.
p.NetShowCorrectionsWhether to draw client position corrections (red is incorrect, green is corrected).

0: Disable, 1: Enable
p.PenetrationPullbackDistancePull out from penetration of an object by this extra distance.

Distance added to penetration fix-ups.
p.ShowInitialOverlapsShow initial overlaps when moving a component, including estimated 'exit' direction.

0:off, otherwise on
p.ToleranceScale_LengthThe approximate size of objects in the simulation. Default: 100
p.ToleranceScale_MassThe approximate mass of a length * length * length block. Default: 100
p.ToleranceScale_SpeedThe typical magnitude of velocities of objects in simulation. Default: 1000
PurgeOldLightmapsIf non-zero, purge old lightmap data when rebuilding lighting.
r.AllowCachedUniformExpressionsAllow uniform expressions to be cached.
r.AllowDepthBoundsTestIf true, use enable depth bounds test when rendering defered lights.
r.AllowLandscapeShadowsAllow Landscape Shadows
r.AllowOcclusionQueriesIf zero, occlusion queries will not be used to cull primitives.
r.AllowPointLightCubemapShadowsWhen 0, will prevent point light cube map shadows from being used and the light will be unshadowed.
r.AllowPrecomputedVisibilityIf zero, precomputed visibility will not be used to cull primitives.
r.AllowStaticLightingWhether to allow any static lighting to be generated and used, like lightmaps and shadowmaps.

Games that only use dynamic lighting should set this to 0 to save some static lighting overhead.
r.AmbientOcclusion.FadeRadiusScaleAllows to scale the ambient occlusion fade radius (SSAO).

0.01:smallest .. 1.0:normal (default), <1:smaller, >1:larger
r.AmbientOcclusionLevelsDefines how many mip levels are using during the ambient occlusion calculation. This is useful when tweaking the algorithm.

0:none, 1:one, 2:two, 3:three(default), 4:four(larger at little cost but can flicker)
r.AmbientOcclusionRadiusScaleAllows to scale the ambient occlusion radius (SSAO).

0:off, 1.0:normal, <1:smaller, >1:larger
r.AmbientOcclusionSampleSetQualityDefines how many samples we use for ScreenSpace Ambient Occlusion

-1: sample count depends on post process settings (default)

0: low sample count (defined in shader, 3 * 2)

1: high sample count (defined in shader, 6 * 2)
r.AmbientOcclusionStaticFractionAllows to override the Ambient Occlusion Static Fraction (see post process volume). Fractions are between 0 and 1.

<0: use default setting (default -1)

0: no effect on static lighting, 0 is free meaning no extra rendering pass

1: AO affects the stat lighting
r.AOAsyncBuildQueueWhether to asynchronously build distance field volume data from meshes.
r.AOComputeShaderNormalCalculationWhether to use the compute shader version of the distance field normal computation.
r.AOFillGapsWhether to fill in pixels using a screen space filter that had no valid world space interpolation weight from surface cache samples.

This is needed whenever r.AOMinLevel is not 0.
r.AOHistoryWeightAmount of last frame's AO to lerp into the final result. Higher values increase stability, lower values have less streaking under occluder movement.
r.AOInterpolationAngleScaleScale applied to angle error during the final interpolation pass. Values larger than 1 result in smoothing.
r.AOInterpolationDepthTestingWhether to use depth testing during the interpolation splat pass, useful for debugging
r.AOInterpolationMaxAngleLargest angle allowed between the shading point's normal and a nearby record's normal.
r.AOInterpolationRadiusScaleScale applied to record radii during the final interpolation pass. Values larger than 1 result in world space smoothing.
r.AOInterpolationStencilTestingWhether to stencil out distant pixels from the interpolation splat pass, useful for debugging
r.AOMaxLevelLargest downsample power of 4 to use for surface cache population.
r.AOMaxViewDistanceThe maximum distance that AO will be computed at.
r.AOMinLevelSmallest downsample power of 4 to use for surface cache population.

The default is 1, which means every 8 full resolution pixels (BaseDownsampleFactor(2) * 4^1) will be checked for a valid interpolation from the cache or shaded.

Going down to 0 gives less aliasing, and removes the need for gap filling, but costs a lot.
r.AOMinPointBehindPlaneAngleMinimum angle that a point can lie behind a record and still be considered valid.

This threshold helps reduce leaking that happens when interpolating records in front of the shading point, ignoring occluders in between.
r.AOPowerOfTwoBetweenLevelsPower of two in resolution between refinement levels of the surface cache
r.AORecordRadiusScaleScale applied to the minimum occluder distance to produce the record radius. This effectively controls how dense shading samples are.
r.AOReuseAcrossFramesWhether to allow reusing surface cache results across frames.
r.AOSampleSet0 = Original set, 1 = Relaxed set
r.AOScatterTileCullingWhether to use the rasterizer for binning occluder objects into screenspace tiles.
r.AOStepExponentScaleExponent used to distribute AO samples along a cone direction.
r.AOTrimOldRecordsFractionWhen r.AOReuseAcrossFrames is enabled, this is the fraction of the last frame's surface cache records that will not be reused.

Low settings provide better performance, while values closer to 1 give faster lighting updates when dynamic scene changes are happening.
r.AOUseHistoryWhether to apply a temporal filter to the distance field AO, which reduces flickering but also adds trails when occluders are moving.
r.AtmosphereDefines atmosphere will render or not. Only changed by r.Atmosphere console command.

Enable/Disable Atmosphere, Load/Unload related data.

0: off

1: on (default)
r.BlackBordersTo draw black borders around the rendered image

(prevents artifacts from post processing passes that read outside of the image e.g. PostProcessAA)

in pixels, 0:off
r.BloomQuality0: off, no performance impact.

1: average quality, least performance impact.

2: average quality, least performance impact.

3: good quality.

4: good quality.

5: Best quality, most significant performance impact. (default)

>5: force experimental higher quality on mobile (can be quite slow on some hardware)
r.BokehDOFIndexStyleControls whether to use a packed or unwound index buffer for Bokeh DOF.

0: Use packed index buffer (faster) (default)

1: Use unwound index buffer (slower)
r.BufferVisualizationDumpFramesWhen screenshots or movies dumps are requested, also save out dumps of the current buffer visualization materials

0:off (default)

r.BufferVisualizationDumpFramesAsHDRWhen saving out buffer visualization materials in a HDR capable format

0: Do not override default save format.

1: Force HDR format for buffer visualization materials.
r.BufferVisualizationOverviewTargetsSpecify the list of post process materials that can be used in the buffer visualization overview. Put nothing between the commas to leave a gap.

Choose from:



















r.BufferVisualizationTargetWhen the viewport view-mode is set to 'Buffer Visualization', this command specifies which of the various channels to display. Values entered other than the allowed values shown below will be ignored.



















r.Cache.DrawDirectionalShadowingWhether to draw direct shadowing sample points as generated by Lightmass.

0 is off (default), 1 is on
r.Cache.DrawInterpolationPointsWhether to draw positions that indirect lighting is interpolated at when they are updated, which are stored in the cache.

Probably need 'r.CacheUpdateEveryFrame 1' as well to be useful, otherwise points will flicker as they update.

0 is off (default), 1 is on
r.Cache.DrawLightingSamplesWhether to draw indirect lighting sample points as generated by Lightmass.

0 is off (default), 1 is on
r.Cache.LightingCacheDimensionDimensions of the lighting cache. This should be a multiple of r.LightingCacheMovableObjectAllocationSize for least waste.
r.Cache.LightingCacheMovableObjectAllocationSizeResolution of the interpolation sample volume used to light a dynamic object.

Values of 1 or 2 will result in a single interpolation sample per object which does not provide continuous lighting under movement, so interpolation is done over time.

Values of 3 or more support the necessary padding to provide continuous results under movement.
r.Cache.LimitQuerySize0 is off, 1 is on (default)
r.Cache.QueryNodeLevelLevel of the lighting sample octree whose node's extents should be the target size for queries into the octree.

