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qualcomm How to enable camera logs on Android builds?

2014-12-18 20:51 2586 查看
Question : How to enable camera logs on Android builds?
Answer: User space, kernel space and Qualcomm camera HAL logs can be enabled as follows:

1. To enable user space logs, change camera_dbg.h file under vendor\qcom\proprietary\mm-camera\common folder as like below or define MM_DEBUG in Android.mk located invendor\qcom\proprietary\mm-camera folder. 
#define LOG_DEBUG 
#undef CDBG
#ifndef LOG_DEBUG
#define CDBG(fmt, args...) do{}while(0)
#endif /* __CAMERA_DBG_H__ */

After “#define LOG_DEBUG”, set 1 for the #define from the list below to enable corresponding 3A logs.
#define CAM3A_AWB_DEBUG 0
#define CAM3A_AEC_DEBUG 0
#define CAM3A_AF_DEBUG0
#define CAM3A_SD_DEBUG0

2. To enable kernel logs, change camera.h file under kernel\arch\arm\mach-msm\include\mach folder. 

#define CDBG(fmt, args...) printk(KERN_INFO "msm_camera: " fmt, ##args)
#define CDBG(fmt, args...) do { } while (0)

3. To enable Qualcomm Camera HAL logs, edit the QualcommCameraHardware.cpp file as follows:
case1 : If using cupcake/donut build, the file is located under\hardware\msm7k\libcamera folder.
case2 : If using eclair build, the file is located under \vendor\qcom\android-open\libcamera2 folder. 
#define LOG_NDEBUG 0
#define LOG_NIDEBUG 0
#define LOG_NDDEBUG 0
#define LOG_TAG "QualcommCameraHardware" 
#include <utils/Log.h>

4. Capturing the logs to the log files:
Please refer to solution#00018580 as well if you use MSM7x30/8x55/8x60 before staring to capture camera logs of kernel space. The solution describes the way to use dynamic logging method for the chip sets. 

- To save userspace logs : adb logcat -v time > USER_SPACE_LOG_FILE_NAME 
- To save kernel logs : adb shell cat /proc/kmsg > KERNEL_SPACE_LOG_FILE_NAME
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