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新浪微博数据挖掘食谱之十四: 用户篇 (分析用户的粉丝和朋友)

2015-01-10 08:15 375 查看
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Created on 2015-1-10
@author: beyondzhou
@name: analyze_friends_followers.py

# Analyze user's friends and followers
def analyze_friends_followers():

# import
#import json
from login import weibo_login
from users import get_friends_followers_ids, setwise_friends_followers_analysis

# Access to sina api
weibo_api = weibo_login()

screen_name = 'beyondzhou8'
friends_ids, followers_ids = get_friends_followers_ids(weibo_api,

setwise_friends_followers_analysis(screen_name, friends_ids, followers_ids)

if __name__ == '__main__':

# Setwise friends followers analysis
def setwise_friends_followers_analysis(screen_name, friends_ids, followers_ids):
friends_ids, followers_ids = set(friends_ids), set(followers_ids)
print '{0} is following {1}'.format(screen_name, len(friends_ids))
print '{0} is being followed by {1}'.format(screen_name, len(followers_ids))
print '{0} of {1} are not following {2} back'.format(
len(friends_ids), screen_name)
print '{0} of {1} are not being followed back by {2}'.format(
len(followers_ids), screen_name)
print '{0} has {1} mutual friends'.format(
screen_name, len(friends_ids.intersection(followers_ids)))

# Crawl a friendship graph
def crawl_weibo_followers(weibo_api, screen_name, limit=1000000, depth=2):

from data import save_to_mongo

# Resolve the ID for screen_name and start working with IDs for consistency in storage
seed_id = str(weibo_api.users.show.get(screen_name=screen_name)['id'])
_, next_queue = get_friends_followers_ids(weibo_api, user_id=seed_id, friends_limit=0, followers_limit=limit)

# Store a seed_id => _follower_ids mapping in MongoDB
save_to_mongo({'followers' : [ _id for _id in next_queue ]}, 'followers_crawl', '{0}-follower_ids'.format(seed_id))

d = 1
while d < depth:
d += 1
(queue, next_queue) = (next_queue, [])
for fid in queue:
follower_ids = get_friends_followers_ids(weibo_api, user_id=fid, friends_limit=0, followers_limit=limit)

# Store a fid => follower_ids mapping in MongoDB
save_to_mongo({'followers' : [ _id for _id in next_queue ]}, 'followers_crawl', '{0}-follower_ids'.format(fid))
next_queue += follower_ids
callback_url: https://api.weibo.com/oauth2/authorize?redirect_uri=http%3A//apps.weibo.com/guaguastd&response_type=code&client_id=2925245021 return_redirect_uri: http://weibo.com/login.php?url=http%3A%2F%2Fapps.weibo.com%2Fguaguastd%3Fcode%3D2924445625943200f9c7b3870bac7da1 code: ['2924445625943200f9c7b3870bac7da1']
Fetched 3 total friends ids for beyondzhou8
Fetched 3 total friends ids for beyondzhou8
Fetched 0 total followers ids for beyondzhou8
beyondzhou8 is following 3
beyondzhou8 is being followed by 0
3 of 3 are not following beyondzhou8 back
0 of 0 are not being followed back by beyondzhou8
beyondzhou8 has 0 mutual friends
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