Primitive blocks will be broken up into multiple octree queries if they are larger than this.0 is the root, 12 is the leaf level
r.Cache.ReduceSHRingingWhether to modify indirect lighting cache SH samples to reduce ringing. 0 is off, 1 is on (default)
r.Cache.SampleTransitionSpeedWhen using single sample lighting, controls the speed of the transition between two point samples (fade over time).
r.Cache.UpdateEveryFrameWhether to update indirect lighting cache allocations every frame, even if they would have been cached. 0 is off (default), 1 is on
r.CatmullRomEndParamOffsetThe parameter offset for catmul rom end points.
r.ClearSceneMethodSelect how scene rendertarget clears are handled

0: No clear

1: RHIClear (default)

2: Quad at max z
r.ClearWithExcludeRectsControl the use of exclude rects when using RHIClear

0: Force off (can be faster on hardware that has fast clears)

1: Use exclude rect if supplied

2: Auto (default is 2, pick what is considered best on this hardware)
r.Color.MaxAllows to define where the value 1.0 in the color channels is mapped to after color grading.

Value should be around 1, smaller values darken the highlights, larger values move more colors towards white, Default: 1
r.Color.MidAllows to define where the value 0.5 in the color channels is mapped to after color grading (This is similar to a gamma correction).

Value should be around 0.5, smaller values darken the mid tones, larger values brighten the mid tones, Default: 0.5
r.Color.MinAllows to define where the value 0 in the color channels is mapped to after color grading.

The value should be around 0, positive: a gray scale is added to the darks, negative: more dark values become black, Default: 0
r.CompileMaterialsForShaderFormatWhen enabled, compile materials for this shader format in addition to those for the running platform.

Note that these shaders are compiled and immediately tossed. This is only useful when directly inspecting output via r.DebugDumpShaderInfo.
r.CompileShadersForDevelopmentSetting this to 0 allows to ship a game with more optimized shaders as some

editor and development features are not longer compiled into the shaders.

Note: This should be done when shipping but it's not done automatically yet (feature need to mature

and shaders will compile slower as shader caching from development isn't shared).

Cannot be changed at runtime - can be put into BaseEngine.ini

0: off, shader can run a bit faster

1: on (Default)
r.CreateShadersOnLoadWhether to create shaders on load, which can reduce hitching, but use more memory. Otherwise they will be created as needed.
r.CustomDepth0: feature is disabled

1: feature is enabled, texture is created on demand

2: feature is enabled, texture is not released until required (should be the project setting if the feature should not stall)
r.D3DCompilerPathAllows to specify a HLSL compiler version that is different from the one the code was compiled.

No path ("") means the default one is used.

If the compiler cannot be found an error is reported and it will compile further with the default one.

This console variable works with ShaderCompileWorker (with multi threading) and without multi threading.

This variable can be set in ConsoleVariables.ini to be defined at startup.

e.g. c:/temp/d3dcompiler_44.dll or ""
r.DBufferExperimental DBuffer feature: Generating deferred decals before the BasePass.

Allows decals to be correctly lit by baked lighting. Receivers need to be rendered in the early zpass.

At the moment only can be ensures by full enablng this pass: r.EarlyZPassMovable=1 r.EarlyZPass=2

0: off

1: on (needs early pass rendering on all decal receivers and base pass lookups into the DBuffer, costs GPU memory, allows GBuffer compression)
r.Decal.StencilSizeThresholdControl a per decal stencil pass that allows to large (screen space) decals faster. It adds more overhead per decals so this

<0: optimization is disabled

0: optimization is enabled no matter how small (screen space) the decal is

0..1: optimization is enabled, value defines the minimum size (screen space) to trigger the optimization (default 0.1)
r.DefaultFeature.AmbientOcclusionEngine default (project setting) for AmbientOcclusion is (postprocess volume/camera/game setting still can override)

0: off, sets AmbientOcclusionIntensity to 0

1: on (default)
r.DefaultFeature.AmbientOcclusionStaticFractionEngine default (project setting) for AmbientOcclusion is (postprocess volume/camera/game setting still can override)

0: off, sets AmbientOcclusionStaticFraction to 0

1: on (default, costs extra pass, only useful if there is some baked lighting)
r.DefaultFeature.AntiAliasingEngine default (project setting) for AntiAliasingMethod is (postprocess volume/camera/game setting still can override)

0: off (no anti-aliasing)

1: FXAA (faster than TemporalAA but much more shimmering for non static cases)

2: TemporalAA (default)
r.DefaultFeature.AutoExposureEngine default (project setting) for AutoExposure is (postprocess volume/camera/game setting still can override)

0: off, sets AutoExposureMinBrightness and AutoExposureMaxBrightness to 1

1: on (default)
r.DefaultFeature.BloomEngine default (project setting) for Bloom is (postprocess volume/camera/game setting still can override)

0: off, set BloomIntensity to 0

1: on (default)
r.DefaultFeature.LensFlareEngine default (project setting) for LensFlare is (postprocess volume/camera/game setting still can override)

0: off, sets LensFlareIntensity to 0

1: on (default)
r.DefaultFeature.MotionBlurEngine default (project setting) for MotionBlur is (postprocess volume/camera/game setting still can override)

0: off, sets MotionBlurAmount to 0

1: on (default)
r.DemosaicVposOffsetThis offset is added to the rasterized position used for demosaic in the ES2 tonemapping shader. It exists to workaround driver bugs on some Android devices that have a half-pixel offset.
r.DepthOfField.MaxSizeAllows to clamp the gaussian depth of field radius (for better performance), default: 100
r.DepthOfFieldNearBlurSizeThresholdSets the minimum near blur size before the effect is forcably disabled. Currently only affects Gaussian DOF.

(default = 0.01f)
r.DepthOfFieldQualityAllows to adjust the depth of field quality. Currently only fully affects BokehDOF. GaussianDOF is either 0 for off, otherwise on.

0: Off

1: Low

2: high quality (default, adaptive, can be 4x slower)
r.DetailModeCurrent detail mode; determines whether components of actors should be updated/ ticked.

0: low, show only object with DetailMode low or higher

1: medium, show all object with DetailMode medium or higher

2: high, show all objects (default)
r.DFShadowScatterTileCullingWhether to use the rasterizer to scatter objects onto the tile grid for culling.
r.DFShadowWorldTileSizeWorld space size of a tile used for culling for directional lights.
r.DiffuseFromCapturesApply indirect diffuse lighting from captures instead of lightmaps.

0 is off (default), 1 is on
r.DisableLODFadeDisable fading for distance culling
r.DistanceFadeMaxTravelMax distance that the player can travel during the fade time.
r.DistanceFieldAOWhether the distance field AO feature is allowed, which is used to implement shadows of Movable sky lights from static meshes.
r.DistanceFieldShadowingWhether the distance field shadowing feature is allowed.
r.DontLimitOnBattery0: Limit performance on devices with a battery.(default)

1: Do not limit performance due to device having a battery.
r.DownsampledOcclusionQueriesWhether to issue occlusion queries to a downsampled depth buffer
r.DrawRectangleOptimizationControls an optimization for DrawRectangle(). When enabled a triangle can be used to draw a quad in certain situations (viewport sized quad).

Using a triangle allows for slightly faster post processing in lower resolutions but can not always be used.

0: Optimization is disabled, DrawDenormalizedQuad always render with quad

1: Optimization is enabled, a triangle can be rendered where specified (default)
r.DumpingMovieAllows to dump each rendered frame to disk (slow fps, names MovieFrame..).

<=0:off (default), <0:remains on, >0:remains on for n frames (n is the number specified)
r.DumpShaderDebugInfoWhen set to 1, will cause any shaders that are then compiled to dump debug info to GameName/Saved/ShaderDebugInfo

The debug info is platform dependent, but usually includes a preprocessed version of the shader source.

On iOS, if the PowerVR graphics SDK is installed to the default path, the PowerVR shader compiler will be called and errors will be reported during the cook.
r.EarlyZPassWhether to use a depth only pass to initialize Z culling for the base pass. Cannot be changed at runtime.

Note: also look at r.EarlyZPassMovable

0: off

1: only if not masked, and only if large on the screen

2: all opaque (including masked)

x: use built in heuristic (default is 3)
r.EarlyZPassMovableWhether to render movable objects into the depth only pass. Movable objects are typically not good occluders so this defaults to off.

