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【UIKit】-3-UIAccessibility - 元素可访问性,辅助功能

2015-07-22 10:22 411 查看

The UIAccessibility informal protocol provides accessibility information about an application’s user interface elements. Assistive applications, such as VoiceOver, convey
this information to users with disabilities to help them use the application. Standard UIKit controls and views implement the UIAccessibility methods and are therefore accessible to assistive applications by default. This means that if your application uses
only standard controls and views, such as UIButton, UISegmentedControl, and UITableView, you need only supply application-specific details when the default values are incomplete. You can do this by setting these values in Interface Builder or by setting the
properties in this informal protocol. The UIAccessibility informal protocol is also implemented by the UIAccessibilityElement class, which represents custom user interface objects. If you create a completely custom UIView subclass, you might need to create
an instance of UIAccessibilityElement to represent it. In this case, you would support all the UIAccessibility properties to correctly set and return the accessibility element’s properties.




  1)UIAccessibility, protocol,核心协议。


  3) UIAccessibilityElement, class。


 3、常用函数 UIAccessibilityPostNotification。


参考文献 http://www.tuicool.com/articles/Mb6n2m http://www.apple.com/accessibility/ios/ https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/UserExperience/Conceptual/iPhoneAccessibility/Accessibility_on_iPhone/Accessibility_on_iPhone.html http://www.51testing.com/html/54/n-843354-3.html http://blog.jobbole.com/63106/ http://wenku.baidu.com/link?url=9NcuXYANjiXxYiYq51DPApelMpKLJ5yWTBsu6WkS_IxgOS2rNFxCcwdQIbb-WjlpWt6zKOj9WhfG3ppYWSrBCoz9NqV5JCa-rILUNTQZFQq
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