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安装HAXM模拟器加速器:failed to open driver

2015-11-28 23:02 645 查看

在安装intel HAXM 模拟器加速器时有可能会出现以下的异常提示信息:Failed to configuredriver: unknown error. Failed to open driver.这时就可尝试采用以下的步骤来解决:

There are occasional reports that when developers are installing Intel HAXM, they got an error said" Failed to configure driver: unknown error. Failed to open driver". There are many factors that
could cause this error. If you happen to have an issue on your system, you can follow the workaround steps outlined below to see if the issue can be resolved.  Almost all developers who reported the issue to Intel Android forum ( http://software.intel.com/en-us/forums/android-applications-on-intel-architecture) got HAXM
installed successfully by those steps.
1.       Download archive (haxm_extra_workaround.zip) attached to this message.//将文末链接所指向的文件下载下来
2.       Extract file to any directory (for example to temp directory).//将下载的文件解压缩到任一文件夹
3.       Copy file “hax_extract.cmd” into same directory where your HAXM executable was extracted.//将命令脚本“hax_extract.cmd”复制到HAXM执行文件所在的目录下
4.       Open Explorer window in directory where “hax_extract.cmd” was extracted, right click on “hax_extract.cmd” and select “Run As Administrator” item
in menu.//右键点击“hax_extract.cmd”并在出现的菜单中选择“Run As Administrator”
5.       On prompt Allow/Not Allow launch application – answer “Yes” to launch script file with administrative permissions. //在弹出的提示框中选择“Yes”
After these steps driver will be installed to system.//在以上步骤执行之后就可以把相应的驱动安装到系统中
If for some reason that your system is still having issue. There is one more way to install driver: after script failed, go to extracted folder, right-click on intelhaxm.inf file and select “Install”
As I can see this way just register driver in system, without any significant error processing. After system reboot driver will (or will not :-)) work depend on which brand  and model your system
is,  and when it was made.

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