Note: also look at r.EarlyZPass
r.Editor.2DGridFadeTweak to define the grid rendering in 2D viewports.
r.Editor.2DSnapFadeTweak to define the grid rendering in 2D viewports.
r.Editor.2DSnapMinTweak to define the grid rendering in 2D viewports.
r.Editor.2DSnapScaleTweak to define the grid rendering in 2D viewports.
r.Editor.3DGridFadeTweak to define the grid rendering in 3D viewports.
r.Editor.3DSnapFadeTweak to define the grid rendering in 3D viewports.
r.Editor.AlignedOrthoZoomOnly affects the editor ortho viewports.

0: Each ortho viewport zoom in defined by the viewport width

1: All ortho viewport zoom are locked to each other to allow axis lines to be aligned with each other.
r.Editor.MovingPattern0:animation over time is off (default is 1)
r.Editor.NewLevelGridWether to show the new editor level grid

0: off

1: Analytical Antialiasing

2: Texture based(default)

0: occluded gizmo is partly transparent (default), 1:gizmo is never occluded
r.EmitMeshDrawEventsEmits a GPU event around each drawing policy draw call. /nUseful for seeing stats about each draw call, however it greatly distorts total time and time per draw call.
r.EmitterSpawnRateScaleA global scale upon the spawn rate of emitters. Emitters can choose to apply or ignore it via their bApplyGlobalSpawnRateScale property.
r.ExposureOffsetFor adjusting the exposure on top of post process settings and eye adaptation. For developers only. 0:default
r.EyeAdaptationQualityDefines the eye adaptation quality which allows to adjust for quality or performance.

<=0: off (fastest)

1: low quality (e.g. non histogram based, not yet implemented)

2: normal quality (default)

3: high quality (e.g. screen position localized, not yet implemented)
r.FastBlurThresholdDefines at what radius the Gaussian blur optimization kicks in (estimated 25% - 40% faster).

The optimzation uses slightly less memory and has a quality loss on smallblur radius.

0: use the optimization always (fastest, lowest quality)

3: use the optimization starting at a 3 pixel radius (quite fast)

7: use the optimization starting at a 7 pixel radius (default)

>15: barely ever use the optimization (high quality)
r.FeatureLevelPreviewIf 1 the quick settings menu will contain an option to enable feature level preview modes
r.FinishCurrentFrameIf on, the current frame will be forced to finish and render to the screen instead of being buffered. This will improve latency, but slow down overall performance.
r.FogDensityAllows to override the FogDensity setting (needs ExponentialFog in the level).

Using a strong value allows to quickly see which pixel are affected by fog.

Using a start distance allows to cull pixels are can speed up rendering.

<0: use default settings (default: -1)

>=0: override settings by the given value (0:off, 1=very dense fog)
r.FogStartDistanceAllows to override the FogStartDistance setting (needs ExponentialFog in the level).

<0: use default settings (default: -1)

>=0: override settings by the given value (in world units)
r.ForceDebugViewModes0: Setting has no effect.

1: Forces debug view modes to be available, even on cooked builds.2: Forces debug view modes to be unavailable, even on editor builds. Removes many shader permutations for faster shader iteration.
r.ForceLODLOD level to force, -1 is off.
r.ForwardBasePassSortHow to sort the forward shading base pass:

0: Decide automatically based on the hardware.

1: Sort drawing policies.

2: Sort drawing policies and the meshes within them.
r.FreeSkeletalMeshBuffersControls whether skeletal mesh buffers are kept in CPU memory to support merging of skeletal meshes.

0: Keep buffers(default)

1: Free buffers
r.FullScreenModeDefines how we do full screen when requested (e.g. command line option -fullscreen or in ini [SystemSettings] fullscreen=true)

0: normal full screen (renders faster, more control over vsync, less GPU memory, 10bit color if possible)

1: windowed full screen (quick switch between applications and window mode, slight performance loss)

any other number behaves like 0
r.GBuffer0=Do not use GBuffer (fast minimal rendering path), 1=Use GBuffer [default].
r.GBufferFormatDefines the memory layout used for the GBuffer.

(affects performance, mostly through bandwidth, quality of normals and material attributes).

0: lower precision (8bit per component, for profiling)

1: low precision (default)

5: high precision
r.GeneralPurposeTweakUseful for low level shader development to get quick iteration time without having to change any c++ code.

Value maps to View.GeneralPurposeTweak inside the shaders.

Example usage: Multiplier on some value to tweak, toggle to switch between different algorithms (Default: 1.0)

DON'T USE THIS FOR ANYTHING THAT IS CHECKED IN. Compiled out in SHIPPING to make cheating a bit harder.
r.GenerateMeshDistanceFieldsWhether to build distance fields of static meshes, needed for distance field AO, which is used to implement Movable SkyLight shadows.

Enabling will increase mesh build times and memory usage. Changing this value will cause a rebuild of all static meshes.
r.GPUBusyWait<=0:off, >0: keep the GPU busy with n units of some fixed amount of work, independent on the resolution

This can be useful to make GPU timing experiments. The value should roughly represent milliseconds.

Clamped at 500.
r.GraphicsAdapterUser request to pick a specific graphics adapter (e.g. when using a integrated graphics card with a descrete one)

At the moment this only works on Direct3D 11.

-2: Take the first one that fulfills the criteria

-1: Favour non integrated because there are usually faster

0: Adpater #0

1: Adpater #1, ...
r.HalfResReflectionsCompute ReflectionEnvironment samples at half resolution.

0 is off (default), 1 is on
r.HighQualityLightMapsIf set to 1, allow high quality lightmaps which don't bake in direct lighting of stationary lights
r.HZBOcclusionDefines which occlusion system is used.

0: Hardware occlusion queries

1: Use HZB occlusion system (default, less GPU and CPU cost, more conservative results) 2: Force HZB occlusion system (overrides rendering platform preferences)
r.IndirectLightingCacheWhether to use the indirect lighting cache on dynamic objects. 0 is off, 1 is on (default)
r.LegacySingleThreadedRelevanceToggles the legacy codepath for view relevance.
r.LensFlareQuality0: off but best for performance

1: low quality with good performance

2: good quality (default)

3: very good quality but bad performance
r.LightFunctionQualityDefines the light function quality which allows to adjust for quality or performance.

<=0: off (fastest)

1: low quality (e.g. half res with blurring, not yet implemented)

2: normal quality (default)

3: high quality (e.g. super-sampled or colored, not yet implemented)
r.LightPropagationVolumeProject setting of the work in progress feature LightPropgationVolume. Cannot be changed at runtime.

0: off (default)

1: on
r.LightShaftBlurPassesNumber of light shaft blur passes.
r.LightShaftDownSampleFactorDownsample factor for light shafts. range: 1..8
r.LightShaftFirstPassDistanceFraction of the distance to the light to blur on the first radial blur pass.
r.LightShaftNumSamplesNumber of samples per light shaft radial blur pass. Also affects how quickly the blur distance increases with each pass.
r.LightShaftQualityDefines the light shaft quality.

0: off

1: on (default)
r.LightShaftsWhether light shafts are allowed to be rendered, defaults to 1.
r.LimitRenderingFeaturesAllows to quickly reduce render feature to increase render performance.

This is just a quick way to alter multiple show flags and console variables in the game

Disabled more feature the higher the number

<=0:off, order is defined in code (can be documented here when we settled on an order)
r.LODFadeTimeHow long LOD takes to fade (in seconds).
r.MaterialEditor.UseDevShadersToggles whether the material editor will use shaders that include extra overhead incurred by the editor. Material editor must be re-opened if changed at runtime.
r.MaterialQualityLevel0 corresponds to low quality materials, as defined by quality switches in materials, 1 corresponds to high.
r.MaxAnisotropyMaxAnisotropy should range from 1 to 16. Higher values mean better texure quality when using anisotropic filtering but at a cost to performance.
r.MaxCSMRadiusToAllowPerObjectShadowsOnly stationary lights with a CSM radius smaller than this will create per object shadows for dynamic objects.
r.MaxForwardBasePassDrawsStops rendering static forward base pass draws after the specified number of times. Useful for seeing the order in which meshes render when optimizing.
r.MaxGPUSkinCacheElementsPerFrameThe maximum compute processed skin cache elements per frame.
r.MaxQualityModeIf set to 1, override certain system settings to highest quality regardless of performance impact
r.MinScreenRadiusForCSMDepthThreshold below which meshes will be culled from CSM depth pass.
r.MinScreenRadiusForDepthPrepassThreshold below which meshes will be culled from depth only pass.
r.MinScreenRadiusForLightsThreshold below which lights will be culled.
r.MipMapLODBiasApply additional mip map bias for all 2D textures, range of -15.0 to 15.0
r.MobileContentScaleFactorContent scale multiplier (equates to iOS's contentScaleFactor to support Retina displays
r.MobileHDR0: Mobile renders in LDR gamma space. (suggested for unlit games targeting low-end phones)

1: Mobile renders in HDR linear space. (default)
r.MobileHDR32bpp0: Mobile HDR renders to an FP16 render target.

