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2015-10-27 17:49 387 查看
lib_goods.php->function get_promote_goods(){}

* 获得促销商品
* @access  public
* @return  array
function get_promote_goods($cats = '')
$time = gmtime();
$order_type = $GLOBALS['_CFG']['recommend_order'];

/* 取得促销lbi的数量限制 */
$num = get_library_number("recommend_promotion");
$sql = 'SELECT g.grab_img,g.goods_id, g.goods_name, g.goods_name_style, g.market_price, g.shop_price AS org_price, g.promote_price, ' .
"IFNULL(mp.user_price, g.shop_price * '$_SESSION[discount]') AS shop_price, ".
"promote_start_date, promote_end_date, g.goods_brief, g.goods_thumb, goods_img, b.brand_name, " .
"g.is_best, g.is_new, g.is_hot, g.is_promote, RAND() AS rnd " .
'FROM ' . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('goods') . ' AS g ' .
'LEFT JOIN ' . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('brand') . ' AS b ON b.brand_id = g.brand_id ' .
"LEFT JOIN " . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('member_price') . " AS mp ".
"ON mp.goods_id = g.goods_id AND mp.user_rank = '$_SESSION[user_rank]' ".
'WHERE g.is_on_sale = 1 AND g.is_alone_sale = 1 AND g.is_delete = 0 ' .
" AND g.is_promote = 1 AND promote_start_date <= '$time' AND promote_end_date >= '$time' ";
$sql .= $order_type == 0 ? ' ORDER BY g.sort_order, g.last_update DESC' : ' ORDER BY rnd';
$sql .= " LIMIT $num ";
$result = $GLOBALS['db']->getAll($sql);

$goods = array();
foreach ($result AS $idx => $row)
if ($row['promote_price'] > 0)
$promote_price = bargain_price($row['promote_price'], $row['promote_start_date'], $row['promote_end_date']);
$goods[$idx]['promote_price'] = $promote_price > 0 ? price_format($promote_price) : '';
$goods[$idx]['promote_price'] = '';

$goods[$idx]['id']           = $row['goods_id'];
$goods[$idx]['name']         = $row['goods_name'];
$goods[$idx]['brief']        = $row['goods_brief'];
$goods[$idx]['brand_name']   = $row['brand_name'];
$goods[$idx]['goods_style_name']   = add_style($row['goods_name'],$row['goods_name_style']);
$goods[$idx]['short_name']   = $GLOBALS['_CFG']['goods_name_length'] > 0 ? sub_str($row['goods_name'], $GLOBALS['_CFG']['goods_name_length']) : $row['goods_name'];
$goods[$idx]['short_style_name']   = add_style($goods[$idx]['short_name'],$row['goods_name_style']);
$goods[$idx]['market_price'] = price_format($row['market_price']);
$goods[$idx]['shop_price']   = price_format($row['shop_price']);
$goods[$idx]['thumb']        = get_image_path($row['goods_id'], $row['goods_thumb'], true);
$goods[$idx]['goods_img']    = get_image_path($row['goods_id'], $row['goods_img']);
$goods[$idx]['url']          = build_uri('goods', array('gid' => $row['goods_id']), $row['goods_name']);
//$goods[$idx]['promote_price'] = price_format($row['promote_price']);
$goods[$idx]['grab_img'] = get_image_path2($row['grab_img']);

return $goods;
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