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mac下liteide gdb 调试

2015-11-03 11:04 92 查看
On MacOSX lldb needs to be code signed. The Debug and Release buildsare set to code sign using a code signing certificate namedlldb_codesign.If you don't have one yet you will need to:- Launch /Applications/Utilities/Keychain Access.app- In Keychain Access select the "login" keychain in the "Keychains"list in the upper left hand corner of the window.- Select the following menu item:Keychain Access->Certificate Assistant->Create a Certificate...- Set the following settingsName = lldb_codesignIdentity Type = Self Signed RootCertificate Type = Code Signing- Click Continue- Click Continue- Click Done- Click on the "My Certificates"- Double click on your new lldb_codesign certificate- Turn down the "Trust" disclosure triangleChange:When using this certificate: Always Trust- Enter your login password to confirm and make it trustedThe next steps are necessary on SnowLeopard, but are probably because of a bughow Keychain Access makes certificates.- Option-drag the new lldb_codesign certificate from the login keychain tothe System keychain in the Keychains pane of the main Keychain Access windowto make a copy of this certificate in the System keychain.  You'll have toauthorize a few more times, set it to be "Always trusted" when asked.- Switch to the System keychain, and drag the copy of lldb_codesign you justmade there onto the desktop.- Switch to Terminal, and run the following:sudo security add-trust -d -r trustRoot -p basic -p codeSign -k /Library/Keychains/System.keychain ~/Desktop/lldb_codesign.cer- Right click on the "lldb_codesign" certificate in the "System" keychain (NOT"login", but the one in "System"), and select "Delete" to delete it fromthe "System" keychain.- Reboot- Clean and rebuild lldb and you should be able to debug.That should do it.
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