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2015-12-23 15:11 239 查看


接上一篇文章,单独来讨论一下main函数里的信息var main = function (args, readyCb, doneCb) { if (args.showConfig) { try { console.log(JSON.stringify(getConfig())); } catch (e) { process.exit(1); } process.exit(0); } 首先根据参数里的showConfig属性来判断是否需要打印配置信息。checkArgs(parser, args); if (typeof doneCb === "undefined") { doneCb = function () {}; }然后会检查参数以及判断doneCb是否已经初始化,如果没有初始化,就要为其初始化。var rest = express(), server = http.createServer(rest); 然后创建express服务器。rest.use(domainMiddleware()); rest.use(morgan(function (tokens, req, res) { // morgan output is redirected straight to winston logger.info(requestEndLoggingFormat(tokens, req, res), (res.jsonResp || '').grey); })); rest.use(favicon(path.join(__dirname, 'static/favicon.ico'))); rest.use(express.static(path.join(__dirname, 'static'))); rest.use(allowCrossDomain); rest.use(parserWrap); rest.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({extended: true})); // 8/18/14: body-parser requires that we supply the limit field to ensure the server can // handle requests large enough for Appium's use cases. Neither Node nor HTTP spec defines a max // request size, so any hard-coded request-size limit is arbitrary. Units are in bytes (ie "gb" == "GB", // not "Gb"). Using 1GB because..., well because it's arbitrary and 1GB is sufficiently large for 99.99% // of testing scenarios while still providing an upperbounds to reduce the odds of squirrelliness. rest.use(bodyParser.json({limit: '1gb'})); rest.use(morgan(function (tokens, req, res) { // morgan output is redirected straight to winston var data = ''; try { if (req.body) data = JSON.stringify(req.body).substring(0, 1000); } catch (ign) {} logger.info(requestStartLoggingFormat(tokens, req, res), data.grey); }, {immediate: true})); rest.use(methodOverride()); // Instantiate the appium instance var appiumServer = appium(args); // Hook up REST http interface appiumServer.attachTo(rest); routing(appiumServer); rest.use(catchAllHandler);然后通过express中use方法来加载处理http请求的中间组件,你定义的顺序就是处理的顺序。其中夹杂着一个
语句,大概也是为appium服务器准备好路由器控制器。async.series([ function (cb) { configureServer(getConfig(), appiumVer, appiumServer, function (err, rev) { if (err) return cb(err); appiumRev = rev; cb(); }); }, function (cb) { prepareTmpDir(args, cb); }, function (cb) { conditionallyPreLaunch(args, appiumServer, cb); }, function (cb) { startListening(server, args, parser, appiumVer, appiumRev, appiumServer, cb); } ], function (err) { if (err) { process.exit(1); } else if (typeof readyCb === "function") { readyCb(appiumServer); } });async.series将异步变更为同步,[]包裹的函数,执行的时候会等前一个函数执行完,再执行下一个。server.on('close', function () { logFinalWarning(); doneCb(); });添加close事件,关闭服务的时候,会调用设置好的回掉函数。


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