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if(isset($_GET['source'])) {

//CLI Usage: php createPassword.php length=32\&type=all\&splitChar=_\&splitLength=4\×=5

ini_set('display_errors','on'); // 'off' 关闭

$length = 32;
$type = 'number-lower-upper';
$customStr = '';
$splitChar = '';
$splitLength = 4;
$times = 1;
$isCli = (PHP_SAPI=='cli') ? true : false;

if($isCli) {
if(!empty($argv[1]) && (($argv[1] == '--help') || ($argv[1] == '-h'))) {
echo "Usage: php createPassword.php length=32\\&type=number-lower-upper\\&splitChar=_\\&splitLength=4\×=5\n";
echo "length: length of password\n";
echo "type: password with which type of char, can be: number/lower/upper/special join by '-', or 'all' for all char and 'custom' for custom str\n";
echo "customStr: you can use type=custom to custom string for you password just like customStr=123456, and it will create password by use 123456\n";
echo "splitChar: split char for password, default is empty so that password just like connect one by one\n";
echo "splitLength: split password by every splitLength step\n";
echo "times: create how many password in one time\n";

if(!empty($argv[1])) parse_str($argv[1], $_POST);
else $_POST = array(
'length' => $length,
'type' => $type,
'customStr' => $customStr,
'splitChar' => $splitChar,
'splitLength' => $splitLength,
'times' => $times,

if(!empty($_POST)) {
* 获取随机密码函数
* @param string $type 密码字符串类型
* @param string $customStr 自定义密码组成字符
* @param int $length 密码长度
* @param string $splitChar 分隔符,默认不分隔
* @param int $splitLength 密码字符分隔长度 比如:密码为abc-def-ghi时$splitLength = 3
function getPassword($type = 'number-lower-upper', $customStr = '', $length = 32, $splitChar = '', $splitLength = 4) {
$strArr = array(
'number' => '0123456789',
'lower' => 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz',
'special' => '~!@#$%^&*()_+{}|[]\-=:<>?/',

if($type == 'all') { //全部
$str = implode('', $strArr);
} else if($type == 'custom') { //自定义类型
if(empty($customStr)) { //未填写自定义类型,则默认为数字+大小写字母
$type = 'number-lower-upper';
} else {
$str = $customStr;

//custom 没带自定义类型 或 其他类型
if(empty($str)) {
$typeParts = explode('-', $type);
$str = '';
foreach($typeParts as $part) {
$str .= $strArr[$part];

$maxLength = 500; //最大长度
$length = empty($length) ? $maxLength : min((int)$length, $maxLength);
if(empty($length)) {
$length = $maxLength;

$passwordStr = '';
do {
$randStr = str_shuffle($str);
$passwordStr .= substr($randStr, 0, 1); //每次取一个字符
$passwordLength = strlen($passwordStr);
} while($passwordLength < $length);

if($splitChar != '') {
$passwordStr = implode($splitChar, str_split($passwordStr, $splitLength));

return $passwordStr;

$length = empty($_POST['length']) ? $length : min(500, $_POST['length']);
$type = empty($_POST['type']) ? $type : $_POST['type'];
$customStr = empty($_POST['customStr']) ? $customStr : $_POST['customStr'];
$splitChar = empty($_POST['splitChar']) ? $splitChar : $_POST['splitChar'];
$splitLength = empty($_POST['splitLength']) ? $splitLength : $_POST['splitLength'];
$times = empty($_POST['times']) ? $times : min(100, max(1, (int)$_POST['times']));

$passwordArr = array();
for($i = 0; $i < $times; $i++) {
$passwordArr[] = getPassword($type, $customStr, $length, $splitChar, $splitLength);

$password = implode("\n", $passwordArr);

if($isCli) {
echo $password;
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="zh-CN" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://www.zjmainstay.cn/jquerylib/jquery-1.8.2.min.js"></script>
<style type="text/css">
* {
margin: 5px;
<form action="<?php echo $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']?>" method="POST">
<input type="text" name="length" value="<?php echo $length ?>" style="width: 100px;" placeholder="长度为0-32"/>
<select name="type" style="width: 150px;" id="type">
<option value="number">纯数字</option>
<option value="lower">小写字母</option>
<option value="upper">大写字母</option>
<option value="lower-upper">大小写字母</option>
<option value="number-lower">数字+小写字母</option>
<option value="number-upper">数字+大写字母</option>
<option value="number-lower-upper">数字+大小写字母</option>
<option value="special">特殊字符</option>
<option value="number-special">数字+特殊字符</option>
<option value="lower-special">小写字母+特殊字符</option>
<option value="upper-special">大写字母+特殊字符</option>
<option value="all">全部</option>
<option value="custom">自定义</option>
<input name="customStr" type="text" size="100" value="<?php echo $customStr ?>"/>
<input name="splitChar" type="text" value="<?php echo $splitChar ?>"/>
<input name="splitLength" type="text" value="<?php echo $splitLength ?>"/>
<input name="times" type="text" value="<?php echo $times ?>"/>
<input type="submit" value="生成"/>

<?php if(!empty($password)) { ?>
<textarea id="password" readOnly="true" rows="10" cols="80"><?php echo $password ?></textarea><span class="tips"></span>
<?php } ?>
<script type="text/javascript">
var strArr = {
'number' : '0123456789',
'lower' : 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz',
'special' : '~!@#$%^&*()_+{}|[]\-=:<>?/',

var updateCustomStrSize = function() {
$("input[name=customStr]").attr("size", $("input[name=customStr]").val().length);

var updateCustomStr = function() {
var valueStr = $("#type").val();
var customStr = '';
if(valueStr == 'custom') {
return true;
} else if(valueStr == 'all') {
$.each(strArr, function(i) {
customStr += strArr[i] || '';
} else {
var parts = valueStr.split('-');
$.each(parts, function(i, type) {
customStr += strArr[type] || '';

$("input[name=customStr]").on('keyup change', function() {
if($("#type").val() != 'custom') {
$("#type").get(0).selectedIndex = $("#type option").index($("#type option[value=custom]"));

$("#type").change(function() {

$("#password").click(function() {
$(".tips").html("请使用 Ctrl + C 复制");

$("#type").get(0).selectedIndex = $("#type option").index($("#type option[value=<?php echo $type ?>]"));
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