1: Mobile HDR renders to an RGBA8 target.
r.MobileMSAAUse MSAA instead of Temporal AA on mobile:

1: Use Temporal AA (MSAA disabled)

2: Use 2x MSAA (Temporal AA disabled)

4: Use 4x MSAA (Temporal AA disabled)
r.MotionBlur.MaxAllows to clamp the postprocess setting (max distortion caused by motion blur, in percent of the screen width)

-1: don't clamp (default)
r.MotionBlur.ScaleAllows to scale the postprocess intensity/amount setting in the postprocess.

1: don't do any scaling (default)
r.MotionBlurFilteringUseful developer variable

0: off (default, expected by the shader for better quality)

1: on
r.MotionBlurQualityDefines the motion blur method which allows to adjust for quality or performance.

0:off, 1:low, 2:medium, 3:high (default), 4: very high
r.MotionBlurSoftEdgeSizeDefines how wide the object motion blur is blurred (percent of screen width) to allow soft edge motion blur.

This scales linearly with the size (up to a maximum of 32 samples, 2.5 is about 18 samples) and with screen resolution

Smaller values are better for performance and provide more accurate motion vectors but the blurring outside the object is reduced.

If needed this can be exposed like the other motionblur settings.

0:off (not free and does never completely disable), >0, 1.0 (default)
r.MSAA.CompositingSampleCountAffects the render quality of the editor 3d objects.

1: no MSAA, lowest quality

2: 2x MSAA, medium quality (medium GPU memory consumption)

4: 4x MSAA, high quality (high GPU memory consumption)

8: 8x MSAA, very high quality (insane GPU memory consumption)
r.NormalMapsForStaticLightingWhether to allow any static lighting to use normal maps for lighting computations.
r.NumBufferedOcclusionQueriesNumber of frames to buffer occlusion queries (including the current renderthread frame).

More frames reduces the chance of stalling the CPU waiting for results, but increases out of date query artifacts.
r.OneFrameThreadLagWhether to allow the rendering thread to lag one frame behind the game thread (0: disabled, otherwise enabled)
r.OnlyStreamInTexturesIf set to 1, texture will only be streamed in, not out
r.OptimizeForUAVPerformanceAllows to profile if hardware has a performance cost due to render target reuse (more info: search for GCNPerformanceTweets.pdf Tip 37)

If we see a noticeable difference on some hardware we can add another option like -1 (meaning auto) and make it the new default.

0: Optimize for GPU memory savings and reuse render targets (default)

1: Optimize for GPU performance (might render faster but can require more GPU memory)
r.ParallelInitViewsToggles parallel init views.
r.ParallelShadowsToggles parallel shadow rendering. Parallel rendering must be enabled for this to have an effect.
r.ParallelTranslucencyToggles parallel translucency rendering. Parallel rendering must be enabled for this to have an effect.
r.ParallelVelocityToggles parallel velocity rendering. Parallel rendering must be enabled for this to have an effect.
r.ParticleLODBiasLOD bias for particle systems. Development feature, default is 0
r.PostProcessAAQualityDefines the postprocess anti aliasing method which allows to adjust for quality or performance.

0:off, 1:very low (faster FXAA), 2:low (FXAA), 3:medium (faster TemporalAA), 4:high (default TemporalAA), 5:very high, 6:max
r.PrecomputedVisibilityWarningIf set to 1, a warning will be displayed when rendering a scene from a view point without precomputed visibility.
r.PreTileTexturesIf set to 1, textures will be tiled during cook and are expected to be cooked at runtime
r.PreventInvalidMaterialConnectionsControls whether users can make connections in the material editor if the system

determines that they may cause compile errors

0: Allow all connections

1: Prevent invalid connections
r.PreViewTranslationTo limit issues with float world space positions we offset the world by the

PreViewTranslation vector. This command allows to disable updating this vector.

0: disable update

1: update the offset is each frame (default)
r.ProfileGPU.PatternAllows to filter the entries when using ProfileGPU, the pattern match is case sensitive.

'*' can be used in the end to get all entries starting with the string.

'*' without any leading characters disables the pattern matching and uses a time threshold instead (default).

'?' allows to ignore one character.

e.g. AmbientOcclusionSetup, AmbientOcclusion*, Ambient???lusion*, *
r.ProfileGPU.RootAllows to filter the tree when using ProfileGPU, the pattern match is case sensitive.
r.ProfileGPU.ScreenshotWhether a screenshot should be taken when profiling the GPU. 0:off, 1:on (default)
r.ProfileGPU.ShowUIWhether the user interface profiler should be displayed after profiling the GPU.

The results will always go to the log/console

0:off, 1:on (default)
r.PS4DumpShaderSDBWhether to dump shader sdb files used for shader association.

0: Disabled

1: Enabled)
r.PS4MixedModeShaderDebugInfoWhether to compile shaders to allow mixed mode shader debugging. This will currently generate slower code.

0: Normal mode

1: Mixed mode)
r.ReflectionEnvironment0:off, 1:on and blend with scene, 2:on and overwrite scene.

Whether to render the reflection environment feature, which implements local reflections through Reflection Capture actors.
r.RefractionQualityDefines the distorion/refraction quality which allows to adjust for quality or performance.

<=0: off (fastest)

1: low quality (not yet implemented)

2: normal quality (default)

3: high quality (e.g. color fringe, not yet implemented)
r.RenderLastFrameInStreamingPauseIf 1 the previous frame is displayed during streaming pause. If zero the screen is left black.
r.RenderTargetPoolMinIf the render target pool size (in MB) is below this number there is no deallocation of rendertargetsDefault is 200 MB.
r.RenderTargetPoolTestClears the texture returned by the rendertarget pool with a special color

so we can see better which passes would need to clear. Doesn't work on volume textures and non rendertargets yet.

0:off (default), 1:on
r.RenderTargetSwitchWorkaroundWorkaround needed on some mobile platforms to avoid a performance drop related to switching render targets.

Only enabled on some hardware. This affects the bloom quality a bit. It runs slower than the normal code path but

still faster as it avoids the many render target switches. (Default: 0)

We want this enabled (1) on all 32 bit iOS devices (implemented through DeviceProfiles).
r.RenderTimeFrozenAllows to freeze time based effects in order to provide more deterministic render profiling.

0: off

1: on (Note: this also disables occlusion queries)
r.RHICmdBasePassDeferredContextsTrue to use deferred contexts to parallelize base pass command list execution.
r.RHICmdBypassWhether to bypass the rhi command list and send the rhi commands immediately.

0: Disable, 1: Enable
r.RHICmdForceRHIFlushForce a flush for every task sent to the RHI thread.

0: Disable, 1: Enable
r.RHICmdPrePassDeferredContextsTrue to use deferred contexts to parallelize prepass command list execution.
r.RHICmdShadowDeferredContextsTrue to use deferred contexts to parallelize shadow command list execution.
r.RHICmdTranslucencyPassDeferredContextsTrue to use deferred contexts to parallelize base pass command list execution.
r.RHICmdUseParallelAlgorithmsTrue to use parallel algorithms. Ignored if r.RHICmdBypass is 1.
r.RHICmdUseThreadUses the RHI thread.

0: Disable, 1: Enable
r.RHICmdVelocityPassDeferredContextsTrue to use deferred contexts to parallelize velocity pass command list execution.
r.RHICmdWidthNumber of threads.
r.SceneColorFormatDefines the memory layout (RGBA) used for the scene color

(affects performance, mostly through bandwidth, quality especially with translucency).

