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Rails Marshal 简单例子讲解

2015-06-26 07:37 357 查看
1. Why use Marshal?

Basically anytime you want to store a whole object in byte stream and need to retrieve the object from the byte stream later.

This is the situation I encountered and also why I decided to write this blog:

1.1  I had an object that logically should be stored in session, but it was a relatively big object, so I need to store it in the database.

1.2  Since the attributes of this object could change, which meant I couldn’t create each database column based on the attribute names and types.

For example, see the user_obj below, it now has ‘name, age, address, weight, height’ attributes, but it might have more attributes or the type of the attributes could change.

1.3 So I decided to store the object as a serialized object in one column of the database.


2. The following is a simple example:

2.1 Use the following Database migration file to create a User table with user_id, user_info, created_at and updated_at fields.


class CreateUser < ActiveRecord::Migration
def change
create_table :user do |t|
t.integer :user_id
t.timestamps null: false

Reminder: user_info needs to be type ‘binary‘.
I tried ‘text’, it worked but it caused my system to beep.

2.2 We have a class like this:

class UserInfo
attr_reader :name, :age, :address, :weight, :height

def initialize(name, age, address, weight, height)
@name = name
@age = age
@address = address
@weigtht = weight
@height = height

So we can create an obejct like this:

user_obj = UserInfo.new(‘christy’,  22,  ‘1021 penn circle’,  ’50’,  ‘160’)

2.3 Now we want to store this object as a serialized object in the user_info field in User table.

2.3.1  Create the serialized object:

user_serialized_obj = Marshal.dump(user_obj)

2.3.2 Save the object to database:

User.create(user_id: 1, user_info: user_serialized_obj)

2.4 Later, if we want to retrieve this object. we can do like this:

2.4.1 Retrieve the serialized object from database:

user_serialized_obj = User.find(1).user_info

2.4.2 Deserialize this object:

user_obj = Marshal.load(user_serialized_obj)

3. Marshal official reference:

内容来自用户分享和网络整理,不保证内容的准确性,如有侵权内容,可联系管理员处理 点击这里给我发消息
标签:  rails marshal load dump ruby