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Start React Native In Android

2015-09-23 20:20 447 查看

React Native In Android



OS X - Only OS X is currently supported

Homebrew is the recommended way to install nvm, watchman, and flow.

Install Node.js 4.0 or newer.

Install nvm with Homebrew or its setup instructions here. Then run nvm install node && nvm alias default node, which installs the latest version of Node.js and sets up your terminal so you can run it by typing node. With nvm you can install multiple versions of Node.js and easily switch between them.

New to npm?

brew install watchman. We recommend installing watchman, otherwise you might hit a node file watching bug.

brew install flow. If you want to use flow.

We recommend periodically running brew update && brew upgrade to keep your programs up-to-date.

Quick Start


$ react-native --help
Command `--help` unrecognized
Usage: react-native <command>

start: starts the webserver
install: installs npm react components
bundle: builds the javascript bundle for offline use
new-library: generates a native library bridge
android: generates an Android project for your app

$ react-native run-android //运行并安装Android App

$ react-native start //运行mock server


注意,目前react-native 的8081是hardcode的


react-native 的很多特性和API在Android上还没有实现,比如Android没有修改url的接口,也不能bundle,因此目前只能玩玩demo,等1.0版本吧
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