0: PF_B8G8R8A8 32Bit (mostly for testing, likely to unusable with HDR)

1: PF_A2B10G10R10 32Bit

2: PF_FloatR11G11B10 32Bit

3: PF_FloatRGB 32Bit

4: PF_FloatRGBA 64Bit (default, might be overkill, especially if translucency is mostly using SeparateTranslucency)

5: PF_A32B32G32R32F 128Bit (unreasonable but good for testing)
r.SceneColorFringe.MaxAllows to clamp the postprocess setting (in percent, Scene chromatic aberration / color fringe to simulate an artifact that happens in real-world lens, mostly visible in the image corners)

-1: don't clamp (default)
r.SceneColorFringeQuality0: off but best for performance

1: 3 texture samples (default)n
r.SceneRenderTargetResizeMethodControl the scene render target resize method:

(This value is only used in game mode and on windowing platforms.)

0: Resize to match requested render size (Default) (Least memory use, can cause stalls when size changes e.g. ScreenPercentage)

1: Fixed to screen resolution.

2: Expands to encompass the largest requested render dimension. (Most memory use, least prone to allocation stalls.)
r.ScreenPercentageTo render in lower resolution and upscale for better performance.

70 is a good value for low aliasing and performance, can be verified with 'show TestImage'

in percent, >0 and <=100, <0 means the post process volume settings are used
r.ScreenPercentage.EditorTo allow to have an effect of ScreenPercentage in the editor.

0: off (default)

1: allow upsample (blurry but faster) and downsample (cripser but slower)
r.SeparateTranslucencyAllows to disable the separate translucency feature (all translucency is rendered in separate RT and composited

after DOF, if not specified otherwise in the material).

0: off (translucency is affected by depth of field)

1: on costs GPU performance and memory but keeps translucency unaffected by Depth of Fieled. (default)
r.SetResSet the display resolution for the current game view. Has no effect in the editor.

e.g. 1280x720w for windowed

1920x1080f for fullscreen

1920x1080wf for windowed fullscreen

1920x1080wm for windowed mirror
r.ShaderDevelopmentMode0: Default, 1: Enable various shader development utilities, such as the ability to retry on failed shader compile, and extra logging as shaders are compiled.
r.Shaders.KeepDebugInfoWhether to keep shader reflection and debug data from shader bytecode, default is to strip. When using graphical debuggers like Nsight it can be useful to enable this on startup.
r.Shaders.OptimizeWhether to optimize shaders. When using graphical debuggers like Nsight it can be useful to disable this on startup.
r.Shadow.CachePreshadowWhether preshadows can be cached as an optimization
r.Shadow.ConservativeBoundsWhether to use safe and conservative shadow frustum creation that wastes some shadowmap space
r.Shadow.CSM.MaxCascadesThe maximum number of cascades with which to render dynamic directional light shadows.
r.Shadow.CSM.TransitionScaleAllows to scale the cascaded shadow map transition region. Clamped within 0..2.

0: no transition (fastest)

1: as specific in the light settings (default)

2: 2x larger than what was specified in the light
r.Shadow.CSMDepthBiasConstant depth bias used by CSM
r.Shadow.CSMDepthBoundsTestWhether to use depth bounds tests rather than stencil tests for the CSM bounds
r.Shadow.CSMSplitPenumbraScaleScale applied to the penumbra size of Cascaded Shadow Map splits, useful for minimizing the transition between splits
r.Shadow.DistanceFieldPenumbraSizeControls the size of the uniform penumbra produced by static shadowing.

This is a fraction of MaxTransitionDistanceWorldSpace in BaseLightmass.ini.
r.Shadow.DistanceScaleScalability option to trade shadow distance versus performance for directional lights (clamped within a reasonable range).

<1: shorter distance

1: normal (default)

>1: larger distance
r.Shadow.DrawPreshadowFrustumsvisualize preshadow frustums when the shadowfrustums show flag is enabled
r.Shadow.FadeExponentControls the rate at which shadows are faded out
r.Shadow.FadeResolutionResolution in texels below which shadows are faded out
r.Shadow.FreezeCameraDebug the shadow methods by allowing to observe the system from outside.

0: default

1: freeze camera at current location
r.Shadow.MaxResolutionMax square dimensions (in texels) allowed for rendering shadow depths. Range 4 to hardware limit. Higher = better quality shadows but at a performance cost.
r.Shadow.MinPreShadowResolutionMinimum dimensions (in texels) allowed for rendering preshadow depths
r.Shadow.MinResolutionMinimum dimensions (in texels) allowed for rendering shadow subject depths
r.Shadow.PerObjectWhether to render per object shadows (character casting on world)

0: off

1: on (default)
r.Shadow.PointLightDepthBiasDepth bias that is applied in the depth pass for shadows from point lights. (0.03 avoids peter paning but has some shadow acne)
r.Shadow.PreshadowExpandHow much bounds will be expanded when rendering a cached preshadow (0.15 = 15% larger)
r.Shadow.PreShadowFadeResolutionResolution in texels below which preshadows are faded out
r.Shadow.PreShadowResolutionFactorMulitplier for preshadow resolution
r.Shadow.PreshadowsWhether to allow preshadows (static world casting on character)
r.Shadow.RadiusThresholdCull shadow casters if they are too small, value is the minimal screen space bounding sphere radius

(default 0.03)
r.Shadow.RadiusThresholdRSMCull shadow casters in the RSM if they are too small, values is the minimal screen space bounding sphere radius

(default 0.06)
r.Shadow.SpotLightDepthBiasDepth bias that is applied in the depth pass for per object projected shadows from spot lights
r.Shadow.SpotLightTransitionScaleTransition scale for spotlights
r.Shadow.TexelsPerPixelThe ratio of subject pixels to shadow texels
r.Shadow.TransitionScaleThis controls the 'fade in' region between a caster and where his shadow shows up. Larger values make a smaller region which will have more self shadowing artifacts
r.Shadow.UnbuiltNumWholeSceneDynamicShadowCascadesDynamicShadowCascades to use when using CSM to preview unbuilt lighting from a directional light
r.Shadow.UnbuiltWholeSceneDynamicShadowRadiusWholeSceneDynamicShadowRadius to use when using CSM to preview unbuilt lighting from a directional light
r.Shadow.WholeSceneShadowUnbuiltInteractionThresholdHow many unbuilt light-primitive interactions there can be for a light before the light switches to whole scene shadows
r.ShadowQualityDefines the shadow method which allows to adjust for quality or performance.

0:off, 1:low(unfiltered), 2:low .. 5:max (default)
r.ShowPrecomputedVisibilityCellsIf not zero, draw all precomputed visibility cells.
r.ShowRelevantPrecomputedVisibilityCellsIf not zero, draw relevant precomputed visibility cells only.
r.SimpleDynamicLightingWhether to use simple dynamic lighting, which just renders an unshadowed dynamic directional light and a skylight.

All other lighting features are disabled when true. This is useful for supporting very low end hardware.

0:off, 1:on
r.SkeletalMeshLODBiasLOD bias for skeletal meshes.
r.SkeletalMeshLODRadiusScaleScale factor for the screen radius used in computing discrete LOD for skeletal meshes. (0.25-1)
r.SkinCachingWhether or not to use the GPU compute skinning cache.

This will perform skinning on a compute job and not skin on the vertex shader.

GPUSkinVertexFactory.usf needs to be touched to cause a recompile if this changes.

0 is off(default), 1 is on
r.SSR.MaxRoughnessAllows to override the post process setting ScreenSpaceReflectionMaxRoughness.

It defines until what roughness we fade the screen space reflections, 0.8 works well, smaller can run faster.

(Useful for testing, no scalability or project setting)

0..1: use specified max roughness (overrride PostprocessVolume setting)

-1: no override (default)
r.SSR.QualityWhether to use screen space reflections and at what quality setting.

(limits the setting in the post process settings which has a different scale)

(costs performance, adds more visual realism but the technique has limits)

0: off (default)

1: low (no glossy)

2: medium (no glossy)

3: high (glossy/using roughness, few samples)

4: very high (likely too slow for real-time)
r.SSR.TemporalDefines if we use the temporal smoothing for the screen space reflection

0 is off (for debugging), 1 is on (default)
r.SSS.Filter0: point filter (useful for testing, could be cleaner)

1: bilinear filter
r.SSS.SampleSet0: lowest quality

1: medium quality

2: high quality (default)
r.SSS.ScaleExperimental screen space subsurface scattering pass(use shadingmodel SubsurfaceProfile, get near to the object as the default)

is human skin which only scatters about 1.2cm)

0: off (if there is no object on the screen using this pass it should automatically disable the post process pass)

<1: scale scatter radius down (for testing)

1: use given radius form the Subsurface scattering asset (default)

>1: scale scatter radius up (for testing)
r.StaticMeshLODDistanceScaleScale factor for the distance used in computing discrete LOD for static meshes. (0.25-1)
r.Streaming.Boost=1.0: normal

<1.0: decrease wanted mip levels

>1.0: increase wanted mip levels
r.Streaming.MipBias0..x reduce texture quality for streaming by a floating point number.

0: use full resolution (default)

1: drop one mip

2: drop two mips
r.Streaming.PoolSize-1: Default texture pool size, otherwise the size in MB
r.Streaming.UseFixedPoolSizeIf non-zero, do not allow the pool size to change at run time.
r.SubsurfaceQualityDefine the quality of the Screenspace subsurface scattering postprocess.

0: low quality for speculars on subsurface materials

1: higher quality as specular is separated before screenspace blurring (Only used if SceneColor has an alpha channel)
r.TemporalAASamplesNumber of jittered positions for temporal AA (4, 8=default, 16, 32, 64).
r.TemporalAASharpnessSharpness of temporal AA (0.0 = smoother, 1.0 = sharper).
r.TessellationAdaptivePixelsPerTriangleGlobal tessellation factor multiplier
r.TextureStreamingAllows to define if texture streaming is enabled, can be changed at run time.

0: off

1: on (default)
r.TiledDeferredShadingWhether to use tiled deferred shading. 0 is off, 1 is on (default)
r.TiledDeferredShading.MinimumCountNumber of applicable lights that must be on screen before switching to tiled deferred.

0 means all lights that qualify (e.g. no shadows, ...) are rendered tiled deferred. Default: 80
r.TonemapperQuality0: low (minor performance benefit)

1: high (default, with high frequency pixel pattern to fight 8 bit color quantization)
r.TranslucencyLightingVolumeDimDimensions of the volume textures used for translucency lighting. Larger textures result in higher resolution but lower performance.
r.TranslucencyLightingVolumeInnerDistanceDistance from the camera that the first volume cascade should end
r.TranslucencyLightingVolumeOuterDistanceDistance from the camera that the second volume cascade should end
r.TranslucencyVolumeBlurWhether to blur the translucent lighting volumes.

0:off, otherwise on, default is 1
r.TranslucentLightingVolumeWhether to allow updating the translucent lighting volumes.

0:off, otherwise on, default is 1
r.TranslucentVolumeFOVSnapFactorFOV will be snapped to a factor of this before computing volume bounds.
r.TranslucentVolumeMinFOVMinimum FOV for translucent lighting volume. Prevents popping in lighting when zooming in.
r.TriangleOrderOptimizationControls the algorithm to use when optimizing the triangle order for the post-transform cache.

0: Use NVTriStrip (slower)

1: Use Forsyth algorithm (fastest)(default)2: No triangle order optimization. (least efficient, debugging purposes only)
r.UniformBufferPoolingIf we pool object in RHICreateUniformBuffer to have less real API calls to creat buffers

0: off (for debugging)

1: on (optimization)
r.Upscale.CylinderAllows to apply a cylindrical distortion to the rendered image. Values between 0 and 1 allow to fade the effect (lerp).

There is a quality loss that can be compensated by adjusting r.ScreenPercentage (>100).

0: off(default)

>0: enabled (requires an extra post processing pass if upsampling wasn't used - see r.ScreenPercentage)

1: full effect
r.Upscale.Quality0: Nearest filtering

1: Simple Bilinear

2: 4 tap bilinear

3: Directional blur with unsharp mask upsample. (default)
r.Upscale.SoftnessTo scale up with higher quality loosing some sharpness

0..1 (0.3 is good for ScreenPercentage 90
r.UseGetMeshElementsWhether to use the GetMeshElements path or the legacy DrawDynamicElements
r.UseMobileBloomHACK: Set to 1 to use mobile bloom.
r.ViewDistanceScaleControls the view distance scale. A primitive's MaxDrawDistance is scaled by this value.

Higher values will increase view distance but at a performance cost.

Default = 1. Value should be in the range [0.0f, 1.0f].
r.ViewportTestAllows to test different viewport rectangle configuations (in game only) as they can happen when using Matinee/Editor.

0: off(default)

1..7: Various Configuations
r.VirtualTextureIf set to 1, textures will use virtual memory so they can be partially resident.
r.VirtualTextureReducedMemoryIf set to 1, the cost of virtual textures will be reduced by using a more packed layout.
r.VisualizeOccludedPrimitivesDraw boxes for all occluded primitives
r.VisualizeTexturePoolAllows to enable the visualize the texture pool (currently only on console).

0: off

1: on
r.VSync0: VSync is disabled.(default)

1: VSync is enabled.
r.WireframeCullThresholdThreshold below which objects in ortho wireframe views will be culled.
Radio_ChebyshevCubedMultiplierA parameter to tweak the radio filter.
Radio_ChebyshevMultiplierA parameter to tweak the radio filter.
Radio_ChebyshevPowerA parameter to tweak the radio filter.
Radio_ChebyshevPowerMultiplierA parameter to tweak the radio filter.
RHI.FeatureSetLimitIf set to 10, limit D3D RHI to D3D10 feature level. Otherwise, it will use default. Changing this at run-time has no effect. (default is -1)
RHI.ForceThirtyHzIf true, the display will never update more often than 30Hz.
RHI.GPUHitchThresholdThreshold for detecting hitches on the GPU (in milliseconds).
RHI.MaximumFrameLatencyNumber of frames that can be queued for render.
RHI.MaxSyncCounterMaximum sync counter to smooth out vsync transitions.
RHI.RefreshPercentageBeforePresentThe percentage of the refresh period to wait before presenting.
rhi.ResourceTableCachingIf 1, the RHI will cache resource table contents within a frame. Otherwise resource tables are rebuilt for every draw call.
RHI.SyncIntervalWhen synchronizing with D3D, specifies the interval at which to refresh.
RHI.SyncIntervalOglWhen synchronizing with OpenGL, specifies the interval at which to refresh.
RHI.SyncRefreshThresholdThreshold for time above which vsync will be disabled as a percentage of the refresh rate.
RHI.SyncThresholdNumber of consecutive 'fast' frames before vsync is enabled.
RHI.SyncWithDWMIf true, synchronize with the desktop window manager for vblank.
sg.AntiAliasingQualityScalability quality state (internally used by scalability system, ini load/save or using SCALABILITY console command)

0:low, 1:med, 2:high, 3:epic, default: 3
sg.EffectsQualityScalability quality state (internally used by scalability system, ini load/save or using SCALABILITY console command)

0:low, 1:med, 2:high, 3:epic, default: 3
sg.PostProcessQualityScalability quality state (internally used by scalability system, ini load/save or using SCALABILITY console command)

0:low, 1:med, 2:high, 3:epic, default: 3
sg.ResolutionQualityScalability quality state (internally used by scalability system, ini load/save or using SCALABILITY console command)

50..100, default: 100
sg.ShadowQualityScalability quality state (internally used by scalability system, ini load/save or using SCALABILITY console command)

0:low, 1:med, 2:high, 3:epic, default: 3
sg.TextureQualityScalability quality state (internally used by scalability system, ini load/save or using SCALABILITY console command)

0:low, 1:med, 2:high, 3:epic, default: 3
sg.ViewDistanceQualityScalability quality state (internally used by scalability system, ini load/save or using SCALABILITY console command)

0:low, 1:med, 2:high, 3:epic, default: 3
ShowFlag.AmbientCubemapShowFlag 0:force off, 1:force on, 2 or other value to not apply any adjustments
ShowFlag.AmbientOcclusionShowFlag 0:force off, 1:force on, 2 or other value to not apply any adjustments
ShowFlag.AntiAliasingShowFlag 0:force off, 1:force on, 2 or other value to not apply any adjustments
ShowFlag.AtmosphereShowFlag 0:force off, 1:force on, 2 or other value to not apply any adjustments
ShowFlag.AudioRadiusShowFlag 0:force off, 1:force on, 2 or other value to not apply any adjustments
ShowFlag.BillboardSpritesShowFlag 0:force off, 1:force on, 2 or other value to not apply any adjustments
ShowFlag.BloomShowFlag 0:force off, 1:force on, 2 or other value to not apply any adjustments
ShowFlag.BoundsShowFlag 0:force off, 1:force on, 2 or other value to not apply any adjustments
ShowFlag.BrushesShowFlag 0:force off, 1:force on, 2 or other value to not apply any adjustments
ShowFlag.BSPShowFlag 0:force off, 1:force on, 2 or other value to not apply any adjustments
ShowFlag.BSPSplitShowFlag 0:force off, 1:force on, 2 or other value to not apply any adjustments
ShowFlag.BSPTrianglesShowFlag 0:force off, 1:force on, 2 or other value to not apply any adjustments
ShowFlag.BuilderBrushShowFlag 0:force off, 1:force on, 2 or other value to not apply any adjustments
ShowFlag.CameraAspectRatioBarsShowFlag 0:force off, 1:force on, 2 or other value to not apply any adjustments
ShowFlag.CameraFrustumsShowFlag 0:force off, 1:force on, 2 or other value to not apply any adjustments
ShowFlag.CameraImperfectionsShowFlag 0:force off, 1:force on, 2 or other value to not apply any adjustments
ShowFlag.CameraInterpolationShowFlag 0:force off, 1:force on, 2 or other value to not apply any adjustments
ShowFlag.CameraSafeFramesShowFlag 0:force off, 1:force on, 2 or other value to not apply any adjustments
ShowFlag.CollisionShowFlag 0:force off, 1:force on, 2 or other value to not apply any adjustments
ShowFlag.CollisionPawnShowFlag 0:force off, 1:force on, 2 or other value to not apply any adjustments
ShowFlag.CollisionVisibilityShowFlag 0:force off, 1:force on, 2 or other value to not apply any adjustments
ShowFlag.ColorGradingShowFlag 0:force off, 1:force on, 2 or other value to not apply any adjustments
ShowFlag.CompositeEditorPrimitivesShowFlag 0:force off, 1:force on, 2 or other value to not apply any adjustments
ShowFlag.ConstraintsShowFlag 0:force off, 1:force on, 2 or other value to not apply any adjustments
ShowFlag.CoverShowFlag 0:force off, 1:force on, 2 or other value to not apply any adjustments
ShowFlag.DebugAIShowFlag 0:force off, 1:force on, 2 or other value to not apply any adjustments
ShowFlag.DecalsShowFlag 0:force off, 1:force on, 2 or other value to not apply any adjustments
ShowFlag.DeferredLightingShowFlag 0:force off, 1:force on, 2 or other value to not apply any adjustments
ShowFlag.DepthOfFieldShowFlag 0:force off, 1:force on, 2 or other value to not apply any adjustments
ShowFlag.DiffuseShowFlag 0:force off, 1:force on, 2 or other value to not apply any adjustments
ShowFlag.DirectionalLightsShowFlag 0:force off, 1:force on, 2 or other value to not apply any adjustments
ShowFlag.DirectLightingShowFlag 0:force off, 1:force on, 2 or other value to not apply any adjustments
ShowFlag.DistanceCulledPrimitivesShowFlag 0:force off, 1:force on, 2 or other value to not apply any adjustments
ShowFlag.DistanceFieldAOShowFlag 0:force off, 1:force on, 2 or other value to not apply any adjustments
ShowFlag.DynamicShadowsShowFlag 0:force off, 1:force on, 2 or other value to not apply any adjustments
ShowFlag.EditorShowFlag 0:force off, 1:force on, 2 or other value to not apply any adjustments
ShowFlag.EyeAdaptationShowFlag 0:force off, 1:force on, 2 or other value to not apply any adjustments
ShowFlag.FogShowFlag 0:force off, 1:force on, 2 or other value to not apply any adjustments
ShowFlag.ForceGBufferShowFlag 0:force off, 1:force on, 2 or other value to not apply any adjustments
ShowFlag.GameShowFlag 0:force off, 1:force on, 2 or other value to not apply any adjustments
ShowFlag.GameplayDebugShowFlag 0:force off, 1:force on, 2 or other value to not apply any adjustments
ShowFlag.GBufferHintsShowFlag 0:force off, 1:force on, 2 or other value to not apply any adjustments
ShowFlag.GlobalIlluminationShowFlag 0:force off, 1:force on, 2 or other value to not apply any adjustments
ShowFlag.GrainShowFlag 0:force off, 1:force on, 2 or other value to not apply any adjustments
ShowFlag.GridShowFlag 0:force off, 1:force on, 2 or other value to not apply any adjustments
ShowFlag.HighResScreenshotMaskShowFlag 0:force off, 1:force on, 2 or other value to not apply any adjustments
ShowFlag.HitProxiesShowFlag 0:force off, 1:force on, 2 or other value to not apply any adjustments
ShowFlag.HMDDistortionShowFlag 0:force off, 1:force on, 2 or other value to not apply any adjustments
ShowFlag.IndirectLightingCacheShowFlag 0:force off, 1:force on, 2 or other value to not apply any adjustments
ShowFlag.InstancedStaticMeshesShowFlag 0:force off, 1:force on, 2 or other value to not apply any adjustments
ShowFlag.LandscapeShowFlag 0:force off, 1:force on, 2 or other value to not apply any adjustments
ShowFlag.LargeVerticesShowFlag 0:force off, 1:force on, 2 or other value to not apply any adjustments
ShowFlag.LensFlaresShowFlag 0:force off, 1:force on, 2 or other value to not apply any adjustments
ShowFlag.LevelColorationShowFlag 0:force off, 1:force on, 2 or other value to not apply any adjustments
ShowFlag.LightComplexityShowFlag 0:force off, 1:force on, 2 or other value to not apply any adjustments
ShowFlag.LightFunctionsShowFlag 0:force off, 1:force on, 2 or other value to not apply any adjustments
ShowFlag.LightInfluencesShowFlag 0:force off, 1:force on, 2 or other value to not apply any adjustments
ShowFlag.LightingShowFlag 0:force off, 1:force on, 2 or other value to not apply any adjustments
ShowFlag.LightMapDensityShowFlag 0:force off, 1:force on, 2 or other value to not apply any adjustments
ShowFlag.LightRadiusShowFlag 0:force off, 1:force on, 2 or other value to not apply any adjustments
ShowFlag.LightShaftsShowFlag 0:force off, 1:force on, 2 or other value to not apply any adjustments
ShowFlag.LODShowFlag 0:force off, 1:force on, 2 or other value to not apply any adjustments
ShowFlag.LpvLightingOnlyShowFlag 0:force off, 1:force on, 2 or other value to not apply any adjustments
ShowFlag.MaterialsShowFlag 0:force off, 1:force on, 2 or other value to not apply any adjustments
ShowFlag.MeshEdgesShowFlag 0:force off, 1:force on, 2 or other value to not apply any adjustments
ShowFlag.ModeWidgetsShowFlag 0:force off, 1:force on, 2 or other value to not apply any adjustments
ShowFlag.MotionBlurShowFlag 0:force off, 1:force on, 2 or other value to not apply any adjustments
ShowFlag.NavigationShowFlag 0:force off, 1:force on, 2 or other value to not apply any adjustments
ShowFlag.OnScreenDebugShowFlag 0:force off, 1:force on, 2 or other value to not apply any adjustments
ShowFlag.OverrideDiffuseAndSpecularShowFlag 0:force off, 1:force on, 2 or other value to not apply any adjustments
ShowFlag.Paper2DSpritesShowFlag 0:force off, 1:force on, 2 or other value to not apply any adjustments
ShowFlag.ParticlesShowFlag 0:force off, 1:force on, 2 or other value to not apply any adjustments
ShowFlag.PivotShowFlag 0:force off, 1:force on, 2 or other value to not apply any adjustments
ShowFlag.PointLightsShowFlag 0:force off, 1:force on, 2 or other value to not apply any adjustments
ShowFlag.PostProcessingShowFlag 0:force off, 1:force on, 2 or other value to not apply any adjustments
ShowFlag.PostProcessMaterialShowFlag 0:force off, 1:force on, 2 or other value to not apply any adjustments
ShowFlag.PrecomputedVisibilityShowFlag 0:force off, 1:force on, 2 or other value to not apply any adjustments
ShowFlag.PrecomputedVisibilityCellsShowFlag 0:force off, 1:force on, 2 or other value to not apply any adjustments
ShowFlag.PreviewShadowsIndicatorShowFlag 0:force off, 1:force on, 2 or other value to not apply any adjustments
ShowFlag.PropertyColorationShowFlag 0:force off, 1:force on, 2 or other value to not apply any adjustments
ShowFlag.ReflectionEnvironmentShowFlag 0:force off, 1:force on, 2 or other value to not apply any adjustments
ShowFlag.ReflectionOverrideShowFlag 0:force off, 1:force on, 2 or other value to not apply any adjustments
ShowFlag.RefractionShowFlag 0:force off, 1:force on, 2 or other value to not apply any adjustments
ShowFlag.RenderingShowFlag 0:force off, 1:force on, 2 or other value to not apply any adjustments
ShowFlag.SceneColorFringeShowFlag 0:force off, 1:force on, 2 or other value to not apply any adjustments
ShowFlag.ScreenPercentageShowFlag 0:force off, 1:force on, 2 or other value to not apply any adjustments
ShowFlag.ScreenSpaceReflectionsShowFlag 0:force off, 1:force on, 2 or other value to not apply any adjustments
ShowFlag.SelectionShowFlag 0:force off, 1:force on, 2 or other value to not apply any adjustments
ShowFlag.SelectionOutlineShowFlag 0:force off, 1:force on, 2 or other value to not apply any adjustments
ShowFlag.SeparateTranslucencyShowFlag 0:force off, 1:force on, 2 or other value to not apply any adjustments
ShowFlag.ShaderComplexityShowFlag 0:force off, 1:force on, 2 or other value to not apply any adjustments
ShowFlag.ShadowFrustumsShowFlag 0:force off, 1:force on, 2 or other value to not apply any adjustments
ShowFlag.ShadowsFromEditorHiddenActorsShowFlag 0:force off, 1:force on, 2 or other value to not apply any adjustments
ShowFlag.SkeletalMeshesShowFlag 0:force off, 1:force on, 2 or other value to not apply any adjustments
ShowFlag.SkyLightingShowFlag 0:force off, 1:force on, 2 or other value to not apply any adjustments
ShowFlag.SnapShowFlag 0:force off, 1:force on, 2 or other value to not apply any adjustments
ShowFlag.SpecularShowFlag 0:force off, 1:force on, 2 or other value to not apply any adjustments
ShowFlag.SplinesShowFlag 0:force off, 1:force on, 2 or other value to not apply any adjustments
ShowFlag.SpotLightsShowFlag 0:force off, 1:force on, 2 or other value to not apply any adjustments
ShowFlag.StaticMeshesShowFlag 0:force off, 1:force on, 2 or other value to not apply any adjustments
ShowFlag.StationaryLightOverlapShowFlag 0:force off, 1:force on, 2 or other value to not apply any adjustments
ShowFlag.StereoRenderingShowFlag 0:force off, 1:force on, 2 or other value to not apply any adjustments
ShowFlag.StreamingBoundsShowFlag 0:force off, 1:force on, 2 or other value to not apply any adjustments
ShowFlag.SubsurfaceScatteringShowFlag 0:force off, 1:force on, 2 or other value to not apply any adjustments
ShowFlag.TemporalAAShowFlag 0:force off, 1:force on, 2 or other value to not apply any adjustments
ShowFlag.TessellationShowFlag 0:force off, 1:force on, 2 or other value to not apply any adjustments
ShowFlag.TestImageShowFlag 0:force off, 1:force on, 2 or other value to not apply any adjustments
ShowFlag.TextRenderShowFlag 0:force off, 1:force on, 2 or other value to not apply any adjustments
ShowFlag.TexturedLightProfilesShowFlag 0:force off, 1:force on, 2 or other value to not apply any adjustments
ShowFlag.TonemapperShowFlag 0:force off, 1:force on, 2 or other value to not apply any adjustments
ShowFlag.TranslucencyShowFlag 0:force off, 1:force on, 2 or other value to not apply any adjustments
ShowFlag.VectorFieldsShowFlag 0:force off, 1:force on, 2 or other value to not apply any adjustments
ShowFlag.VertexColorsShowFlag 0:force off, 1:force on, 2 or other value to not apply any adjustments
ShowFlag.VignetteShowFlag 0:force off, 1:force on, 2 or other value to not apply any adjustments
ShowFlag.VisLogShowFlag 0:force off, 1:force on, 2 or other value to not apply any adjustments
ShowFlag.VisualizeAdaptiveDOFShowFlag 0:force off, 1:force on, 2 or other value to not apply any adjustments
ShowFlag.VisualizeBufferShowFlag 0:force off, 1:force on, 2 or other value to not apply any adjustments
ShowFlag.VisualizeDistanceFieldAOShowFlag 0:force off, 1:force on, 2 or other value to not apply any adjustments
ShowFlag.VisualizeDOFShowFlag 0:force off, 1:force on, 2 or other value to not apply any adjustments
ShowFlag.VisualizeHDRShowFlag 0:force off, 1:force on, 2 or other value to not apply any adjustments
ShowFlag.VisualizeLightCullingShowFlag 0:force off, 1:force on, 2 or other value to not apply any adjustments
ShowFlag.VisualizeLPVShowFlag 0:force off, 1:force on, 2 or other value to not apply any adjustments
ShowFlag.VisualizeMeshDistanceFieldsShowFlag 0:force off, 1:force on, 2 or other value to not apply any adjustments
ShowFlag.VisualizeMotionBlurShowFlag 0:force off, 1:force on, 2 or other value to not apply any adjustments
ShowFlag.VisualizeOutOfBoundsPixelsShowFlag 0:force off, 1:force on, 2 or other value to not apply any adjustments
ShowFlag.VisualizeSensesShowFlag 0:force off, 1:force on, 2 or other value to not apply any adjustments
ShowFlag.VisualizeSSRShowFlag 0:force off, 1:force on, 2 or other value to not apply any adjustments
ShowFlag.VisualizeSSSShowFlag 0:force off, 1:force on, 2 or other value to not apply any adjustments
ShowFlag.VolumeLightingSamplesShowFlag 0:force off, 1:force on, 2 or other value to not apply any adjustments
ShowFlag.VolumesShowFlag 0:force off, 1:force on, 2 or other value to not apply any adjustments
ShowFlag.WireframeShowFlag 0:force off, 1:force on, 2 or other value to not apply any adjustments
Slate.AllowToolTipsWhether to allow tool-tips to spawn at all.
Slate.bAllowThrottlingAllow Slate to throttle parts of the engine to ensure the UI is responsive
Slate.DeferWindowsMessageProcessingWhether windows message processing is deferred until tick or if they are processed immediately
Slate.FoldTickWhen folding, call Tick as part of the paint pass instead of a separate tick pass.
Slate.SkipSecondPrepassWhether to skip the second Slate PrePass call (the one right before rendering).
Slate.TargetFrameRateForResponsivenessMinimum sustained average frame rate required before we consider the editor to be "responsive" for a smooth UI experience
Slate.ThrottleWhenMouseIsMovingWhether to attempt to increase UI responsiveness based on mouse cursor movement.
Slate.TickInvisibleWidgetsControls whether invisible widgets are ticked.
Slate.ToolTipDelayDelay in seconds before a tool-tip is displayed near the mouse cursor when hovering over widgets that supply tool-tip data.
Slate.ToolTipFadeInDurationHow long it takes for a tool-tip to fade in, in seconds.
Slate.ToolTipWrapWidthWidth of Slate tool-tips before we wrap the tool-tip text
t.HitchThresholdTime in seconds that is considered a hitch by "stat dumphitches"
t.IdleWhenNotForegroundPrevents the engine from taking any CPU or GPU time while not the foreground app.
t.MaxFPSCaps FPS to the given value. Set to <= 0 to be uncapped.
t.OverrideFPSThis allows to override the frame time measurement with a fixed fps number (game can run faster or slower).

<=0:off, in frames per second, e.g. 60
t.UnsteadyFPSCauses FPS to bounce around randomly in the 8-32 range.
Tex.AsyncDXTBlocksPerBatchThe number of blocks to compress in parallel for DXT compression.
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